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莊嘉揚 (Jia-Yang Juang)
Distinguished Professor and Chair

Rm.608, Mechanical Engineering Building.

Multiscale System Lab
Mechanical Engineering Building. 701
Short Biography

Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, Mechanical Engineering
Major: MEMS/Nano; Minors: Control Systems, Electrical Engineering
M. S. National Taiwan University, Mechanical Engineering
Major: Control Systems
B. S. National Taiwan University, Mechanical Engineering

Professional experiences
- Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University (2018/08-present)
- 董事,財團法人知遠研究發展基金會 (臺大機械系友會) (2016/08-present)
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University (2014/08-2018/07)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University (2011/02-2014/07)
- 副秘書長,中華民國自動化科技學會第九屆暨第十屆 (2013/01-2016/12)
- Research Staff Member, Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, San Jose Research Center, CA, USA
- Senior Principal Engineer, Western Digital Corporation, San Jose, CA, USA

- 副秘書長,中華民國自動化科技學會,2013~2016
- 永久會員,中華民國自動化科技學會
- 永久會員,中華民國力學學會
- Senior Member, IEEE
- Member, ASME

Journal Editors
- Editor, Scientific Reports (SCI), 2018~present
- Editor, Smart Science, 2014~present
- Editor, Microsystem Technologies Journal (SCI), 2013~present
- Managing Editor, International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, 2013~present

Journal Reviewers
- Advances in Mechanical Engineering
- AIP Advances
- Applied Physics Letters
- ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
- Biomedical Mirodevices
- Biomicrofluidics
- Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
- IEEE Sensors Journal
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
- IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
- International Journal of Control
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds
- Journal of Applied Physics
- Journal of Biological Physics
- Journal of Engineering
- Journal of Healthcare Engineering
- Journal of Materials Chemistry C
- Journal of Mechanics
- Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Journal of Physical Chemistry
- Journal of Sound and Vibration
- Journal of Vibroengineering
- Materials
- Micromachines
- Microsystem Technologies
- Optics Communications
- PeerJ
- Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical
- Shock and Vibration
- Tribology International
- Tribology Letters

Conference Committee
- 海報論文競賽委員,中華民國力學學會年會暨第41屆全國力學會議,2017
- Track organizer, Tribology, Head/Media Interface, ASME Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS 2017)
- 論文委員,中國機械工程學會105年度年會暨第33屆全國學術研討會,科技部機械固力、熱流、能源學門聯合成果發表會,2016
- Track organizer, Tribology, Head/Media Interface, ASME Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS 2016)
- Session chair, The 39th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CTAM 2015)
- Session chair, The 5th International Conference on Optofluidics (Optofluidics 2015)
- Reviewer, IEEE International Magnetics Conference (Intermag 2015)
- Reviewer, International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems/ National Conference on Advanced Robotics (ARIS/ NCAR 2015)
- Reviewer, 14th International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science World Congress (IFToMM 2015)
- Secretary team and China Delegate Representative, 12th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments (ISMTII 2015)
- Technical committee member, 2015 International Conference on Computing and Precision Engineering (2015 ICCPE)
- Organizing committee, Asian Symposium of Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN 2013)

Research Interests
Soft robots/ Shape morphing, Bioinspired design/ Biomechanics, Nanomaterials/Plasma and laser processing, Machine learning
Teaching Courses
材料力學 (Strength of Materials)
靜力學 (Statics)
微機電系統設計 (Design of Microelectromechanical Systems)
精密機械 (Introduction to Precision Machine Design)
高等材料力學 (Advanced Strength of Materials)
有限元素法 (Finite Element Method)
Research Projects
  1. 探索微小管-肌動蛋白交聯因子1 (MACF1)在頭頸部鱗狀細胞癌的重要性,協同主持人,計畫期間:2018/1~2018/10,委託單位:台大醫院。
  2. 微粒子交越頻率與表面特性的量測與分析¾結合介電泳與雷射光鉗(MOST 106-2221-E-002-141-MY3),主持人,計畫期間:2017/8 - 2020/7,委託單位:科技部。(三年期
  3. 雷射輔助噴射式大氣電漿透明導電薄膜成形系統(MOST 106-2221-E-002-123-MY3),主持人,計畫期間:2017/8 - 2020/7,委託單位:科技部。(三年期
  4. 探索細胞遷移與癌症轉移時,鈣離子與肌動蛋白交聯因子7 (ACF7)之交互作用(UN106-036),共同主持人,計畫期間:2017/1~2017/12,委託單位:台大醫院與台灣大學各學院合作研究計畫。
  5. 應用鈣離子調節蛋白及細胞附著分子發展全新之「頭頸部鱗狀細胞癌預測模型」(UN105-009),共同主持人,計畫期間:2016/1~2016/12,委託單位:台大醫院與台灣大學各學院合作研究計畫。
  6. 先進大氣電漿輔助化學氣相鍍膜系統的研發 - 子計畫四:噴射式大氣電漿鍍製大面積氧化鋅薄膜之阻值均勻度分析與改善(MOST 104-2221-E-024-MY2),主持人,計畫期間:2015/8~2017/7,委託單位:科技部。(兩年期
  7. 學術研究生涯發展計畫-深耕型研究計畫-常壓PECVD系統鍍膜均勻度之改善 (NTU-CDP-10R70855),主持人,計畫期間:2014/1~2014/12,委託單位:國立台灣大學。
  8. 非球形微奈米粒子介電泳力學特性分析與量測 (MOST 103-2221-E-002-115),主持人,計畫期間:2014/8~2015/7,委託單位:科技部。
  9. 常壓PECVD系統鍍膜均勻度之改善 (103E32024),共同主持人,計畫期間:2014/1/1~2014/11/30,委託單位:工研院。
  10. 奈米尺度多層材料高速摩擦現象研究及其於超高密度磁性儲存系統的應用(I) (NSC 102-2221-E-002-178),主持人,計畫期間:2013/08/01-2014/07/31,委任單位,行政院國家科學委員會。
期刊論文 (Journal Papers):
  1. Wen-Kai Chen, Jing-Chi Huang, Yu-Chen Chen, Ming-Tsang Lee, and Jia-Yang Juang*, ”Deposition of highly transparent and conductive Ga-doped zinc oxide films on tilted substrates by atmospheric pressure plasma jet," Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol.802, pp.458-466, September 2019. (SCI).
  2. Chao-Yung Yeh, Shih-Chien Chou, Hsin-Wei Huang, Hung-Chen Yu, and Jia-Yang Juang*, “Tube-crawling soft robots driven by multistable buckling mechanics," Extreme Mechanics Letters, vol.26, pp.61-68, January 2019. (SCI).
  3. Jia-Yang Juang*, Hsin-Tien Lin, Chun-Tang Liang, Pei-Rong Li, Wen-Kai Chen, Yu-Yi Chen, and Kuo-Long Pan, ”Effect of ambient air flow on resistivity uniformity of transparent Ga-doped ZnO film deposited by atmospheric pressure plasma jet," Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol.766, pp.868-875, October 2018. (SCI).
  4. Michio Aoki and Jia-Yang Juang*, “Forming three-dimensional closed shapes from two-dimensional soft ribbons by controlled buckling," Royal Society Open Science, 5: 171962, Feb. 2018. (SCI)
  5. Jia-Yang Juang*, Pin-Yi Chen, Da-Chang Yang, Shang-Ping Wu, An Yen, and Hsin-I Hsieh, “The avian egg exhibits general allometric invariances in mechanical design," Scientific Reports, 7, 14205, Oct. 2017. (SCI)
  6. Chang-Kai Chao, Jia-Yang Juang, and Shana Smith*, ”Optimization of unequal-active-and-passive-area piezoelectric unimorph cantilevers with collisions for ultra-thin keyboard design," Journal of Vibroengineering. vol.19, issue 7, pp. 4816-4826, Nov. 2017. (SCI)
  7. Che-Kai Yeh and Jia-Yang Juang*, “Dimensionless analysis and prediction of dielectrophoretic crossover frequency of spherical particles," AIP Advances, vol.7, 065304, June 2017. (SCI)
  8. Yan-San Huang*, Fu-Lan Hsu, Chin-Mei Lee, and Jia-Yang Juang*, ” Failure mechanism of hollow tree trunks due to cross-sectional flattening," Royal Society Open Science, 4:160972, Apr. 2017. (SCI)
  9. Yu-Yi Chen and Jia-Yang Juang*, ”Enhancement of Ga-doped zinc oxide film properties and deposition rate by multiple deposition using atmospheric pressure plasma jet," Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol.694, pp.452-458, Feb 2017. (SCI).
  10. Jia-Yang Juang* and Jinglin Zheng, ”Thermal analysis of continuous and patterned multilayer films in the presence of a nanoscale hot spot," AIP Advances, vol.6, 105102, Oct. 2016. (SCI).
  11. Yu-Yi Chen and Jia-Yang Juang*, ”Finite element analysis and equivalent parallel-resistance model for conductive multilayer thin films," Measurement Science and Technology, vol.27, pp.074006, May 2016. (SCI).
  12. Ping-You Weng, I-An Chen, Che-Kai Yeh, Pin-Yi Chen, and Jia-Yang Juang*, ”Size-dependent dielectrophoretic crossover frequency of spherical particles," Biomicrofluidics, vol.10, pp.011909, Feb. 2016. (SCI).
  13. Chen-En Wu, Keng-Hui Lin, and Jia-Yang Juang*, ”Hertzian load-displacement relation holds for spherical indentation on soft elastic solids undergoing large deformations," Tribology International, vol.97, pp.71-76, May 2016. (SCI).
  14. Tung-Sheng Chou, Hsin-Tien Lin, Yu-Yi Chen, Kuo-Long Pan, and Jia-Yang Juang*, ”Effect of main gas and carrier gas on ZnO thin films deposited by atmospheric pressure plasma jet," Thin Solid Films, vol.594, Part B, pp.282-286, Nov. 2015. (SCI).

國際會議論文 (International Conference Papers):

  1. Yilin Tsai, Shu-Han Tsao, Pei-Lin Chiang, and Jia-Yang Juang, “Crack deflection in the porous layer of Emu’s eggshell,” The Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM 2019), December 18-21, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.
  2. Ying-Chuan Kao, Yun-Wei Lu, Chieh Sun, Chia-Ling Hung, and Jia-Yang Juang, “Precision measurement and comprehensive analysis of dielectrophoretic crossover behavior of micro-particles,” The 28th ASME Annual Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS2019), June 27-28, 2019, San Diego, CA, USA.
  3. Yu-Chen Chen, Wen-Kai Chen, Jing-Chi Huang, and Jia-Yang Juang, “Deposition of highly transparent and conductive films on tilted substrates by atmospheric pressure plasma jet,” The 28th ASME Annual Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS2019), June 27-28, 2019, San Diego, CA, USA.
  4. Jia-Yang Juang, Shang-Ping Wu, Pei-Lin Chiang, Shu-Han Tsao, and Hsin-I Hsieh, “Mechanics of avian eggshells,” The 2nd International Conference on Mechanics (ICM 2018), Oct. 15 – 18, 2018, Yilan, Taiwan.
  5. Michio Aoki and Jia-Yang Juang, “Forming three-dimensional hollow shapes from two-dimensional elastic ribbons by controlled buckling,” The 3rd International Conference on Inventions (ICI 2017), Sep. 29 – Oct. 2, 2017, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan.
  6. Chun-Tang Liang, Yu-Yi Chen, Hsin-Tien Lin, Kuo-Long Pan, and Jia-Yang Juang, “Effect of ambient air flow on the resistivity uniformity of Ga-doped ZnO film deposited in open air,” 13th International Symposium on Measurement and Intelligent Instruments (ISMTII 2017), Sep. 22 - 25, 2017, Xian, Shanxi, China.
  7. Yun-Wei Lu, Che-Kai Yeh, Chieh Sun, and Jia-Yang Juang, “Size-dependent dielectrophoretic crossover frequency of spherical microparticles varies with different medium conductivity,” The 7th International Conference on Optofluidics (Optofluidics 2017), July 25 - 28, 2017, Singapore. (MOST Student Travel Grants)
  8. Pin-Yi Chen and Jia-Yang Juang, “Rigidity and elastic modulus of the avian egg,” The 10th World Biomaterials Congress (WBC 2016), May 17 - 22, 2016, Montreal, QC Canada.
  9. An Yen, Hung-Huei Lee, Yi-Ting Chang, Keng-Hui Lin, and Jia-Yang Juang, “Simulation of cellular traction force reconstruction using different marker beads densities,” The 10th World Biomaterials Congress (WBC 2016), May 17 - 22, 2016, Montreal, QC Canada. (MOST Student Travel Grants)
  10. Yi-Ting Chang, Hung-Huei Lee, Hsuan Yang, Keng-Hui Lin, and Jia-Yang Juang, “Effect of embedded beads distribution on cellular traction force analysis,” The 10th World Biomaterials Congress (WBC 2016), May 17 - 22, 2016, Montreal, QC Canada. (MOST Student Travel Grants)
  11. An Yen, Hung-Huei Lee, Keng-Hui Lin, and Jia-Yang Juang, “Traction forces exerted by cells in spherical holes,” The 39th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CTAM 2015), Nov. 20 - 21, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.
  12. Pin-Yi Chen and Jia-Yang Juang, “Mechanical characteristics of the eggshells of five fowl species,” The 39th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CTAM 2015), Nov. 20 - 21, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan. (Second Place, Student Best Paper Award)
  13. Yu-Yi Chen and Jia-Yang Juang, “Modeling of sheet resistance of multilayered thin films measured by four point probe,” 12th International Symposium on Measurement and Intelligent Instruments (ISMTII 2015), Sep. 22 - 25, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.
  14. Ping-You Weng, I-An Chen, Pin-Yi Chen, and Jia-Yang Juang, “Size-dependent dielectrophoretic crossover frequency of colloidal particles,” The 5th International Conference on Optofluidics (Optofluidics 2015), July 26 - 95, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan. (Best Paper Nomination)
  15. Chen-En Wu, Keng-Hui Lin, and Jia-Yang Juang, “Extendibility of Hertz contact theory in large indentation of an elastic half-space by a rigid sphere,” 2015 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (MIPE 2015), June 14 - 17, 2015, Kobe, Japan. (MOST Student Travel Grants)

專利 (Patents):

  1. T. Hirano, F.-Y. Huang, Jia-Yang Juang, and B.C. Stipe, “Extended cavity VCSEL mounted to substrate with electrical and thermal contact to substrate and optical power directed toward substrate,” US patent, No. 9,053,731, June 9, 2015.
  2. F.-Y. Huang, Jia-Yang Juang, H.J. Rosen, B.C. Stipe, T.C. Strand and P.A. van der Heijden, “Magnetic recording disk drive with shingled writing and rectangular optical waveguide for wide-area thermal assistance,” US patent, No. 8,416,646 B2, April 9, 2013.
  3. Jia-Yang Juang, T. Reiley and T. Strand, “Laser power sensor for thermally assisted magnetic recording,” US patent, No. 8,406,090 B2, Mar. 26, 2013.

得獎紀錄 (Honors):

  1. 2018, Outstanding Reviewer Award, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical
  2. 2018, Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of Alloys and Compounds
  3. 2017吳大猷先生紀念獎,中華民國科技部
  4. 2017年輕力學學者獎,中華民國力學學會
  5. 2017, Outstanding Reviewer Award, Tribology International
  6. 2016, Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of Alloys and Compounds
  7. 2015教學貢獻獎,台大機械系
  8. 2015, Marquis Who’s Who in the World

指導學生獲獎(Student Awards):

  1. 2019,研究生高穎全榮獲國立台灣大學工學院「利他獎」(Altruistic Award
  2. 2019,研究生陳俞蓁榮獲28th ASME Annual Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS 2019)研究生獎學金(Graduate Student Scholarship),免註冊費350元。
  3. 2019,研究生高穎全榮獲28th ASME Annual Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS 2019)研究生獎學金(Graduate Student Fellowship),美金1500元以及免註冊費350元。
  4. 2019,研究生江珮琳獲選為「中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會」會員
  5. 2019,研究生黃京淇獲選為「中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會」會員
  6. 2019,研究生陳文凱的碩士論文通過「上銀碩士論文獎」初審與複審,進入決審。
  7. 2018,研究生陳文凱榮獲「中國工程學會碩士學位論文獎」佳作。
  8. 2018,大四專題生葉昭勇、周世謙、黃昕偉榮獲2018年旭泰科技論文獎(4th SPINTECH Technology Thesis Award)大專專題競賽銅獎。
  9. 2018,大四專題生周世謙榮獲107年度科技部大專學生研究創作獎(College Student Research Creativity Award)。
  10. 2018,大四專題生葉昭勇榮獲106學年度學士論文獎之院長獎。
  11. 2018,大四專題生葉昭勇、周世謙、黃昕偉榮獲2018年中工會學生論文競賽特優(第一名),獎金1萬元。
  12. 2018,大四專題生高穎全榮獲美國機械工程師學會(ASME)學生英文演講競賽(SPDC Old Guard Oral Presentation Competition),台灣國內賽第二名
  13. 2017,大四專題生周世謙、葉昭勇榮獲41屆中華民國力學學會全國力學會議學術研討會,學生論文競賽佳作
  14. 2017,研究生陳文凱、黃京淇榮獲程泰集團「精密工具機與智慧化技術」專題實作獎第三名,獎金10萬元(與中興大學李明蒼教授團隊合作)
  15. 2017,研究生葉哲愷獲選為「中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會」會員
  16. 2017,研究生梁竣棠獲選為「中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會」會員
  17. 2016,研究生陳文凱、梁竣棠榮獲「全研科技論文獎」銅研獎(與中興大學李明蒼教授團隊合作)
  18. 2016,研究生陳于壹榮獲「中國工程學會碩士學位論文獎」第一名
  19. 2016,研究生葉哲愷榮獲「COMSOL App 台灣開發競賽」第二名
  20. 2016,大四專題生陳咨羽、游弘晟和徐阡晏榮獲美國機械工程師學會 (ASME) 創新設計模擬國際挑戰賽 (Innovative Design Simulation Challenge, IDSC)第一名
  21. 2016,大四專題生陳品衣獲選為「中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會」會員
  22. 2016,研究生陳奕安獲選為「中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會」會員
  23. 2016,研究生陳于壹獲選為「中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會」會員
  24. 2016,大三專題生陳咨羽榮獲美國機械工程師學會(ASME)學生英文演講競賽(SPDC Old Guard Oral Presentation Competition),台灣國內賽第二名
  25. 2015,大四專題生陳品衣榮獲台大傑出表現獎學金5萬元
  26. 2015,大四專題生陳品衣獲選為台大優秀青年
  27. 2015,研究生吳承恩榮獲「旭泰科技論文獎」優良創意作品獎
  28. 2015,大四專題生陳品衣榮獲39屆中華民國力學學會全國力學會議學術研討會,學生論文競賽第二名