姓名Name |
蔡曜陽 Yao-Yang Tsai |
職稱Title |
副教授 Associate Professor |
辦公室Office |
Rm. 520, Mechanical Engineering Building. |
電話Phone |
(02)3366-2714 |
傳真Fax |
(02)2363-1755 |
電子郵件E-mail |
個人網頁Homepage |
實驗室Lab |
Ultrafine Advanced machining Lab
Rm. 311, Mechanical Engineering Building.
TEL:+886-2-33664488 |
自傳 Short Biography |
東京大學工學博士 台灣大學機械工程碩士 |
研究領域 Research Interests |
微細加工, 非傳統加工, 精微放電加工與應用 micromachining, nontraditional machining processes, μEDM and applications |
教學課程 Teaching Courses |
超微細機械加工, 非傳統加工, 工具機, 現代製造技術, 電腦輔助製造, 工程材料 Ultra Micromachining, Nontraditional Machining Processes, Machine Tools, Modern Manufactuing Technology, Computer-Ard Manufacturing, Engineeriy Material |
研究計劃 Research Projects |
研究計畫 : 過去五年總計畫經費
Research Projects: Total fund in the past five years:
4.3D創成微放電銑削製程之電極消耗與即時補償技術(NSC 95-2221-E-002-047-MY2),主持人,計畫期間:06/08/01~08/07/31,委任單位:國科會。
7.多工型臥式高精密微小4軸CNC加工機之研發及其應用-子計畫二:微加工製程的整合化技術研發(3/3) (NSC95-2218-E-002-009-),主持人,計畫期間:06/08/01~07/07/31,委任單位:國科會。
8.多工型臥式高精密微小4軸CNC加工機之研發及其應用-子計畫二:微加工製程的整合化技術研發(2/3) (NSC94-2218-E-002-041-),主持人,計畫期間:05/08/01~06/07/31,委任單位:國科會。
9.多工型臥式高精密微小4軸CNC加工機之研發及其應用-總計畫(2/3),協同主持人,計畫期間:05/08/01~06/07/31,委任單位:國科會。 |
研究著作 Publications |
期刊論文 (Journal Papers):
- Yao-Yang Tsai, Cho-Han Lee, 2014, Experimental study of evaporative heat transfer in sintered powder structures at low superheat levels, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 52, Issue: 13, pp. 230 - 238 (SCI)
- Yao-Yang Tsai, Cho-Han Lee, 2014, Effects of sintered structural parameters on reducing the superheat level in heat pipe evaporators, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Volume 76, pp. 225–234 (SCI)
- Yen Shou Chen, Yao Yang Tsai, 2014, Effects of On-Time on Microstructure and Corrosion Resistance of Pulse-Micro-Arc Oxidation Coatings Formed on Titanium Alloy, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 845, pp. 735-739. (EI)
- Yao-Yang Tsai, Pei-Lun Song, Jeffrey Shih-Chung Fang, Sep. 2013, Colorful oxide film formation on titanium by using EDM process, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Volume 14, Issue 11, pp 1933-1937 (SCI)
- Cho-Han Lee, Yao-Yang Tsai, Apr. 2013, Effects of sintered powder structural thickness on thin-film evaporation heat transfer at low superheat levels, Journal of Applied Physics, Volume: 113 , Issue: 13, pp. 134903 - 134908 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1063/1.4797500 (SCI)
- Cho-Han Lee, Yao-Yang Tsai, 2012, Measurement of Thin-Film Evaporation Heat Transfer for Evaporators with Sintered Powder Wick Structure, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 579, pp. 379-386. (EI)
- Pei-Lun Song, Yo-Ming Chang, and Yao-Yang Tsai*, 2012, An Investigation Into Electrode Wear In Layer-Cut EDM Process, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vols. 234, pp. 1017-1024. (EI)
國際會議論文 (International Conference Papers):
- Yen-Shou Chen, Yao-Yang Tsai, Effects of On-Time on Microstructure and Corrosion Resistance of Pulse-Micro-Arc Oxidation Coatings Formed on Titanium Alloy, MIMEC 2013 (1st International Materials, Industrial, Manufacturing Engineering Conference), Johor, Bahru, Malaysia, Dec. 4-6, 2013
- 張仕承*、蔡曜陽、翁志強 “大氣電漿噴頭噴塗溫度性質探討”, 中國機械工程學會第三十屆全國學術研討會論文, D04-0, 宜蘭, Dec. 6-7, 2013
- 蔡曜陽*, 莊嘉文, “放電加工中添加粉末的運動行為”, 2013先進成型与材料加工技術國際研討會, 寧海, Jul. 2-4, 2013
- Yao-Yang Tsai, A New Combined Process on Micro-EDM and Surface Polishing, The 8th International Conference on MicroManufacturing (ICOMM 2013), Victoria, BC, Canada, Mar 25-28, 2013
- Pei-Lun Song, Yo-Ming Chang, and Yao-Yang Tsai*, An Investigation Into Electrode Wear In Layer-Cut EDM Process, 1st International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems (ICITES), Changhua, Taiwan , December 13-15, 2012
- Y.S. Chen, Y.Y. Tsai, A Study of the Condition and Mechanism of Nucleation in Pulse micro-arc oxidation (MAO), International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing (ICIDM), Taipei, Taiwan ,Dec. 12-14, 2012
- Y. Y. TSAI, S. C. FANG, P. L. SONG, Colorful Oxide Film Formation on Titanium by EDM Process, International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing (ICIDM), Taipei, Taiwan ,Dec. 12-14, 2012
- 蔡曜陽*, “微模具放電加工與表面拋光複合新製程”, 2012先進成型与材料加工技術國際研討會, 杭州, Aug. 22-24, 2012
- Cho-Han Lee*, and Yao-Yang Tsai, Measurement of thin-film evaporation heat transfer for evaporators with sintered powder wick structure, The 4th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing (ICAM), Jiaoxi, Yilan County, Taiwan, March 4-8, 2012
國內會議論文 (Domestic Conference Papers):
- 邱肇彥、蔡曜陽, “三軸工具機銑削路徑之精加工表面研究”, 中國機械工程學會第二十八屆全國學術研討會論文, D01-130, 台中, Dec. 10-11, 2011
- 染白含鈦金屬與其製造方法, 中華民國發明專利, 申請日:2010/08/20,
- 奈米碳管填料樹脂砂輪, 中華民國發明專利, 申請日:2011/12/14
- DIELECTRIC FLUID WITH POLISHING EFFECTS, 美國US Patent, Application date: 2009/7/23 12/508321
- “氣中放電加工及其裝置”, 中華民國發明專利, 申請日:2010/05/26,申請號:099116898, 公開日:2011/12/01,公開號:201141639
- “染白含鈦金屬與其製造方法”, 中華民國發明專利, 申請日:2010/11/18,申請號:099139837, 公開日:2012/06/01,公開號:201222257
- “奈米碳管填料樹脂砂輪及其製法” 中華民國發明專利, 申請日:2012/1/18,申請號:101101889
- “霧氣中放電之放電狀態監控系統” 中華民國發明專利, 申請日:2012/1/20,申請號:101102718
- “一種熱噴塗表面處理裝置及方法” 中華民國發明專利, 申請日: 2013/3/25 ,申請號:102110550
研究計畫(Research Projects) :
- 逆電壓脈衝微放電氧化(RVEDO)技術生成氧化鈦薄膜之開發(I),102-2221-E-002-131,主持人,102.8-103.7。
- 常壓PECVD系統鍍膜均勻度之改善,子計畫三,主持人,101.11-103.10,工研院。
- 微弧放電加工生成氧化鈦薄膜技術之開發(100-2221-E-002-062-MY2),主持人,計畫期間:11/08/01~12/07/31,委任單位:國科會。
- 霧中放電加工製程之安定化(98-2221-E-002-017-MY2),主持人,計畫期間:09/08/01~11/07/31,委任單位:國科會。
- 產業先進設備人才培育計畫,智慧化工具機產業先進設備人才培育教學資源中心夥伴學校主持人,計畫期間:11/01/01~11/12/31,委任單位:教育部。