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陳達仁 (Dar-Zen,Chen)
特聘教授 Distinguished Professor
Rm.620, Mechanical Engineering Building.
(02)2369-2178, 33662723
Intellectual Property Analysis & Innovative Design Lab
Mechanical Engineering Building. Room 640
TEL: +886-2-33664080
Short Biography
Research Interests

1. 系統化機構設計
2. 專利資源與專利分析

Teaching Courses
Creative Mechanism Design, Intellectual Resources Planning, Technological Competitive Analysis
Research Projects
  1. 具有線性及接地調整方式之可變負重靜平衡鉸接式操作器設計,106/08/01~109/07/31,委託單位: 科技部。
  2. 我國太陽光電與風能之技術缺口填補、研發人才發掘及巨量資料運用平台開發,106/07/01~108/6/30,委託單位: 科技部。
  3. 分支型態靜平衡平面機構的設計與分析,104/08/01~106/07/31,委託單位: 科技部。
  4. 植物工場產業技術研發(共同主持人) ,103/01/01~,委託單位: 行政院農業委員會。
  5. 能源國家型科技計畫:能源科技基礎研究與產業技術之發展趨勢、前沿分析、重要機構專利布局、臺灣定位與產學研橋接,102/01/01~102/12/31,委託單位: 國科會。
  6. 外甲式上肢阻力訓練機構的設計與評估,101/08/01~104/07/31,委託單位: 國科會。
  7. 智慧財產專業人員培訓計畫,95/05/01~,委託單位: 經濟部智慧財產局。
  8. 能源國家型科技計畫:能源科技基礎研究與產業技術之發展趨勢及臺灣能源科技之定位,98/12/01~101/12/31,委託單位: 國科會。
  9. 多自由度重力平衡機構之設計與應用,98/08/01~101/07/31,委託單位:國科會。
  10. 大專院校產學合作績效評量,96/01/01~,委託單位: 高等教育評鑑中心、教育部。
  11. 專利分析、侵權分析等技術服務,96/01/01~,委託單位: 中科院、工研院、業界等。
期刊論文 (Journal Papers)

  1. Chen, Dar-Zen*, & Chou, Chien-Hsiang, accepted, “Exploring Technology Evolution in the Solar Cell Field: An Aspect from Patent Analysis,” Data and Information Mnangement, (accepted, 2017/10/21).
  2. Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2017, “How can academic innovation performance in university-industry collaboration be improved?,” Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 123, pp. 210-215. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2016.03.024. SSCI
  3. Ou, Yu-Heng and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2017, “Compact arrangements of cable-pulley type zero-free-length springs” Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Vol. 9, pp. 044502-1-044502-7. SCI
  4. Wu, Tzong-Ming, Yang, Chih-Han, & Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2017, “Muscle activation levels during upper limb exercise performed using dumbbells and a spring-loaded exoskeleton.” Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, Vol. 37, No.3, pp. 345-356. SCI
  5. Wang, Chun-Chieh, Sung, Hui-Yun, Chen, Dar-Zen, & Huang, Mu-Hsuan*, 2017, “Strong ties and weak ties of the knowledge spillover network in the semiconductor industry”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 118, pp. 114-127. SSCI
  6. Chiang, Wei-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2017, “Design of planar variable-payload balanced articulated manipulators with actuated linear ground-adjacent adjustment,” Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 109, pp. 296-312. SCI
  7. Fu, Jun-Ying, Zhang, Xu, Zhao, Yun-Hua, Tong, He-Feng, Chen, Dar-Zen, & Huang, Mu-Hsuan*, 2017, “Bibliometric analysis of acupuncture research fronts and their worldwide distribution over three decades,” African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines, Vol. 14, No.3, pp. 257-273.
  8. Yeh, Fred. Y., Huang, Mu-Hsuan, & Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2016, “Comparative Study of Trace Metrics in Bibliometrics and Patentometrics,” Journal of Data and Information Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.13-31.
  9. Chen,Chi-Tung and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2016, “Who files provisional applications in the United States?,” Scientometrics, Vol. 107, No.2, pp. 555-568. SCI
  10. Chen, Dar-Zen* and Lee, Ya-Yun, 2016, “Longitudinal Analysis of Mechanism and Machine Theory: Geospatial Productivity, Journal Citation Networks, and Researcher Communities,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 138, No.3, pp. 032301-1-032301-9. SCI
  11. Wang, Chun-Chieh and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2015, “Patent Trends and Technology Fronts in the Field of Plant Factories,” 臺灣農學會報, vol. 16, No.3, pp. 224-242.
  12. Yang, Guan-Can, Li, Gang, Li, Chun-Ya, Zhao, Yun-Hua, Zhang, Jing, Liu, Tong, Chen, Dar-Zen*, & Huang, Mu-Hsuan, 2015, “Using the Comprehensive Patent Citation Network (CPC) to Evaluate Patent Value,” Scientometrics, Vol. 105, No. 3, pp. 1319-1346. SCI
  13. Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Yang, H. W., & Chen, Dar-Zen* ,2015, “Industry-Academia Collaboration in Fuel Cells: A Perspective from Paper and Patent Analysis,” Scientometrics, Vol. 105, No. 2, pp. 1301-1318. SCI
  14. Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Chen, Dar-Zen*, Shen, Danqi., Wang, Mona S., & Ye, Fred, Y*, 2015, “Measuring technological performance of assignees using trace metrics in three fields,” Scientometrics, Vol. 104, No. 1, pp. 61-86. SCI
  15. Sung, Hui-Yun, Wang, Chun-Chieh, Huang, Mu-Hsuan, & Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2015, “Measuring science-based science linkage and non-science-based linkage of patents through non-patent references,” Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 488-498. SCI
  16. Huang, Mu-Hsuan*, Yang, Hsiao-Wen, & Chen, Dar-Zen, 2015, “Increasing Science and Technology linkage in Fuel Cells: A Cross Citation Analysis of Papers and Patents,” Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 237-249. SCI
  17. Hsueh, Chao-Chih and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2015, “A Taxonomy of Patent Strategies in Taiwan's Small and Medium Innovative Enterprises,” Technology Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 92, pp 84-98. SSCI
  18. Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Chen, Ssu-Han, Lin, Chia-Ying, & Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2014, "Exploring temporal relationships between scientific and technical fronts: a case of biotechnology field,” Scientometrics, Vol. 98, No. 2, pp. 1085-1100. SCI
  19. Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Huang, Wei-Tzu, and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2014, “Technological Impact Factor: An Indicator to Measure the Impact of Academic Publications on Practical Innovation,” Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 241-251. SCI
  20. Zheng, Jia, Zhao, Zhi-Yun, Zhang, Xu, Chen, Dar-Zen*, & Huang, Mu-Hsuan, 2014, “International Collaboration Development In Nanotechnology: A Perspective of Patent Network Analysis,” Scientometrics, Vol. 98, No. 1, pp. 683-702. SCI
  21. Lee, Yung-Tai, Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2014, “Positioning and Shifting of Technology Focus for Integrated Device Manufactures by patent Perspectives,” Technology Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 81, 363-375. SSCI
  22. Yeh, Hsi-Yin, Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2014, “The Longitudinal Study of Highly-Impact-Technology Enterprises in the ICT Industry: A Social Network Perspective,” Journal of Global Information Management, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 54-74. SCI
  23. Sung, Hui-Yun, Wang, Chun-Chieh, Chen, Dar-Zen, and Huang, Mu-Hsuan*, 2014, “A comparative study of patent counts by the inventor country and the assignee country,” Scientometrics, Vol. 100, No. 2, pp. 577-593. SCI
  24. Zheng, Jia, Zhao, Zhi-Yun, Zhang, Xu, Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2014, “The Influences of Counting Methods on Country Rankings: A Perspective from Patent Analysis,” Scientometrics, Vol. 98, No. 3, pp. 2087-2102. SCI
  25. Wu, Tsong-Ming and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2014, “A biomechanical study of an upper limb exoskeleton for resistance training with a three-dimensional motion analysis system,” Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 111-126. SCI
  26. Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Chen, Dar-Zen*, Huang, Wei-Tzu, Chang, Cheng-Chin and Lin, Chang-Pin, 2014, "The Greater Scattering Phenomenon beyond Bradford's Law in Patent Forward Citation," Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 65, No. 9, pp 1917-1928. SCI
  27. Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Chen, Ssu-Han, Lin, Chia-Ying, & Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2014, "Exploring Temporal Relationships between Scientific and Technical Fronts: A Case of Biotechnology Field,” Scientometrics, Vol. 98, No. 2, pp. 1085-1100. SCI
  28. Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Huang, Wei-Tzu, and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2014, "Analyzing on Taiwan’s Extreme Performance of Patenting: Comparing US Patents and Triadic Patent Families, " Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 51-70.SCI
  29. Lin, Chi-Shiou, Huang, Mu-Hsuan* and Chen, Dar-Zen, 2013, “The Influences of Counting Methods on University Rankings Based on Paper Count and Citation Count,” Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp 611-621. SCI
  30. Chen, Ssu-Han, Huang, Mu-Hsuan, and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2013, "Exploring technology evolution and transition characteristics of leading countries: A case of fuel cell field, " Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 366-377. SCI
  31. Kuan, Chung-Huei, Huang, Mu-Hsuan, and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2013, “Cross-field evaluation of publication of research institutes using their contributions to the fields’ MVPs determined by h-index, Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 455-468. SCI
  32. Lei, Xiao-Ping, Zhao, Zhi-Yun, Zhang, Xu, Chen, Dar-Zen*, Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Zheng, Jia, Liu, Run-Sheng, Zhang, Jing and Zhao, Yun-Hua, 2013, “Technological Collaboration patterns in Solar Cell Industry Based on Patent Inventors and Assignees analysis,” Scientometrics, Vol. 96, No. 2, pp. 427-441. SCI
  33. Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Sung,Hui-Yun, Wang, Chun-Chieh and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2013, "Exploring patent performance and technology interactions of universities, industries, governments and individuals," Scientometrics, Vol. 96, No. 1, pp. 11-26. SCI
  34. Kuan, Chung-Huei and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2013, “Capturing and Tracking Performance of Patent Portfolio Using h-Complement Area Centroid,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 496-505. SCI
  35. Chen, Ssu-Han, Huang, Mu-Hsuan, and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2013, "Driving Factors of External Funding and Funding Effects on Academic Innovation Performance in University-Industry-Government Linkages," Scientometrics, Vol. 94, No. 3, pp. 1077-1098. SCI
  36. Chen, Dar-Zen, Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Ye, Fred Y.*, 2013, "A Probe into the dynamic measures for h-core and h-tail," Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 7, No, 2, pp. 129-137. SCI
  37. Lin, Po-Yang, Shieh, Win-Bin and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2013, “A Theoretical Study of Weight-Balanced Mechanisms for Design of Spring Assistive Mobile Arm Support (MAS),” Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 61, pp. 156-167. SCI
  38. Yeh, Hsi-Yin, Sung, Yi-Shan, Yang, Hsiao-Wen, Tsai, Wan-Chu and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2013, " The Bibliographic Coupling Approach to Filter the Cited and Uncited Patent Citations: A Case of Electric Vehicle Technology," Scientometrics, Vol. 94, No. 1, pp.75-93. SCI
  39. Wu, Tsung-Ming and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2013, “Dynamic analysis and preliminary evaluation of a spring-loaded upper limb exoskeleton for resistance training with overload prevention,” Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 35-44. SCI
  40. Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Dong, Huei-Ru and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2013, “The Unbalanced Performance and Regional Differences in Scientific and Technological Collaboration in the Field of Solar Cells,” Scientometrics, Vol. 94, No. 1, pp.423-438. SCI
  41. Yeh, Hsi-Yin and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2012, “The Impact of Governmental Incentive Programs on University-Industry Collaboration Development in Taiwan: A Difference Analysis,” 科技管理學刊, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp.39-70.
  42. Chen, Xian, Chiu, Yi-Jui and Chen, Dar-Zen, 2012, “Design of Wearable Upper Limb Orthosis for Training and Rehabilitation without Actuator,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 201-202, pp. 864-870. EI
  43. Wu, Tzong-Ming and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2012, “Design and preliminary evaluation of an exoskeleton for upper limb resistance training,” Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 188-198. (EI)
  44. Dong, Huei-Ru, Su, Shiao-Yu and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2012, “Research Trends of Mechanism and Machine Theory Using Bibliometrics,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 163, pp. 79-85. (EI)
  45. Wang, Chun-Chieh, Huang, Mu-Hsuan*, and Chen, Dar-Zen, 2012, “The Evolution of Knowledge Spillover and Company Cluster in Semiconductor Industry,” Journal of Knowledge Econmics, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 109-124.
  46. Chiu, Yi-Jui, Chen, Dar-Zen and Yang, Chia-Hao, 2012, “Influence on Coupling Vibration of Rotor System with Grouped Blades due to Mistuned Lacing Wire,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 101-102, pp. 1119-1125. (EI)
  47. Chen, Ssu-Han, Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Chen, Dar-Zen* and Lin, Siou-Zih, 2012, "Detecting the Temporal Gaps of Technology Fronts: A Case Study of Smart Grid Field," Technology Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 79, pp. 1705-1719. SSCI
  48. Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Chang, Han-Wen and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2012, “The Trend of Concentration in Scientific Research and Technological Innovation: A Reduction of The Predominant Role of The U.S. in World Research & Technology,” Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 457-468. SCI
  49. Fu, Jun-Ying, Zhang, Xu, Zhao, Yun-Hua, Tong, He-Feng, Chen, Dar-Zen and Huang, Mu-Hsuan*, 2012, “Scientific Production and Citation Impact: A Bibliometric Analysis in Acupuncture Over Three Decades,” Scientometrics, Vol. 91, No. 1, pp. 65-80. SCI
  50. Lei, Xiao-Ping, Chen, Dar-Zen, Huang, Mu-Hsuan*, Zhao, Zhi-Yun, Zhang, Xu, Zheng, Jia, Zhao, Yun-Hua, Zhang, Ze-Yu, and Liu, Run-Sheng, 2012, “An Analysis of Innovation Competitiveness of China through Patent Analysis,” Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 17-32. SCI
  51. Chen, Ssu-Han, Huang, Mu-Hsuan, and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2012, “Identifying and Visualizing Technology Evolution: a Case Study of Smart Grid Technology,” Technology Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 79, pp 1099-1110. SSCI
  52. Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Dong, Huei-Ru, and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2012, “The Globalization of Collaborative Creativity through Cross-Border Patent Activities,” Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 226-236. SCI
  53. Kuan, Chung-Huei, Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2012, “A Two-dimensional Approach to Performance Evaluation for a Large Number of Research Institutions,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 817-828. SCI
  54. Zheng, Jia, Zhao, Zhi-Yun, Zhang, Xu, Chen, Dar-Zen*, Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Lei, Xiao-Ping, Zhang, Ze-Yu and Zhao, Yun-Hua, 2012, “International Scientific and Technological Collaboration of China from 2004 to 2008: A Perspective from Paper and Patent Analysis,” Scientometrics, Vol. 91, No. 1, pp. 65-80. SCI
  55. Chang, Ke-Chiun*, Chen, Dar-Zen, and Huang, Mu-Hsuan, 2012, "The Relationships between the Patent Performance and Corporation Performance," Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 131-139. SCI
  56. Fu, Jun-Ying, Zhang, Xu, Zhao, Yun-Hua, Chen, Dar-Zen and Huang, Mu-Hsuan*, 2012, “Global Performance of Traditional Chinese Medicine over Three Decades,” Scientometrics, Vol. 90, No. 3, pp.945-958. SCI
  57. Lin, Po-Yang, Shieh, Win-Bin, and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2012, “Design of Statically Balanced Planar Articulated Manipulators with Spring Suspension,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 12-21. SCI
  58. Lei, Xiao-Ping, Zhao, Zhi-Yun, Zhang, Xu, Chen, Dar-Zen*, Huang, Mu-Hsuan,and Zhao, Yun-Hua, 2012, “The Inventive Activities and Collaboration Pattern of University-Industry-Government in China based on Patent Analysis,” Scientometrics, Vol. 90, No. 1, pp. 231-251. SCI
  59. Chen, Dar-Zen, Lin, Chang-Pin*, Huang, Mu-Hsuan, and Chan, Yi-Tung, 2012, "Technology Forecasting Via Published Patent Applications and Patent Grants," Journal of Marine Sceince and Technology, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 345-356.
  60. Lin, Wen-Yau Cathy, Chen, Dar-Zen, and Huang, Mu-Hsuan*, 2011, “Relation between technology and science: A perspective of Patent and Paper Production,” Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, Vol. 48, No.3, pp. 303-323. TSSCI
  61. Wu, Tsong-Ming, Wang, Shu-Yi and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “Design of an Exoskeleton for Strengthening the Upper Limb Muscle for Overextension Injury Prevention,” Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 46, No. 12, pp. 1825-1839. SCI
  62. Huang, Mu-Hsuan*, Lin, Chi-Shiou, and Chen, Dar-Zen, 2011, “Counting Methods, Country Rank Changes, and Counting Inflation in the Assessment of National Research Productivity and Impact,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology., Vol. 62, No.12, pp. 2427-2436. SCI
  63. Wang, Chun-Chieh, Huang, Mu-Hsuan, and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “Evolution of Technology Dependence among Leading Semiconductor Companies,” Industrial Management & Data System, Vol. 111, No. 7, pp. 1136-1152. SCI
  64. Kuan, Chung-Huei, Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “Positioning Research and Innovation Performance Using Shape Centroids of h-core and h-tail,” Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 515-528. SCI
  65. Fu, Jun-Ying, Zhang, Xu, Zhao, Yun-Hua, Huang, Mu-Hsuan* and Chen, Dar-Zen, 2011, “Bibliometric Analysis of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research over Three Decades,” Scientometrics, Vol. 88, Vo. 2, pp. 617-626. SCI
  66. Chen, Dar-Zen*, Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Hsieh,Hui-Chen and Lin, Chang-Pin, 2011, “Identifying Missing Relevant Patent Citation Links by Using Bibliographic Coupling in LED Illuminating Technology,” Journal of Informetrics., Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 400-412. SCI
  67. Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Tang, Muh-Chyun and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “Inequality of Publishing Performance and International Collaboration in Physics,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology., Vol. 62, No. 6, pp. 1156-1165. SCI
  68. Kuan, Chung-Huei, Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “Ranking Patent Assignee Performance by h-Index and Sahpe Descriptors,” Journal of Informetrics., Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 303-312. SCI
  69. Shieh, Win-Bin, Sun, Frederick and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “On the Operation Space and Motion Compatibility of VariableTopology Mechanisms,” ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Vol. 3, No. 2, 021007. SCI
  70. Li, Yung-Ta, Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “Semiconductor Industry Value Chain: Characters’ Technology Evolution,” Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 111, No. 3, pp. 370-390. SCI
  71. Zheng, Jia*, Zhao, Zhi-Yun, Zhang, Xu, Chen, Dar-Zen, Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Lei, Xiao-Ping, Zhang, Ze-Yu, Zhao, Yun-Hua, and Liu, Run-Sheng, 2011, “Industry Evolution and Key Technologies in China Based on Patent Analysis,” Scientometrics, Vol. 87, pp.175-187. SCI
  72. Chiu, Yi-Jui, and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “The Coupled Vibration in a Rotating Multi-disk Rotor System,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 53, pp. 1-10. SCI

國際會議論文 (International Conference Papers)

  1. Kuan, Chung-Huei and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2017, “The Missing Link Effect: A Case Study Using Patent Main Path Analysis,” 16th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, October 16-20, Wuhan, China.
  2. Wang, Chun-Chieh and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2016, “Patent Analysis in External Technology Acquisition: A Case of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company,” PICMET’16: Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, September 4 - 8, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (16R0227)
  3. Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Lin, Chia-Chen, and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2016, “Measuring companies’ innovative performances and competence positions based on their active patents,” IMIE’16: International Conference on Innovation, Management and Industrial Engineering, August 5 - 7, Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan.
  4. Chen, Chi-Tung and Chen, Dar-Zen, 2015, “Who files provisional applications in the United States?,” 15th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, June 29 - July 3, Istanbul, Turkey.
  5. Kuan, Chung-Huei and Chen, Dar-Zen, 2014, “Publication Performance Evaluation for Academic Institutes by Their Contributions to the Most Visible Publications across Multiple Fields,” PICMET'14: Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology”, July., 27- 31, Kanazawa, Japan.
  6. Chang, Huan-Hao and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2013, “Design of a 4-Link Planar Statically Balanced Serial Manipulator with Changeable Payload,” 3rd IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics, Oct. 2-4, Singapore.
  7. Wang, Chun-Chieh., Li, Yung-Ta., Chen, Dar. Zen & Huang, Mu-Hsuan.* (2013, July). “Uses Unexpired Patent to Re-evaluate Innovation Performance by h-index and h-core indicators,” PICMET'13: Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology”, July., 28- Aug. 1, San Jose, California, USA.
  8. Dong, Huei-Ru, Chen, Dar-Zen and Huang, Mu-Hsaun, 2013, “The Patterns of Industrial-University-Gonernment Collaboration in Photovoltaic Technology,” International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, July 15-19, Vienna, Austria.
  9. Chen, Ssu-Han, Huang, Mu-Hsaun and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2013, “Identifying Longitudinal Development and Emerging Topics in Wind Energy Field,” International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, July 15-19, Vienna, Austria.
  10. Wang, Chun-Chieh, Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2013, “Knowledge Flow and R&D Alliance among Semiconductor Companies,” 2013 IEEE International Technology Management Conference ad 19th ICE COnference, June 24-26, Hague, Netherland.
  11. Wang, Chun-Chieh, Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2013, “Technology Dependence and Alliance Relationship within Semiconductor Companies,” IAM, January 28-31, Sapporo, Japan.
  12. Wu, Ming-Hui and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2012, “Conceptual Design of a Latch Mechanism in Front Opening Uniform Pod Used in Semiconductor Fabs,” The 2nd IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, Nov., 7-10, Tokyo, Japan.
  13. Chang, Huan-Hao and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2012, “Design of Statically Spring-Balancing Planar 3-DOF Articulated Manipulator with Variable Payload,” The 2nd IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, Nov., 7-10, Tokyo, Japan.
  14. Lin, Chia-Yin and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2012, “Kinematic Families of Degeneration with up to Three-DOF Eight-link Non-Fractionated Geared Kinematic Chains,” The 2nd IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, Nov., 7-10, Tokyo, Japan.
  15. Lee Ya-Yun, Chen, Dar-Zen* and Shieh, Win-Bin, 2012, “Design Optimization of Spring Configuration on Statically Balanced Planar Articulated Manipulators,” The 2nd IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, Nov., 7-10, Tokyo, Japan.
  16. Kuan, Chung-Huei, Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2012, “Locating the Key Competitors: A New Tool for Technology Manager,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec. 10-13, Hong-Kong.
  17. Shieh, Win-Bin, Chen, Dar-Zen* and Wu, Chia-Chun, 2012, “Design of an Orthosis for the Weight Balance of Human Lower Limbs,” ASME Int’l Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2012/MECH-71016, August 12-15, Chicago, USA.
  18. Lei, Xiao-Ping, Zhao, Zhi-Yun, Zhang, Xu, Chen, Dar-Zen, Huang, Mu-Hsuan*, Liu, Run-Sheng, Zheng, Jia and Zhao, Yun-Hua, 2012, “A Study of Technological Collaboration in Solar Cell Industry Using Patent Analysis,” Portland Int’l Conf. for Management of Engineering and Technology, July 28-August 2, Vancouver, CA. (12R0266)
  19. Wu, Tung-Ying, Dong, Huei-Ru, Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2012, “Evolution of Technology Fronts in Organic Solar Cells,” Portland Int’l Conf. for Management of Engineering and Technology, July 28-August 2, Vancouver, CA. (12R0438)
  20. Chen, Ssu-Han, Huang, Mu-Hsuan,and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2012, “What drives external funding to university and how funding effects academic innovation performance in UIG collaboration,” The 6th IEEE Int’l Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, June 11-13, Sanur Bali, ID. (ICMIT12-P-0160)
  21. Yeh, Hsi-Yin, Chen, Dar-Zen*, Huang, Mu-Hsuan, 2012, “The Longitudinal Study of Highly-Impact-Technology Enterprises in the ICT Industry: A Social Network Perspective,” Int’l Conf. of Technology Innovation & Industrial Management, May 22-25, Lublin, Poland.
  22. Dong, Huei-Ru, Chen, Dar-Zen, Huang, Mu-Hsuan*, 2012, “The Industrial Clusters and Internationalization of Highly Innovative Small and Medium Firms,” Int’l Conf. of Technology Innovation & Industrial Management, May 22-25, Lublin, Poland.
  23. Kuan, Chung-Huei, Dong, Huei-Ru, Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “Technology Manager’s Radar Screen: Monitoring Competitors’ Innovation Performance,” IEEE-IEEM, December 6-9, Singapore.
  24. Lin, Siou-Zih, Chen, Ssu-Han, Wang, Chun-Chieh and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “A Comparison of Technology Trajectories between the Global and the United States in Smart Grid,” IEEE-IEEM, December 6-9, Singapore.
  25. Wang, Chun-Chieh, Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “The Technological Linkage of Four-posited Semiconductor Companies with Alliance and Non-alliance Partner,” ICIII, November 26-27, Shengshen, China.
  26. Li, Yung-Tai, Huang, Mu-Hsuan and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “Patents are Not Patents Only: Turning Point of Characters in the Semiconductor Industry,” ICIII, November 26-27, Shengshen, China.
  27. Wu, Tzong-Mingm Wang, Shu-Yi and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “Design and preliminary evaluation of a spring-loaded upper limb exoskeleton for resistance training with overextension prevention,” Int’l Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics, November 3-5, Shanghai, China.
  28. Shieh, Win-Bin, Wu, Chia-Chun and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “Conceptual Design of a Portable Lower Limb Orthosis for Persons with Motor System Impairments,” Int’l Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics, November 3-5, Shanghai, China.
  29. Chu, Yi-Jui, Chen, Dar-Zen, and Yang, Chia-Hao, 2011, “The Influence on Coupled Vibration of a Rotor System with Grouped Baldes due to a Mistuned Lacing Wire,” The 2nd International Conference on Engineering Design and Optimization, August, 19-21, Ningbo, China.
  30. Zheng, Jia, Zhao, Zhi-yun, Zhang, Xu, Chen, Dar-Zen, Huang, Mu-hsuan, Lei, Xiao-ping, Zhang, Ze-yu, Zhao, Yun-hua, and Liu, Run-sheng, 2011, “International Technological collaboration of China from 2004 to 2008 Based on Patent Analysis,” Portland Int’l Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, July 31-August 4, Portland, USA. (11A0155)
  31. Huang, Mu-Hsuan, Chen, Dar-Zen*, and Dong, Huei-Ru, 2011, “Identify Technology Main Paths by Adding Missing Citations Using Bibliographic Coupling and Co-citation Methods in Photovoltaics,” Portland Int’l Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, July 31-August 4, Portland, USA. (11R0299)
  32. Chen, Sy-Han, Huang, Mu-Hsuan,and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “Visualization of the Technology Evolution in Smart Grid,” Portland Int’l Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, July 31-August 4, Portland, USA. (11R0298)
  33. Wang, Chun-Chieh, Huang, Mu-Hsuan, and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “Characteristics of Technology Dependence in Semiconductor Technological Alliance Companies,” Portland Int’l Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, July 31-August 4, Portland, USA. (11R0274)
  34. Shieh, Win-Bin, Chen, Dar-Zen, and Tsai, Chun-Fang, 2011, “Topological Synthesis of Fractionated Parallel Hybrid Transmission with Two Inputs,” Proceeding of the 2011 IFToMM World Congress, Jue, 19-25, Guanajuato, México. (A9-485)

國內會議論文 (Domestic Conference Papers)

  1. Qi-Xun Zhuang and Dar-Zen Chen*, 2016, “Synthesis of Kinematic Compatible and Gravity Balanced Elbow Exoskeletons,” 19th CSMMT Congress, October 28, Pingtung, Taiwan. (最佳論文獎)
  2. 范光成、陳達仁與王俊傑, 2013, “公司市值表現與市場導向技術之關聯性研究-以電腦通訊產業為例,” 102年工業工程年會, 屏東,台灣.
  3. 鄔明輝與陳達仁, 2013, “具有不變之桿件與接頭數目之可變拓樸機構概念設計方法,” 第十六屆全國機構與機器設計學術研討會, 新竹,台灣.(最佳論文獎)
  4. 陳思翰、黃慕萱與陳達仁*, 2012, “風力能源技術前沿之演化,” 2012台灣風能學術研討會, Dec. 19, 新竹, 台灣.
  5. Chen, Dar-Zen* and Chen, Ssu-Han, 2012, “Visualizing Technology Evolution and Detecting Hot Topics in Smart Grid Technology,” The 4th Energy and Environmental Workshop, March 29-30, Taipei, Taiwan.
  6. Dong, Huei-Ru, Su, Shiao-Yu and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2012, “Research Trends of Mechanism and Machine Theory Using Bibliometrics,” 9th International Conference on History of Mechanical Technology and Mechanical Design, March 23-25, 2012, Tainan, Taiwan.
  7. Lin, Chang-Pin, Huang, Chong-Yao, Hung Chun-Yuna and and Chen, Dar-Zen*, 2011, “Design of Sloar Photovoltaic System for Reliability,” 11th Int’l Conference on Automation Technology, November 18-20, Douliou, Taiwan (B002).

專利 (Patents)

  1. Chen, Dar-Zen, Lin, Po-Yang and Hsieh, Wen-Bin, 2014, “Sustaining Manipulator Arm”, US Utility Patent 8,701,518, (2014.4.22)
  2. Chen, Dar-Zen, Wang, Shu-Yi, and Wu, Tzong-Ming, 2013, “Upper Limb Training Device”, US Utility Patent 8,574,137, (2013.11.05)
  3. 陳達仁,林博揚,謝文賓, 2013,“可穿戴式機械手臂”.中華民國發明專利(發明第I405648號, 2013.08.21)
  4. 陳達仁,吳佳峻,謝文賓,吳宗明, 2013,“下肢肌力強化裝置”.中華民國發明專利(發明第I404553號, 2013.08.11)

專書 (Books)

  1. 陳達仁, 2013,“專利檢索與分析, ” 智慧財產培訓學院教材03, 第4版, 經濟部智慧財產局, 281頁.
  2. 陳達仁與黃慕萱, 2009, “專利資訊檢索、分析與策略,” 華泰圖書資訊公司, 442頁.
  3. 陳達仁, 2009, “專利檢索與分析,” 智慧財產培訓學院教材03, 第3版, 國立臺灣大學科技整合法律學研究所編印, 228頁.

得獎紀錄 (Honors)

    2017 106學年度慶琅先生講座
    2016 第十九屆全國機構與機器設計學術研討會最佳論文獎
    2016 指導學生獲中華民國機構與機器原理學會優秀碩士論文獎
    2016 第五屆台灣機器人學會碩士論文獎「指導教授獎」
    2016 105年度紀念蔡隆文教授最佳論文獎(財團法人中華古機械文教基金會)
    2014 103年度科技部績優教研人員獎勵
    2013 第十六屆全國機構與機器設計學術研討會最佳論文獎
    2013 102年度紀念蔡隆文教授最佳論文獎(財團法人中華古機械文教基金會)
    2013 指導學生獲中華民國機構與機器原理學會優秀碩士論文獎
    2011 Outstanding Paper Award, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore.