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    同時邀請詹博士3月28日進行演講,講題為:When AI meets AV,摘要如下:
The speaker will first provide an overview of latest developments in autonomous vehicles (AV). He will address the functional blocks of AV before transition to a review of performance issues. He will then share his perspectives on the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in autonomous driving, including some coverage of research activities at Berkeley DeepDrive. He will conclude with remarks on the challenges and opportunities encountered in the convergence of AV and AI.

Dr. Ching-Yao Chan is Co-Director of Berkeley DeepDrive (BDD). Dr. Chan leads BDD projects on intelligent autonomy of dynamic systems. His recent projects involve deep reinforcement learning, meta-learning, pedestrian trajectory projection, multi-person action forecasting based on machine learning, and radar-camera sensor fusion.
Dr. Chan is a Research Faculty at California PATH (Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology). At PATH, Dr. Chan leads research projects in automation, advanced technologies, human factors, and transportation systems.
Dr. Chan has three decades of research experience in a broad range of automotive and transportation systems. His research ranges from automated systems, sensing and wireless communication technologies, data analytics and safety assessment, to applications of artificial intelligence on autonomy.
Dr. Chan is a Visiting Professor at National Taiwan University in 2022. He also serves as a member of the board of directors for the School of Computing, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan. He was a Visiting Professor at University of Tokyo in 2006-2007.
More information about Dr. Chan can be found here.
