姓名Name |
陳炳煇 Ping-Hei Chen |
職稱Title |
終身特聘教授 Distinguished Professor |
辦公室Office |
Rm.615, Mechanical Engineering Building. |
電話Phone |
3366-2689 |
傳真Fax |
2363-1755 |
電子郵件E-mail |
個人網頁Homepage |
實驗室Lab |
MEMS Thermal Control Lab
Mechanical Engineering Building Room 611
TEL:+886-2-33664938 |
Short Biography |
Received the B. Sc. Degree in Mechanical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1980. He then received the M. S. and Ph. D. degree from the University of Minnesota in 1984 and 1988, respectively. Since 1988, he had been an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at National Taiwan University. He was promoted to the full Professor at 1996, then served as the vice-Chairman for two years, and Chairman for three years at Department of Mechanical Engineering in National Taiwan University. His current research interests are MEMS, Biochips, Diamond film wafer, Nanotechnology, Thermal and Fluid Control in MEMS, and Packaging for optical devices and IC. He has published more than 60 academic journal papers, 90 conference papers, and ten patents, and three textbook. He is a member of ASME, CSME, CIE, CIAA, and CMEMSS. |
Research Interests |
MEMS, Biochips, Diamond film wafer, Nanotechnology, Thermal and Fluid Control in MEMS, and Packaging for optical devices and IC. |
Teaching Courses |
Micromechanics, Engineering Mathematics, Heat transfer, Conduction and Radiation. |
Research Projects |
- 科服、人文社會科學平台建置與科技計畫審議,主持人,993,000,106/01/01-106/12/31,科技部。
- 經表面改質之銅編織線應用於超薄與超長熱管,主持人,1724000,106/08/01-109/07/31,科技部。
- 大功率動力系統與電動車輛效率提升及可靠度基礎技術研究(IV),主持人,8,000,000,105/11/01-106/10/31,科技部。
- 如何讓科技計畫研究成果能擴及科技應用提升產業競爭力,主持人,980,000,105/01/01 -105/12/31,科技部。
- 創新生產力4.0共享平臺之建立與生產力4.0生產製程之驗證,主持人,10,000,000,105/05/01 -106/02/28,科技部。
- 經表面改質之銅編織線應用於超薄與超長熱管之研究,主持人,5,127,000,105/08/01 -108/07/31,科技部。
- 新型態產學研鏈結計畫辦公室計畫,主持人,4,760,000,105/09/01 -106/08/31,教育部。
- 大功率動力系統與電動車輛效率提升及可靠度基礎技術研究(III),主持人,15,500,000,104/11/01-105/10/31,科技部。
- 如何經由工程科技群組科技計劃的審議來提升台灣產業競爭力之研究,主持人,916,000,104/01/01-104/12/31,科技部。
- 大功率動力系統與電動車輛效率提升及可靠度基礎技術研究(II),主持人,15,500,000,103/11/01-104/10/31,科技部。
- 提升政府科技發展計畫產業化績效之研究,主持人,988,000,103/01/01-103/12/31,國科會。
- 大功率動力系統與電動車輛效率提升及可靠度基礎技術研究(I),主持人,15,500,000,102/11/01- 104/2/1,國科會。
- 可商用即時定量q-ccPCR平台與試劑檢測,主持人,4,650,000,102/1/1-104/12/31,北京萬泰,Tjing-Ling 102-S-A13
- 政府科技計畫工程科技群組規劃、審議及管考研究計畫 –讓政府科技計畫成為隱形冠軍的推手,主持人,916,800,102/01/01-102/12/31,國科會。
- 表面改質對沸騰與冷凝於平板熱管熱傳性能之研究,主持人,3,031,000 102/08/01- 105/07/31,國科會。
- 迴路式毛細管熱對流PCR平台之研發,3,513,000 102/08/01-105/07/31,國科會。
Publications |
期刊論文 (Journal Papers):
Accepted and Published Referred Papers:
140 SCI journal papers(25% in red, 50% in dark green), 9 ESCIjournall papers (light green), 3 EI journal papers(purple), 10 international journal papers(blue). Hi-index is 26.
Detailed citation metric is available in ResearcherID: A-5298-2008 or N-4500-2019
ORCID 0000-0002-8073-9344
*Corresponding Authors
- Cheng, Hui-Chung, Li, Cheng-Han, Chang, Tien-Li, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2022, “Ring droplet formation during evaporation of a sessile water droplet on a biphilic surface”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 182, Paper No. 121956. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0017931021010619?via%3Dihub
- Hsu, Chin-Chi*, Cheng, Hui-Chung, Chang, Tien-Li, and Chen Ping-Hei,2021 “Evaporation heat transfer enhancement by a laser-textured heterogeneous surface" Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol. 628, Paper No. 127359. (time cited: 1)
- Cheng, Hui-Chung, Lin, Ho-Ching, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2021, “Boiling heat transfer enhancement over copper tube via electrolytic and electrostatic effects”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 199, Paper No. 117584. (Time cited: 2)
- Cheng, Hui-Chung, Jiang, Zong-Xun, Chang, Tien-Li, and Chen, Ping-Hei *, 2021, “Effects of difference in wettability level of biphilic patterns on copper tubes in pool boiling heat transfer”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 120, Paper No. 110241 (time cited:10)
- Cheng, Hui-Chung, Chen, Yu-Ying, Chang, Tien-Li, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2020, “Effect of biomimetic fishbone-patterned copper tubes on pool boiling heat transfer”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 162, Paper No. 120371 (time cited:5)
- Cheng, Hui-Chung, Chen, Te-Hsuan, Huang, Hsu-Sheng, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2020, “An Experimental Investigation on Thermal Performance of Ultra-Thin Heat Pipes with Superhydrophilic Copper Braids”, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 42, No. 10, pp. 824-838. (time cited: 2)
- Cheng, Hui-Chung, Chang, Tien-Li, and Chen Ping-Hei *, 2020, “Experimental investigation of inner bubble dynamics during water droplet evaporation from heated surfaces with different roughness and wettability levels”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 157, 119980. (time cited: 2)
- Cheng, Hui-Chung, Jiang, Zong-Xun, Chang, Tien-Li, Ping-Hei Chen*, 2020,“ Roughness and
wettability properties of plain and silica-coated copper surfaces textured with picosecond laser”, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 514, Paper No. 145918. (SCI) https://doi.org/10.1016/J.APSUSC.2020.145918 (time cited:14)
- Mata Arenales, Mario, R. Kumar C.S, Sujith, Kuo, Long-Sheng, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2020, “Surface roughness variation effects on copper tubes in pool boiling of water”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 151, Paper No. 119399. (SCI) (time cited: 19) https://doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.119399
- Kumar C.S, Sujith, Chung, Yu Hsuan, Mata Arenales, Mario, R., Joseph, Albin, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2020, “Effect of hydrophobic inclined patterns on pool boiling performance of cylindrical copper surfaces,”, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 56, No. 6, pp.1379-1389. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00231-019-02796-7
- Cheng, Hui-Chung, Chang, Tien-Li, Lin, Chao-Sung, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2019, “Wettability of the laser-textured copper surface after a water-bath process”, AIP Advances, Vol. 9, Paper No. 125140. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5126173 (Time cited: 2)
- Hong, Jia-Long, Yang, Chia-Ming, Chu, Po-Yu, Chou, Wen-Pin, Liao, Chia-Jung, Hsieh, Chia-Hsun, Wu, Min-Hsien*, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2019, "The effect of operating conditions on the optically induced electrokinetic (OEK)-based manipulation of magnetic microbeads in a microfluidic system", Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, Vol. 296, 126610. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2019.05.087 (time cited:1)
- Chu, Po-Yu, Liao, Chia-Jung, Hsieh, Wang, Hung-Ming, Chou, Wen-Pin, Chen, Ping-Hei*, Wu, Min-Hsien*, 2019, "Utilization of optically induced dielectrophoresis in a microfluidic system for sorting and isolation of cells with varied degree of viability: Demonstration of the sorting and isolation of drug-treated cancer cells with various degrees of anti-cancer drug resistance gene expression," Sensors and Actuators, B., Vol. 283, pp. 621-631. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2018.12.047(time cited: 28)
- Anbarasan, R., Palanikumar, S., Anitha Devi, A., Chen, Ping-Hei, Tung, Kuo Lun*, 2019, “Characterization and application of Cu based superhydrophobic catalyst”, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 371-378. (time cited: 3) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnsc.2019.08.002
- Kuo, Long-Sheng, Huang, Hsu-Sheng, Chen, Te-Hshuan, Sujith Kumar C.S., Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2019, “Characteristics of Capillary Rise in Copper Braids with Surface Modification”, Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 42, No. 8, pp. 720-726. https://doi.org/10.1080/02533839.2019.1660227
- Anbarasan, R., Palanikumar, S., Anitha Devi1, A., Chen, P. H., Tung, Kuo‑Lun*, 2018, “Synthesis, characterization, and application of superhydrophobic low cost Cu and Al nanoparticles”, Int. Nano Letters, Vol. 8, pp. 147-156. (time cited: 7) (ESCI)
- Kumar, C.S., Sujith, Kumar, G., Udaya, Mata Arenales, Mario R., Hsu, Chin-Chi, Suresh, S. Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2018, “Elucidating the Mechanisms Behind the Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement using Nano-Structured Surface Coatings”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 137, pp. 868-891. (SCI Journal). DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.03.092 (time cited: 28)
- Chiu, Tzu-Keng, Chao, A-Ching, Chou, Wen-Pin, Liao, Chia-Jung, Wang, Hung-Ming, Chang, Jyun-Huan, Chen, Ping-Hei*, and Wu, Min-Hsien*, 2018, “Optically-induced-dielectrophoresis (ODEP)-based cell manipulation in a microfluidic system for high-purity isolation of integral circulating tumor cell (CTC) clusters based on their size characteristics”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical Vo l. 258, pp.1161-1173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2017.12.003 (time cited: 44)
- Kumar, C.S., Sujith, Chang, Yao Wen, Mata Arenales, Mario R., Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chuang, Yu Hsuan, Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2018, “Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Size and Pitch of Hydrophobic Square Patterns on the Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Performance of Cylindrical Copper Surface”, Inventions, Vol. 3, No. 1., pp. 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/inventions3010015 (time cited:12, 兩篇引用vol 出錯)(ESCI)
- Kumar, C.S, Sujith Chang, Yao Wen and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2017, “Effect of heterogeneous wettable structures on pool boiling performance of cylindrical copper surfaces”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol., 127C, pp. 1184-1193. (SCI Journal, time cited: 47). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.08.069
- Chou, Wen-Pin, Lee, Chien, Hsu, Zong-Jyun, Lai, Mei-Hui, Kuo, Long-Sheng, and Chen, Ping-Hei, 2017, “Development of Capillary Loop Convective Polymerase Chain Reaction Platform with Real-Time Fluorescent Detection”, Inventions, Vol. 2, No.1, pp. 3-8. (time cited: 4)(ESCI)
- Kumar, C.S, Sujith, Chang, Yao, Wenn and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2017, “Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement on Cylindrical Surfaces with Hybrid Wettable Patterns”, Journal of Visualized Experiments, Vol. 122, e55387-e55387. (time cited:8, 一篇出處引用錯誤)
- Hsu, Chin-Chi, Lee, Meng-Ru, Wu, Chun-Hui and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2017, "Effect of Interlaced Wettability on Horizontal Copper Cylinders in Nucleate Pool Boiling", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 112C, pp. 1187-1194. (number cited: 28)
- Hsu, Chin-Chi*, Lee, Meng-Ru, Wu, Chun-Hui and Chen, Ping-Hei, 2017, "Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement by Impurities Deposition in Tap Water", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 88, pp. 88-92. (SCI Journal, time cited:5, One is missing the correct page number).
- Hsu, Chin-Chi, Wu, Chun-Hui, Sheng, Wei-Kong, Chen, Michael Chen, Kuo Long-Sheng, and Ping-Hei Chen*, 2016, “Improvement of water wetting capability of copper wire braids by surface modification approaches”, International Communication Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 77, pp. 155-158. (number cited: 3) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2016.08.012
- Lee, You-An, Kuo Long-Sheng, Su, Tsung-Wen, Hsu, Chin-Chi, and Chen Ping-Hei*, 2016, “Orientation Effects of Nanoparticle-Modified Surfaces with Inter-laced Wettability on Condensation Heat Transfer”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 98, pp. 1054-1060 SCII) (number cited:16) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.01.003
- Wu, C.H.*, Kang, Dongyang, Chen, Ping-Hei, Dai, Yu-Chong, 2016, “MEMS thermal flow sensor”, Sensors and Actuators, A, Physical, Vol., 241, pp. 135-144. (SCI Journal)(time cited :32, 兩篇的vol數錯為 No.數)
- Harihara S, R., Sivabalan, A., Palanikumar, S., Meenarathi, B., Kannammal., L., Chen, P.-H., and Anbarasan, R.*, 2016, “Synthesis and characterization of pH responsive poly(vinyl chloride)”, International Journal of Plastics Technology, Vol. 20, 28-41.
- Hsu, Chin-Chi, Su, Tsung-Wen, Wu, C.-H., Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2015, " Influence of Surface Temperature and Wettability on Droplet Evaporation", Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 106, 141602. (SCI Journal)(time cited:22, one cited in the wrong page number)
- Palanikumar, S., Palanichamy, R., Meenarathi, B., Chen, Hunghsia, Chen, Ping-Hei, and Anbarasan, R.*, 2015, " Role of Amoxicillin Functionalized Fe3O4 on the Settling Velocity of Starch", International Journal of Nanoparticles, Vol. 8, Nos. 3/4, 2015, pp. 201-217.
- Lee, You-An, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Su Tsung-Wen, Hsu, Chin-Chi, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2015, “Condensation Heat Transfer Enhancement on Surfaces with Interlaced Wettability”, Journal of Advanced Thermal Science Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 27-32. (time cited: 2)
- Hsieh, Yi-Fan, Yang, An-Shik, Chen, Jia-Wei, Liao, Shao-Kai, Su, Tsung-Wen, Yeh, Shiou-Hwei, Chen, Pei-Jer, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2014, "A Lego-like Swappable Fluidic Module for Bio-Chem Applications", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 204, 489-496. (SCI Journal) (time cited: 18)
- Hsu, Chin-Chi, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2014, “Reversed Boiling Curve Phenomenon on Surfaces with Interlaced Wettability”, AIP Advances, Vol. 4, No. 10, 107110. (SCI Journal) (time cited: 17)
- Zhang, Shiyinm, Xue, Miaoge, Zhang, Jing, Chen, Qingrui, Chen, Jieyu, Wang, Zhantong, Zhou, Wenbin, Chen, Pinghei, Xia, Ningshao, G e, Shengxiang *, 2014, “A Convenient Nucleic Acid Test Based on Capillary Convective PCR for the On-site Detection of Enterovirus 71,” The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp.452-458. (SCI Journal) (time cited: 10)
- Wu, Chun-Hui, Chen, Chia-Wei, Kuo, Long-Sheng and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2014, “A Novel Approach to Measure the Hydraulic Capacitance of a Microfluidic Membrane Pump," Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2014, Article ID198620, 2014 (SCI Journal). (time cited: 5)
- Hsu, Chin-Chi, Yang, Da-Chi Yang, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2014, "Thermal Performance Improvement of a Cylindrical Thermosyphon with Modified Wettability on Both Evaporator and Condenser Sections", International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 81-89.
- Meenarathi, B., Chen, H.-H., Chen, P.-H., Anbarasan, R., 2014, “Synthesis and characterization of fluorescent bio-degradable Poly (ε-Caprolactone)”, International Journal of Plastics Technology, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 135-145. (time cited: 10)
- Sribala MG, Chen, Hung-Hsia, Chen, Ping-Hei, Meenarathi B, Kannammal L, Siva P, Anbarasan R., 2013, “Synthesis and Characterizations of Poly (ε-caprolactone) based hydrophobic Copolymers”, Indian Journal of Science, Vol. 5, No., 13, pp. 41-48. (Time cited:1)
- Zhang, Shiyinm, Xue, Miaoge, Zhang, Jing, Chen, Qingrui, Chen, Jieyu, Wang, Zhantong, Zhou, Wenbin, Chen, Pinghei, Xia, Ningsha, Ge, Shengxiang *, 2013, one-step dipstick assay for the on-site detection of nucleic acid”, Clinical Biochemistry, Vol. 46, pp. 1852-1856. (SCI Journal) (time cited:10)
- Wu, Chun-Hui, Huang, Yi-Shiang, Kuo, Long-Sheng, and Chen, Ping-Hei *, 2013, “The effects of boundary wettability on turbulent natural convection heat transfer in a rectangular enclosure”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 63, pp. 249-254. (SCI Journal) (time cited: 4)
- Yang, A. S.*, Hsieh, Y. F., Tseng, L. Y., Liao, S. K., Wong, M. H., Chen, P. H., 2013, “A Novel Vortex Mixer Actuated by One-Shot Electricity-Free Pumps”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 228, pp. 882-888. (SCI Journal) (time cited:9)
- Hsieh, Yi-Fan, Eri, Yonezawa, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Yeh, Shiou-Hwei, Chen, Pei-Jer, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2013, “Polymerase chain reaction with phase change as intrinsic thermal control”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 102, No. 17, 173701. (SCI Journal) (time cited:5)
- Meenarathi, B., Chen, Hung-Hsia, Chen, Ping-Hei, Anbarasan, R *, 2013, Near-infraredd dye functionalized MWCNT as an effective initiator for the ring-opening polymerization of ε-caprolactone”, J. of Polymer Research, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 1-12. (SCI)(time cited:24)
- Hsieh, Yi-Fan, Lee, Da-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei, Liao, Shao-Kai, Yeh, Shiou-Hwei, Chen, Pei-Jer, and Yang, An-Shik*, 2013, “A real-time convective PCR machine in a capillary tube instrumented with a CCD-based fluorometer”, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, Vol. 183, pp. 434-440. (time cited:13, SCI Journal)
- Hsu, Chin-Chi and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2012, “Surface wettability effects on boiling heat transfer usingnanoparticle coatings”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 55, pp. 3713-3719. (SCI) (time cited:117:1篇頁數引用錯誤)
- Yang, Cheng-Hao, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei*, Yang Chii-Rong, Tsai, Zou- Min, 2012, “Development of a multilayered polymeric DNA biosensor using radio frequency technology with gold and magnetic nanoparticles”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics Vol. 31, pp. 349-356., (SCI) (time cited: 18)
- Chang, Bor-Haw*, Chen, Ping-Hei, and Lee, Da-Sheng, 2012, “Experimental Stability Study on Herringbone MiMicro grooved journal Bearing in an Impeller-Spindle System”, Journal of Mechanics, Vol.28, pp. 123-133. (SCI)(time cited: 1)
- Chen, Hung-Hsia, Anbarasan, R., Kuo, Long-Sheng, Hsu, Chin-Chi, Chen, Ping-Hei*, Kuei-Feng Chiang, 2012, “Fabrication of hierarchical structured superhydrophobic Copper surface by in-situ method with micro/nano-scaled particles”, Materials Letters, Vol. 66, pp. 299-301. (SCI)(time cited:17)
- Hsu, Chin-Chi, Su, Tsung-Wen, Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2012, “Pool boiling of nanoparticle- modified surface with interlaced wettability”, Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol. 7, pp. 259 (time cited:45,有4篇page number引用錯誤)
- Kuo, L. S., Huang, Hao-Hsiu, Yang, Cheng-Hao, and Chen, Ping-Hei *, 2011, “Real-time remote monitoring of temperature and humidity within a PEM fuel cell using flexible sensors”, Sensors, Vol. 11, pp.8674-. (SCI) (number cited: 6)
- Lee, Da-Sheng, Yang, An-Shik ∗, Chen, Ping-Hei, Liu, Chin-Lung, Lin, Ching-Po, and Tseng, Li-Yu, 2011, “Determination of Radio-Frequency Identification Sensor Locations for an Adapted Air-Conditioning System in a Conference Room”, Advanced Science Letters, Vol. 4, pp. 2790-2797.
- Tsai, Meng-Yu, Hsu Chin-Chi, Chen, Ping-Hei*, Lin, Chao-Sung, and Chen, Alexander, 2011, “Surface modification on a glass surface with a combination technique of sol-gel and air brushingprocesses”, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 257, pp. 8640-8646. (SCI)(time cited:15)
- Lee, Dasheng, Chou, Wen-Pin, Yeh, Shiou-Hwei, Chen, Pei-Jer, Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2011, “DNA detection using commercial mobile phones”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 26, No. 11, pp 4349-4354 (42 in a web of science)
- Chen, Hung-Hsia, Anbarasan, R., Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei *, 2011, “A novel report on Eosin Y functionalized MWCNT as an initiator for the ring opening polymerization of e-Caprolactone,” Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 126, pp. 584-590. (SCI)(time cited:19)
- Chen, Ping-Hei*, Hsu, C. J., Lee, Pei-Shan, and Lin, Chao-Sung, 2011, “Fabrication of semi-transparent super-hydrophobic surface based on silica hierarchical structures”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp.1253-1260. (SCI) Feb.(time cited:7)
- Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chou, Wen-Pin and Chen, Ping-Hei *, 2011, “Numerical study of effects of slip boundaries on 2D Rayleigh-Benard convection using lattice Boltzmann method”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 54, pp. 1340-1343. (SCI)(time cited:3)
- Chou, Wen-Pin, Chen, Ping-Hei, Miao, Ji-Ming, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Yeh, Shiou-Hwei, and Chen, Pei-Jer *, 2011, “Rapid DNA Amplification in a Capillary by Natural Convection with Single Isothermal Heater,” Biotechniques, Vol. 52, pp. 52-57. (SCI) (time cited:38)
- Tsai, Tsung-Han, Chien, Hsin-Tang Chie,n and Chen, Ping-Hei *, 2011, “Improvement on Thermal Performance of a Disk-Shaped Miniature Heat Pipe with Nanofluid”, Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol. 6, Art. No.590. (SCI)(time cited:19)
- Liu, Li-Der, Tikekar, Mukul, Lin, Chao-Sung*, Chen, Ping-Hei, 2011, “Superhydrophobic Transparent Films from Silica Powder: Comparison of Fabrication Methods”, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 519, pp. 6224–6229, 2011. (SCI) (number ccite 12)
- Chen, Hung-Hsia, Anbarasan, R., Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei *, 2011, “Synthesis and characterizations of novel acid functionalized and fluorescent Poly e-Caprolactone,” J. of Material Science, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 1796-1805. (SCI) (time cited:18)
- Liou, Dar-Sun, Hsieh, Yi-Fan, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Yang, Chin-Ting and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2011, “Modular Component Design for Portable Microfluidic Devices”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 465-474. ( SCI) Feb. (time cited: 11)
- Tsai, Tsung-Han, Chen, Ping-Hei*, Lee, Da-Sheng, and Yang, Chin-Ting, 2011, “Investigation of electrical and magnetic properties of Ferro-nanofluid on transformers”, Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol. 6, No. 1, Art. No.264.(SCI) (number cited:19)
- Hsu, Chin-Chi, Kuo, Long-Sheng, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2011, “Classification of Surface Wettability and MMicroNano-Fabrication Methods in Surface Modification: A Review”, International Journal of Microscale and Nanoscale Thermal & Fluid Transport Phenomena, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 301-328.
- Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2011, “Mems Thermal Control Laboratory Description”, International Journal of Microscale and Nanoscale Thermal & Fluid Transport Phenomena, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 381-390.
- Tsai, Tsung-Han, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei*, Lee, Da-Sheng, and Yang, Chin-Ting, 2010, “Applications of Ferro-Nanofluid on a Micro-Transformer”, Sensors, Vol. 10, pp.8161-8172. (time cited:36 )(SCI)
- Chen, Ping-Hei*, Lee, I.-J., 2010, “Measured cross-stream flow field under the effect of a row of inclined jets on a concave surface,” Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 179-186. (SCI)
- Yang, Y. L., Hsu, C. J., Chang, T. L., Kuo, L. S., Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2010, “Study on Wetting Properties of Periodical Nanopatterns by a Combinative Technique of Photolithography and Laser Lithography”, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 256, March, pp. 3683-3687. (SCI) (time cited: 55)
- Chen, Hung-Hsia, Anbarasan, R., Kuo, Long-Sheng, Tsai, Meng-Yu, Chen, Ping-Hei*, Chiang, Kuei-Feng, 2010, “Synthesis, Characterizations a, nd hydrophobicity of micronanoo-scaledhelptadecafluoro nonanoic Acid Decorated Copper nanoparticle”, Nano-Micro Letters, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 101-105. (SCI) (time cited:17)
- Wang, Jung-Hao, Chien Liang-Ju, Hsieh, Tsung-Min, Luo, Ching-Hsing, Chou, Wen-Pin, Chen, Ping-Hei, Chen, Pei-Jer, Chen, Lee, Da-Sheng, Lee, Gwo-Bin *, 2009, “A Miniaturized Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction System for DNA Amplification and Detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 141, pp. 329-337. (time cited:40, 1 in wrong volume and page)
- Tsai, Chung-Hang, Liu, Da-Sheng, Kuo, Long-Sheng, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2009, “Rapid mixing between fFerronanofluid and water in a semi-active Y-Type micromixer,” Sensors and Actuators A, Vol. 153, pp. 267-273. (time cited: 82)
- Miao, J. M., Wu, C. Y., and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2009, Numerical Investigation of Confined Multiple-jet Impingement Cooling over a Flat Plate at Different Crossflow OOrientations” Numerical Heat Transfer, A: Application, Vol. 55, pp. 1019-1050. (SCI) (21/112)(time cited:40, three are missing the correct year)
- Chen, P.-H.*, Lee, Y. W., and Chang, T. L., 2009, “Predicting Thermal Instability in a Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe System,” Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 29, pp. 1566-1576.(SCI) doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2008.07.007 (time cited:15)
- Kuo, Long-Sheng, and Chen Ping-Hei*, 2009, “A Unified Approach for Nonslip and Slip Boundary Conditions in the Lattice Boltzmann Method,” Computers and Fluids, Vol. 38, pp. 883-887. (SCI) doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2008.09.008 (time cited:12)
- Kuo, Long-Sheng, and Chen Ping-Hei*, 2009, “Numerical Implementation of Thermal Boundary Conditions in the Lattice Boltzmann Method,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 52, pp. 529-532. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2008.07.017(SCI) (time cited:23)
- Hung, Min-Sheng*, Ding, Pei-Pei, and Chen, Ping-Hei, 2009, “Effects of Injection Angle Orientation on Concave and Convex Surfaces Film Cooling,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 33, pp. 292-305. (SCI) (The first and corresponding author is my ex-Ph. D. student) doi:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2008.09.011(time cited:14)
- Chien, Liang-Ju, Wang, Jung-Hao, Hsieh, Tsung-Min, Chen, Ping-Hei, Chen, Pei-Jer, Lee, Da-Sheng, Luo, Ching-Hsing, and Lee, Gwo-Bin*, 2009, “A Micro Circulating PCR chip Using a Suction-type Membrane for Fluidic Transport,” Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 359-367. (SCI) DOI 10.1007/s10544-008-9242-z (time cited: 20)
- Liou, Dar-Sun, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei*, Chang, Tien-Li, and Yang, Chin-Ting, 2009, “Axial particle displacements in fluid slugs after passing a simple serpentiform microchannel,” Microfluidic and Nanofluidic, Vol. 7, pp. 145-148. (SCI) (time cited:9)
- Kuo, Long-Sheng, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2009, “Effects of Slip Boundary Conditions on Rayleigh-Benard Convection,” J. of Mechanics, Vol. 25, pp. 205-212. (SCI) (Runner-up of 2010 Journal Best Paper Award) (time cited:6)
- Yang, C. H., Chien, J.-H., Wang, B. Y., Chen, Ping-Hei*, and Lee, Da-Sheng, 2008, “Development of a Flexible Surface Wetness Sensor Using an RFID Technique” Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 10, Feb., pp. 47-54. (SCI) DOI: 10.1007/s10544-007-9108-9. (time cited:18)
- Lee, I-Chien, Chen, Ping-Hei*, and Chyu, Minking, 2008, “An Experimental Investigation of Jet Flows through a Row of Forward Expanded Holes into a Mainstream over a Concave Surface,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 32, pp. 1068-1080. (SCI) DOI: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2007.12.002 (time cited:1)
- Chang, S. W.*, Chiang, K. F., Zheng, Yao, Huang, C. C., and Chen, Ping-Hei, 2008, “Detailed Heat Transfer Measurements of Curved Finned Channels, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 29, pp. 849-863. (SCI) (38/107) DOI: 10.1080/01457630802125641 (time number :1)
- Chien, J. H., Yang, C. H., Chen, P. H.*, Yang, C. R., Lin, C. S., and Wang H., 2008, “DNA Detection Using a Radio Frequency Biosensor with Gold Nanoparticles,” Frontier in Bioscience, Vol. 13, pp. 4756-4764. (SCI) (time cited:2) DOI: 10.2741/3037
- Tsai, Chung-Hang, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei*, and Yang, Chin-Ting, 2008, “Effect of Viscosity of Base Fluid on Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluid,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, Art. No. 233121. (SCI) DOI: 10.1063/1.3046732 (time cite :80,1 cited by conference, 1 cited in the wrong volume)
- Chen, Ping H., Chang, Shyy W.*, Chiang, Kuei F., and Ji, Li, 2008, “High Power Electronic Component: Review,” Recent Patents on Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 174-188. (time cited:24, one cited the in wrong year)
- Miao, J. M., Chang. B. H., and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2008, “Numerical Predictions of a Flow Field in a Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing with Herringbone Microgrooves,” Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 8, No. 7/8, pp. 486-495. (SCI)
- Miao, Jr-Ming*, Chen, Ping-Hei; Wang, Ding-San, 2008, “Effects of Mainstream Turbulence Level and Injection Hole Location on Film-Cooled Stagnation Mass and Heat Transfer,” Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Vol., 15, pp. 129-155. 10.1615/JFlowVisImageProc.v15.i2.30. (The first and corresponding author is my ex-Ph. D. student) (ESCI)
- Cheng, Yi-Ting, Chang, Chih-Wei, Chien, J. H., Kuo, J.-S., Chen, W.-T., and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2007, “A Novel CMOS Sensor for Measuring Thermal Diffusivity of Liquids” Sensors and Actuators, A. Vol. 135, pp. 451-457. (SCI Journal). DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2006.08.026 (time cited:6)
- Cheng, Yi-Ting, Tsai, Chien-Ying, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2007, “CMOS biochip for electrical detection of DNA with an embedded current amplifier circuit,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. Vol. 120, pp. 758-765. (SCI Journal) doi:10.1016/j.snb.2006.03.045 (time cited:17)
- Chang, C.-W., Cheng, Y.-T. Tsai, C.-Y., Chien, J.-H., Wang, P.-Y, and Chen, P.-H.*, 2007, “Periodic Flow Patterns of the Magnetic Fluid in Microchannel,” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 310, pp. 2844-2846. (time cited: 3)
- Chien, J. H., Chen, P. H.*, Kuo, L. S., Lin, C. S., and Wang H., 2007, “Protein Detection Using a Radio Frequency Biosensor with Gold Nanoparticles,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91, No. 14, Art. No. 143901.(SCI) DOI: 10.1063/1.2794758 (time cited:15,two with missing page number)
- Lee, I.-J., and Chen, P. H.*, 2007, “An Inclined Jet through A Forward Expanded Hole Ejected into Mainstream over A Concave Surface,” Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 2, Sep., pp. 311-321. (ESCI)
- Chang, Tien-Li, Tsai, Chien-Ying, Sun, C.-C., Chen, C.-C., Kuo, L.- and and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2007, “Ultrasensitive Electrical Detection of Protein Using Nanogap Electrodes and Nanoparticle-Based DNA Amplification,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics Vol. 22, pp. 3139-3145. DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2007.02.003 (time cited : 34)
- Chang, Tien-Li*, Liou, Dar-Sun, Ping-Hei Chen, Lin, Hung-Yi, and Chang, Fu-Yu, 2007, “Ultrasensitive Electrical DNA Identification with Bio-Bar-Code DNA and Nanoparticles in Nanogap Device,” Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, No.2 pp. 133-136 .(EI Journal) (The first author and corresponding author is my ex-Ph. D. student)
- Chien, Jui Hung, Lee Da Sheng, Cheng, Yi Ting, Yeh, Shou Huei, Chou, Wen Ping, and Chen, Ping Hei*, 2006, “A Novel Fluorescence quantification method for Polymerase Chain Reaction System”, Optics Communications, Vol. 266, pp. 744-750. (time cited: 1)
- Kuo, J.–S., Chiu, K.–T., Hsu, S.–W., Chen, P.–H. *, Liao, Y.–S., Yang, C.–R., 2006, “A novel Technique for Fabrication of Herringbone Grooves in Dynamic Thrust Bearing Combining UV-LIGA with Electro-Discharge-Machining,” Microsystem Technologies. Vol. 12, pp. 529-536. (SCI Journal) (time cited:4)
- Shyu, J.-C., Chang, Z. W., and Chen, P. H. *, 2006, “A Simplified Correlation for Bubble Volume Estimation,” Canadian J. of Chem. Eng., Vol. 84, pp. 183-188. (time cited: 1, SCI Journal).
- Lee, Y.-W., Chang, C.-W., Miao, J.-M., and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2006,“Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of a Disk-Shaped Miniature Heat Pipe,” Numerical heat transfer, A, Applications, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 25-45. (time cited:2)
- Tsai, Chien-Ying, Chang, Tien-Li, Kuo, Long-Sheng, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2006, “Detection of Electrical Characteristics of DNA Strands Immobilized on Self-assembled Multilayer Gold Nanoparticles” Applied Physics Letter, Vol. 89, No. 20, Art. No. 203902 (SCI Journal) DOI: 10.1063/1.2390653 (time cited:16)
- Chang, Tien-Li, Tsai, Chien-Ying, Sun Chih-Chen, Uppala, Ramesh, Chen, Chun-Chi, Lin, Chun-Hung, Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2006, “Electrical Detection of DNA Using Gold and Magnetic Nanoparticles and Bio Bar-Code DNA between Nanogap Electrodes,” Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 83, Apr., pp. 1630-1633. ( time cited: 25)
- Lee, Chi-Yuan*, Chang, Pei-Zen Chang, Chen, Yung-Yu, Dai, Ching-Liang, Wang, Xuan-Yu, Chen, Ping-Hei, and Lee, Shuo-Jen, 2006, “A Novel Method for In-Situ Monitoring of the Thickness of a Silicon Wafer during Wet Etching” Sensors and Materials, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 71-82. (SCI Journal)
- Kuo, J.-S., Sun, W. S., and Chen, P. H. *, 2006, “Theoretical Analysis of a Novel Device for Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Liquids,” Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 33, pp. 426-433. (time cited: 1)
- Liu, Jui-Jung, Lee, Ya-Wei, Wang, Fu-Cheng, Uppla, Ramesh, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2006, “Time and Frequency Domain Identification and Analysis Of A Permanent Magnet Synchronous Servo Motor,” J. of Chin. Inst. Engr. Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 683-695. (time cited:4)
- Lee, C.-Y. *, Cheng, Y.-C., Wu, T.-T., Chen, Y.-Y., Chen, W.-J., Pao, S.-Y., Chang, P.-Z., Chen, Ping-Hei, 2005, “Novel Method for In-situ Monitoring of Thickness of Quartz during Wet Etching,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 44, No. 10, pp.7662-7666. (SCI Journal)
- Chu, Cheng-Che, Hwang, Gan-Ling, Chiou, J. W., Tsai, Chien-Ying, Lin, Hsiu-Mei, Chang, C. S. Pong, W. F., Guo, J. H., Chen, Ping-Hei, and Luh, Tien-Yau*, 2005, “Polymerization of a confined pi-system: Chemical synthesis of tetrahedral amorphous carbon nanoballs from graphitic carbon nanocapsules,” Advanced Material, Vol. 17, No. 22, pp.2707-2710. (time cited:4)
- Tsai, C.-Y., Chang, T.-L., Uppala, R., Chen, C.-C., Ko, F.-H., Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2005, “Electrical Detection of Protein Using Gold Nanoparticles and Nanogap Electrode,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 44, No. 7B, pp. 5711-5716. (time cited:5)
- Chang, S.W.*, Chiang, K.F., Yang, T. L., and Chen, P.-H., 2005, “Heat Transfer in a Twin-Blow Narrow Channel with Two Opposite Walls Roughened by Skewed Ribs Arranged in Staggered Manner,” International Journal of Thermal Science, Vol. 44, pp.694-708. (time cited:4)
- Cheng, Y.-C. *, Dai, C.-L., Lee, C.-Y., Chen, Ping-Hei, and Chang, P.-Z., 2005, “A Circular Micromirror Array Fabricated by a Maskless Post-CMOS Process,” Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 11, pp. 444-451. (SCI Journal) (time cited:28)
- Cheng, Y.-T., Pun, C.-C. Pun, Tsai, C.-Y., and P.-H. Chen*, 2005, “An Array-Based CMOS Biochip for Electrical Detection of DNA with Multilayer Self-assembly Gold Nanoparticles”, Sensors and Actuators, B, Chemical, Vol 109, pp. 249-255. (time cited:33) doi:10.1016/j.snb.2004.12.072
- Lee, D.-S. *, Chang, B.-H., and Chen, P.-H., 2005, “Development of a CCD-based Fluorimeter forreal-timee PCR machine,” Sensors and Actuators, B, Chemical, Vol. 107, pp. 872-881. (time cited:7)
- Cheng, Y.-C.*, Dai C.-L., Lee, C.-Y., Chen, Ping-Hei, and Chang, P.-Z., 2005, "A MEMS Micromirror Fabricated Using CMOS Post-process, "Sensors and Actuators A, Physical, Vol. 120, pp. 573-581. (SCI Journal) (27 in web of science) doi:10.1016/j.sna.2005.02.009
- Chiang, K.F., Chang, S.W. *, and Chen, P.-H., 2005, “Forced Convective Heat Transfer of 45° Rib-Roughened Fin Flows,” Experimental Thermal and fluid science, Vol. 29, pp.743-754. (time cited:12)
- Tsai, C.-Y., Tsai, Y.-H., Pun, C.-C., Chan, B., Luh, T-Y., Chen, C.-C., Ko, F.-H., Chen, P.-J., Chen, P-H. *, 2005, “Electrical Detection of DNA Hybridization with Multilayer Gold Nanoparticles between Nanogap electrodes,” Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 11, pp. 91-96. (time cited: 19 )
- Tsai, C.-Y., Chang, T.-L. Chen, C.-C., Ko, F.-H., Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2005, “AnUltra-Sensitivee DNA Detection by Using Gold Nanoparticle Multilayer in Nano-Gap Electrodes,” Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 78, pp. 546-555. (29 in the web of science) doi:10.1016/j.mee.2004.12.070
- Chen, Y.-T., Ma, K.-J. Tseng, A. A. *, and Chen, P. H., 2005, “Projection Ablation Glass-Based Single and Arrayed Microstructures Using Excimer Laser,” Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 37, pp. 271-280. (time cited:18)
- Lee, I-C., Chang, Y.-C., Ding, P.-P., Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2005, “Film Cooling over a Concave Surface through Two Staggered Rows of Compound Angle Holes,” J. of Chin. Inst. Engr., Vol. 28, pp. 827-836. (SCI Journal) (time cited:3, one time cited with the wrong first author name)
- Lee, D. S. *, Wu, M. T., Ramesh, U., and Chen, P. H., 2004, “A Novel Real-Time PCR Machine with a Miniature Spectrometer for Fluorescence Sensing inMicroLiterter Volume Glass Capillary,” Sensors and Actuators, B, Chemical, Vol. 100, No. 3, pp. 401-410. (time cited:21) doi:10.1016/j.snb.2004.02.012
- Lee, C.-Y. *, Cheng, Y.-C., Wu, T.-T., Chen, Y.-Y., Chen, W.-J., Pao, S.-Y., Chang, P.-Z., Chen, Ping-Hei, 2004, “In-situ Monitoring of Silicon Membrane Thickness during Wet Etching Using a SAW Sensor,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 43, No. 6A, pp.3611-3617. (time cited: 1)
- Tsai, C.-Y., Lee, D.-S., Tsai, Y.-H., Chan, B., Luh, T.-Y., Chen, P.-J., Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2004, “Shrinking Gold Nanoparticles: Dramatic Effect of a Cryogenic Process on Tannic Acid/ Sodium Citrate Generated Gold Nanoparticles,” Materials Letters, Vol. 58, No. 14, pp. 2023-2026. (SCI Journal) (time cited:21)
- Chen, C.-C., Tsai, C.-Y., Ko, F.-H. *, Pun, C.-C., Chen, H.-L., and Chen, Ping-Hei, 2004 ,“Room Temperature Operation of Coulomb Blockade Sensor Fabricated by the Self-Assembled GoNanoparticlesles utilizing DNA Hybridization,” Japan J. Applied Physics, Vol.43, No.6B, pp.3843-3848. (time cited:12, two quoted in the wrong page number)
- Tsai, C. Y., Chien, H. T., Ding, P. P., Chan, B., Luh, T. Y., Chen, P. H. *, 2004, “Effect of Structural Character of Gold Nanoparticles in Nanofluid on Heat Pipe Thermal Performance,” Materials Letters, Vol. 58, No. 9, pp. 1461-1465. (time cited: 303, three without page number)
- Lee, D. S., Tsai, J. Y., Yuan, W. H., Chen, P. J., and Chen, P. H. *, 2004,“A New Thermal Cycling Mechanism for Effective Polymerase Chain Reaction in Microliter Volumes,” Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 10, pp. 579-584. (time cited: 2)
- Sheu, T. S., Kuo, J. S., Ding, P. P., and Chen, P. H. *, 2004 ,“Theoretical Analysis of Capillary Performance of Triangular Microgrooves,” Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 315-322. (time cited:7)
- Lee, Chi-Yuan*, Cheng, Ying-Chou, Chen, Yung-Yu, Chang, Pei-Zen, Wu, Tsung-Tsong, Dai, Ching-Liang, Chen, Ping-Hei, Pao, Shih-Yung, and Chen, Wen-Jong, 2004, “A Novel Method for Measuring the Thickness of Quartz using a Plate Wave Sensor,” Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 25, pp. 321-328.
- Lee, C.-Y. *, Cheng, Y.-C., Wu, T.-T., Chen, Y.-Y., Chen, W.-J., Pao, S.-Y., Chang, P.-Z., Chen, P.-H., Yen, K.-H., and Xiao, F.-Y., 2004, “A Novel Method for Evaluating the Thickness of Silicon Membrane Using a Micromachined Acoustic Wave Sensor,” Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 61-66. (EI Journal)
- Cheng, Y.-C. *, Lee, C.-Y., Dai, C.-L., Chen, W.-J., Chang, P.-Z., and Ping-Hei Chen, 2004, “Fabrication of Free-space MOEM Device by CMOS Process,” Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 73-76. (EI Journal) (time cited: 1)
- Jeng, S. T., Lee, D. S., Ding, P. P., Chu, S. L., and Chen, P. H. *, 2003, “Disk-Shaped Miniature Heat Pipe (DMHP) with Radiating Micro Grooves for a TO Can Laser Diode Package,” IEEE T. Components and Packaging Technology, Vol.26, No. 3, (Sep.), pp. 569-574. (SCI Journal) (time cited: 11 in the web of science) DOI: 10.1109/TCAPT.2003.817648 (rename as IEEE T. Components Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology)
- Cheng, Y., Ding, P. P., Sheu, T.S., Shew, B. Y., Chen, P. H., 200High-Performanceance Flat Miniature Heat Pipes Fabricated by UD-LIGA Process”, Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 9, 23-24. (time cited:1)
- Chen, P. H., Shyu, J.-C., and Cheng, W. F., 2002, “Valveless Pressure Regulation with a Submerged Micro-hole,” J. of Chin. Inst. Engr. Vol. 25, pp. 653-661. (time cited:1)
- Shyu, J.-C., and Chen, P. H., 2002, “Air bubble generation through a submerged micro-hole,” Chemical Eng. Research and Design, Vol. 80, pp. 355-363. (time cited:3)
- Lee, C. Y., Yang, L.-J., and Chen, P. H., 2002, “The Zeroth Order Solution of Velocity Field around Micro Comb Structures with Lateral Oscillation”, J. of Chin. Inst. Engr.Vol. 25, pp. 57-65. (time cited:1)
- Tai, H. , Wang D. S., Chen P. H., Hsu U. K., Miao J. M., 2001, “Numerical studies of the passage flowfield in a 3-D transonic turbine blade cascade”, J. of Mechanics,Vol. 17 (4), pp. 221-230.
- Chen P. H., Hung MS, and Ding PP, 2001, “Film cooling performance on curved walls with compound angle hole configuration,” Heat Transfer in Gas Turbine Systems, ANN. New York Acad. Sciences, New York, Vol. 934, pp. 353-360. (18 in the web of science)
- Cheng, Y.*, Shewa, B. -Y., Chyu, M. K., and Chen, P. H., 2001, “Ultra-deep LIGA process and its applications”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detect,ors and Associated Equipment, Vol., 467-468, Part, 2, pp. 1192-1197. (time cited: 16 in the web of science)
- Chen P.-H., Peng, H.-Y., Hsieh, J.-M., and Chyu, M. K., 2001, “The characteristic behavior of TMAH water solution for anisotropic etching on both Silicon substrate and SiO2 layer,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. Vol. 93, 132-137. (time cited: 69) doi:10.1016/S0924-4247(01)00639-2
- Chen, P. H., Ding, P.-P., and Ai, D., 2001, “An Improved Data Reduction Method on the Applications of Transient Liquid Crystal Thermography on Film Cooling Effectiveness Measurements,” Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 44, 1379-1387.a (time cited: 9 in the web of science)
- Ai, D., Ding, P.-P., and Chen, P. H., 2001, “The Selection Criterion of Injection Temperature Pair for Transient Liquid Crystal Thermography on Film Cooling Measurements,” Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 44,13 89-1399.(time cited:21) doi:10.1016/S0017-9310(00)00153-8
- Chen, Ping-Hei, Min-Sheng Hung, and Pei-Pei Ding, 2001, “A Transient Method Using Liquid Crystal For Film Cooling Over A Convex Surface,” Int. J. Rotating Machinery, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 153-164. (time cited:1) doi:10.1155/S1023621X01000148 (ESCI)
- Sheu, T.-S., Ding, P.-P., Lo, I.-M., and Chen, P. H., 2000, “Effect of Surface Characteristics on Capillary Flow in Triangular Microgrooves,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. Vol. 22, pp. 103-110. (time cited:12)
- Chen, Ping-Hei, Pong, Shing-Ya, Liu, Shing-I, Chang, S.-L., Wu, T.-I., and Cheng, Sheng-Her, 1999, “Pressure Response and Droplet Ejection of a Piezoelectric Inkjet Printhead,” Int. J. Mech. Science., Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 235-248. (3a 4 ia n web of science, one was cited in the wrong information.) doi:10.1016/S0020-7403(98)00058-7
- Chen, P. H., and Miao, J.-M., 1999, “Endwall Effect on the Mass Transfer in a Square Open Cavity,” Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 165-176. (time cited:3)
- Chang, Z. C., Hung, M. S., Ding, P. P., and Chen, P. H., 1999, “Experimental Evaluation of Thermal Performance of Gifford-McMahon Regenerator Using an Improved Single-Blow Method with the Effect of Radial Conduction,” Int. J. of Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 405-413. (time cited:8)
- Chen, P. H., Chen, W. C., Ding, P. P., and Chang, S. L., 1998, “Droplet Formation of a Thermal Sideshooter Inkjet Printhead,” Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp.382-390. (time cited:29) doi:10.1016/S0142-727X(98)10007-3
- Chang, Z. C., and Chen, P. H., 1998, “Flow Channeling Effect on the Regenerators Thermal Performance,” Cryogenics, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 191-196. (time cited:7)
- Chen, P. H., Yen, J. Y., and Chen, J. L., 1997, “An Artificial Neural Network for Double Exposure PIV Image Analysis,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 24, pp. 373-374. (time cited:3)
- Chen, P. H., Chen, W. C. and Chang, S. H., 1997, “Visualization of Droplet Ejection Process of a Thermal Ink Jet Printhead,” J. Flow Visual. Image Proc., Vol. 4, pp. 119-128. (ESCI Journal)
- Chen, P.H., Chen, W. C., and Chang, S.-H., 1997, “Bubble Growth and Ink Ejection Process of a Thermal-Bubble-Jet Printhead,” Int. J. Mech. Sci., Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 683-695. (time citd :82,3 were cited with wrong information ) doi:10.1016/S0020-7403(96)00067-7
- Chen, P.H., Lee, D. S., and Miao, J. M., 1997, “Noise Reduction of a Cross-Flow Fan,” J. of Chin. I. Eng., Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 265-273. (time cited:3)
- Chen, P.-H., and Chang, Z.-C., 1997, “Measurements of Thermal Performance of Regenerators using an Improved Single-Blow Technique Including the Effects of Non-Adiabatic Side Wall and Axial Conduction,” Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 40, No. 10, pp. 2341-2349. (time cited:10)
- Chen, P.H., Miao, Z.M., and Jiang, C.-S., 1996, “Novel Technique for Measuring the effect of temperature on the Diffusion Coefficient of Naphthalene in Air,” Rev. Sci. Inst., Vol. 67, No. 8, pp. 2831-2836. (time cited:5) NSC-82-0401-D002-030
- Chen, P.H. and Miao, J. M., 1996, “Effect of Upstream Wake on Shower-head Film Cooling” Int. J. Rotating Machinery, Vol. 2, pp. 269-280. NSC-82-0401-D002-030. doi:10.1155/S1023621X96000140 (ESCI)
- Chen, P. H., and Chang, Z.-C., 1996, “Measurements of Thermal Performance of the Regenerator of a Cryocooler with High NTU Value,” Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs, Part C: J. of Mech. Eng. Sci., Vol. 210, pp. 341-352. (time cited:3)
- Chen, P.-H., and Huang, K.-C., 1996, “Convective Transport Phenomena in an Impulsively Started Lid-Driven Open Cavity,” Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 511-524. (time cited:3) NSC-81-0401-E002-526.
- Chen, P.-H., and Chang, Z.-C., 1996, “An Improved Model for the Single-Blow Measurement Including the Non-Adiabatic Side Wall Effect,” Int. Comm. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 55-68. (time cited:10) doi:10.1016/0735-1933(95)00084-4
- Chen, P. H., Chang, Z.-C., and B-J. Hwang, 1996, “Effect of Oversize in Wire-Screen Matrix to the Matrix-Holding Tube on the Regenerator Thermal Performance,” J. of Cryogenics, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 365-372. (time cited by journal paper:8, one with the wrong page number)
- Chen, P.-H., 1996, “Effect of Depth-to-Width Ratio on the Transient Mass/Heat Transfer inana Open Cavity,” J of The Chin. Inst. for Engineers, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 145-154. NSC-82-0401-D002-030. (time cited:3)
- Chen, P. H., and Miao, J.-M., 1996, “Mass Transfer over a Film-Cooled Turbine Blade,” Int. J. of Rotating Machinery, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 221-236. NSC-82-0401-D002-030. (ESCI Journal)
- Chen, P.-H., and Lee, D.-S., 1995, “Effect of Tongue Shape on the Performance Curve and the Acoustic Noise of Cross-Flow Fan,” Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers., Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 445-455. (1996 CSME best paper award, not in the database)(SCI)
- Chen, P.H., and Goldstein, R.J., 1992, “Convective Transport Phenomena on the Suction Surface of a Turbine Blade Including the Influence of the Secondary Flow near the End Wall,” ASME J. of Turbomachinery, Vo1. 114, pp.776-787. (time cited:23 )
- Chen, P.H. and Wang, W.L., 1991, “Roll Up of A Viscous Vortex Sheet,” J of The Chin. I. for Engineers, Vol. 14, pp.507-517. (SCI Journal, not in the database cited:2)
- Chen, P.H., and Goldstein, R.J., 1990, “Local Mass (heat) Transfer Distribution over the Concave Surface of a Turbine Blade,” Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.11, No.2, pp.109-120. (SCI)
- Chen, P.H. and Wung, P.H., 1990, “Diffusion Coefficient of Naphthalene in Air,” J. of The Chin. I. Chem. E., Vol. 21, No. 3, pp.161-166. (time cited: 7 in the web of science)
- Goldstein, R.J. and Chen, P.H., 1987, “Film Cooling on a Turbine Blade with Injection Through Two Rows of Holes in the Near-Endwall Region,” ASME J. of Turbomachinery, Vo1. 109, pp.588-593. (time cited:15 in the web of science)
國際會議論文 (International Conference Papers):
- Chiu, T. K., Chou W. P., Liao, C. J., Chu, P. Y., Hong J. L., Chen P. H.*, and Wu, M. H.*, 2017, "Development of Optically-Induced-Dielectrophoresis (ODEP)-Based Virtual Cell Microfilters in a Microfluidic Chip for the Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) Clusters", Proceedings of The 7th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics 2017, 2017. doi:10.3390/optofluidics2017-04519
- Chen, Ping-Hei, 2016, “Experimental Investigation on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement by Using Interlaced Wettability Surfaces on a Copper Cylinder”, 9th Int. Symposium on Heat Transfer, Beijing, China.
- Sheng, W. K., Lin, H. T., Wu, C.H. , Kuo, L. S., Chen, P. H., 2017, A Hybrid Surface Modification Method on Copper Wire Braids for Enhancing Thermal Performance of Ultra-thin Heat Pipes, IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering, Vol. 175, 4th International Conference on Competitive Materials and Technology Processes (IC-CMTP4)3 March to 7 October 2016, Miskolc, Hungary, Vol. 175, Paper No. 012023. (number cited: 2) DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/175/1/012023
- Su, T. W., Sheng, W. K., Sheng, Justin, S., Kuo, L. S., Hsu, C. C., and Chen P. H.,2015, "Application of Heat Pipes to the Heat Dissipation System of an Air-Cooled Induction Motor", 3rd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control (IWHT), Taipei City, Taiwan, 2015.
- Lee, Y. A.,Kuo, L. S., Su, T. W., Hsu, Hsu, and Chen, P. H., 2015, " Orientation Effects of Surfaces with Interlaced Wettability on Condensation Heat Transfer Enhancement", 3rd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control (IWHT), Taipei City, Taiwan, 2015.
- Hsu, Chin-Chi, Chiu, Wang-Chun, Kuo, Long-Sheng, and Chen, Ping-Hei, “Effect of a Nanoparitcle-Modified Surface with mixed Wettability on Pool Boiling,”, Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering and Applied Science 2014, Shanghai, China, September 13-15, 2014.
- Chen, Ping-Hei, Hsu C. C., Kuo L. S., Chiu W. C., 2014, “Complex boiling heat transfer phenomena on nanoparticle-modified surfaces”, 2014 Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR), Incheon/Seoul, South Korea.
- Chen Ping-Hei, Chen , Hung-Hsia, Huang Bo-Rui, Kuo Long-Sheng, “Thermal Performance of a Flat Heat Pipe with Gradient Wettability”, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 14-19, 2013, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2012, “Characteristics of pool boiling heat transfer on a Nanoparitcle-Modified Surface with Interlaced Wettability”, BIT’s 2nd Annual World Congress of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2012, Oct. 2012, Qingdao, China, 99-2221-E-002-119-MY3
- Chen, Ping-Hei*, Chen, H. H., Kuo, L. S., Huang, B. R., 2012, “Enhanced heat transfer characteristics of the surface-modified flat-plate heat pipes,” ISHT-8, Oct. 2012, Beijing, China, ISHT08-08-01 (Keynote speech) 99-2221-E-002-119-MY3
- Wu, Chun-Hui , Hsieh, Yi-Fan, Yang, An-Shik, and Chen, Ping-Hei, 2012, “Pressure-Drop Studies of Resistance Components for Integration into a SFM-based Fluidic Circuit,” 2012 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2012), August 20-24, 2012, Seoul, South Korea.
- Hsieh, Yi-Fan, Yang, An-Shik, Chen, Jia-Wei, Liao, Shao-Kai, Tseng, Li-Yu, Chen, Ping-Hei *, 2012, “A New Swappable Fluidic Module for Applications of Capillary Convective Polymerase Chain Reaction,” 2012 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (time cited: 1, CASE 2012), August 20-24, 2012, Seoul, South Korea. (time cited: 1)
- Chen, Ping-Hei *, Hsieh, Yi-Fan, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chang, Wei-Chen, Chou, Wen-Pin, Chen, Pei-Jer, 2012, “The Most Compact Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Platform,” 2012 International Conference on Electronic and Materials, August 1-2, 2012, Shanghai, China.
- Chen, Hung-Hsia, Su, Hsiao-Han, Chen, Ping-Hei, 2012, ‘Rapid Melting Curve Analysis with Spatial Thermal Distribution’ The 4th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystem, Hinchu, Taiwan.
- Chen, Hung-Hsia, Anbarasan, R., Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei *, 2010, “Synthesis and Characterizations of Fluorescent and Eco-friendly Poly(ε-caprolactone),” International Conference on Natural Polymers (ICNP-2010), M.G. University, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
- Chen, Hung-Hsia, Anbarasan, R., Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei *, 2010,“Synthesis and characterization of Eosin Y functionalized MWCNT,” 2010 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, NMDC2010 , art. no. 5652428, pp. 325-32. (time cited:2)
- Liu, L. D., Lin, C. S., Chen, P. H., 2010,“Artificial lotus structure with hierarchical silica particles in transparent self-clean surface,” The 217th Electrochemical Society Meeting, April 25 - 30, 2010, Vancouver, Canada.
- Hsu, C. C., and Chen P. H., 2010, “Fabrication of semi-transparent super-hydrophobic surface based on silica hierarchical structures”, Joint International Symposia on 3rd Micro & Nanotechnology and Micro/nanoscale Energy Conversion & Transport-2010, Seoul, Korea, MNT2010-004.
- Tsai, Tsung-Han, Liou, Dar-sun, Chang, Chih-Wei, Chen, Ping-Hei, 2009, “Mixing Phenomena of Ferrofluid and Diesel in Microchannels with Magnetic Field on the Side Wall,” The Proceedings of the 7th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Paper No. 22A-1.
- Yang, F.-L. Lee, D.S. Lee, and Chen, Ping-Hei, 2009, "Taiwan Accreditation Program For RFID Engineers", Proceedings of APEEC 2009, The ASME Asia-Pacific Engineering Education Congress, 2009
- Tsai, Tsung-Han, Liu, Dar-Sun, Chen, Ping-Hei, and Yang, Chin-Ting, 2009, “Enhancement of Mixing Performance of Water Solutions in a Micro-mixer with Immiscible Ferrofluid,” 4th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, NEMS 2009 , art. no. 5068529 , pp. 69-74
- Tsai, Tsung-Han, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei, and Yang, Chin-Ting, 2009, “Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluid with Magnetic Nanoparticles,” PIERS Online, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2009, pp. 231-234. (time cited: 11)
- Chang, L. C., Lee, D. S., and Chen, P. H., 2009, “A novel LED driving circuits development for decorative lighting system energy saving”, IMPACT Conference 2009 International 3D IC Conference – Proceedings, 2009, Article number 5382292, Pages 734-737.
- Chen, Ping-Hei, liu, Dar-Sun, Tsai, Tsung-Han, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Yang, Chin-Ting, 2008, “Application of nanofluids in microfluidic devices,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, ICNMM2008 (PART B) , pp. 1669-1675 (Keynote paper) (SCI,EI Conference Paper)(time cited: 1)
- Maio, Z, M., Chen, Ping-Hei, and Chang, B. H., 2007, “Numerical Predictions of a flow field in a Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing with Herringbone Grooves,” The 2007 Asia Symposium Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Xian, China.
- Chen, Ping-Hei, 2007, “Electrical Detection of Biomolecules Using Nanoparticles,” ECI Conference on "Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for Biological/Biomedical/Chemical Sensing", 3-8 June 2007, Hong Kong, Paper No. 168.
- Chen, Ping-Hei, Yang, Cheng-Hao, Tsai, Chien-Ying, Chang, Tien-Li, Hsu, Wei-Cheng, Chen, Ta-Chih, 2007, “Young's Modulus of High Aspect Ratio Si3N4 Nano-thickness Membrane”, 2007 7th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology - IEEE-NANO 2007, Proceedings , art. no. 4601367 , pp. 1341-134.
- Chien, J. H., Chang, C. H., Hsieh, Y. F., Lee, D.S., Kuo, L. S, Yang, C. H., Yang, C. R., Chou, W. P., and Chen, P. H., 2007, “A Dual-Mode Radio Frequency DNA Sensor”, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, IEEE NEMS 2007 , art. no. 4160378 , pp. 532-536. (SCI,EI Conference Paper)
- Chiang, T.C., Chang, C.W., Kuo, L.S., and Chen, P. H., 2007, “Experimental investigation of loop heat pipe with nano-ferrofluid,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nanosystems 2007 A , pp. 813-818 (EI Conference Paper)
- Chang, C.W., Tsai, T. H., Chiang, T.C., Wang, P. Y., Hsieh, Y. F., Chang, C. H., and Chen, P. H., 2007, “Fast Mixing of Nanofluids in Microchannel,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nanosystems 2007 A , pp. 61-64 (EI Conference Paper)
- Chang, C.-W., Cheng, Y.-T. Tsai, C.-Y., Chien, J.-H., Wang, P.-Y, and Chen, P.-H., 2006, “Periodic flow patterns of the magnetic fluid in microchannel,” Proceedings of International Conference on Magnetism, Tokyo.
- Chen, Ping-Hei, Chang, Tien-Li, and Tsai, Chien-Ying, 2006, “Ultrasensitive Electric Detection of DNA and Protein by using Self-assembled Multilayer Nanoparticles and Nanogap Electrodes” ISMNT-2, Tsin-Chu, Taiwan. (Invited Paper)
- Cheng, Yi-Ting, Tsai, Chien-Ying, and Chen, Ping-Hei, 2006, “A CMOS Biochip for Electrical Detection of DNA with an Embedded Current Amplifier Circuit,”Proceedings of 1st IEEE International Conference on Nano Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, 1st IEEE-NEMS , art. no. 4134890 , pp. 1-5. (SCI,EI Conference Paper, number cited:1)
- Chien, J. H., Tsai, J. Y., Cheng, Y. T., Yang, C. R., Wang, P. Y., Chang, T. L., Lee, D. S., Chang, C. W., Chou, W. P., Chiang, C. C., Lee, Y. W., and Chen, P. H., 2006,“ARFID Tag Based Remote DNA Sensing System,” 2006 1st IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Vol.,1-3 pp. 278-282. (SCI,EI Conference Paper)
- Chien, J. H., Lee, D.S., Chou, W. P., Wang, P. Y., Yang, C. R., Wu, M. H., Tsai, C. Y., Chang, T. L., Lee, Y. W., Cheng, Y. T., and Chen, P. H., 2006, “Simultaneous Quantification for Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Using Real-Time PCR Lab-on-a-chip,” 2006 1st IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Vol.,1-3 pp. 274-277. (SCI,EI Conference Paper)
- Chang, Tien-Li, Tsai, Chien-Ying, Uppala, Ramesh, Chen, Chun-Chi, Lin, Chun-Hung, Chen, Ping-Hei, 2005, “Ultrasensitive Detection of Nanoparticle-Based Bio Bar-Code DNA Sensor by Using Nano-Gap Electrodes,” Digest of Papers - Microprocesses and Nanotechnology 2005: 2005 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, 2005, p 210-211. (EI Conference Paper)
- Lee, D. S., Chien, J.H., Wu, M.-H., and Chen, P. H., 2005, “Development of a Novel Real-Time PCR Machine,” Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 5864 , art. no. 58640R , pp. 1-10. (SCI,EI Conference Paper)
- Chien, H. T., Chang, C. W., Chen, P. H., and Ding, P. P., 2004, “Improvement on thermal Performance of Circular Heat Pipe with Nanofluid,” 13th International Heat Pipe Conference, Shanghai, China, pp. 134-136.
- Tsai, Chien-Ying, Chang, Tien-Li, Uppala, Ramesh, Chen, Chun-Chi, Ko, Fu-Hsiang, Chen, Ping-Hei, 2004, “Electrical Detection of Protein Using Gold Nanoparticles and Nanogap Electrode,” Microprocesses and Nanotechnology 2004, pp. 244-245. (EI Conference Paper)
- Tsai, Chien-Ying, Chang, Tien-Li, Chen, Chun-Chi, Ko, Fu-Hsiang, Chen, Ping-Hei, 2004, “An Ultra Sensitive DNA Detection by Using Gold Nanoparticle Multilayer in Nano-Gap Electrodes,” Digest of Papers - Microprocesses and Nanotechnology 2004, Digest of Papers - Microprocesses and Nanotechnology 2004, 2004, p 244-245. (EI Conference Paper)
- Lee, Chi-Yuan, Chang, Pei-Zen, Wu, Tsung-Tsong, Chen, Yung-Yu, Cheng, Ying-Chou, Wang, Xuan-Yu, Chen, Wenu-Jong, Pao, Shih-Yung, Chen, Ping-Hei, Xiao, Fu-Yuan, and Yen, Kai-Hsiang, 2004, “Processing of Li-doped ZnO Piezoelectric Films on Silicon for Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor Application” , APCOT MNT 2004, Sapporo, Japan, Vol. 3-1, pp. 719-724.
- Cheng, Y.-T., Pun, C.-C., Tsai, C.-Y., and Chen, P.-H., 2004, “An Array-Based CMOS Biochip for Electrical Detection of DNA with Multilayer Self-assembly Gold Nanoparticles”, APCOT MNT 2004, Sapporo, Japan, Vol. 3-1, pp. 183-188.
- Cheng, Ying-Chou, Dai, Ching-Liang, Lee, Chi-Yuan, Chang, Pei-Zen, Chen, Ping-Hei, 2004, ”Fabrication of MEMS Mirror Switches by the Standard CMOS Process” , APCOT MNT 2004, Sapporo, Japan, Vol. 3-1, pp. 945-950.
- Chang, P.-Z., Lee, C.-Y., Wu, T.-T., Chen, Y.-Y., and Chen, P. H., 2004, “In-Situ Monitoring of Silicon Membrane Thickness During Batch Chemical Etching Using a Novel Micromachined Acoustic Wave Sensor,” The first International Symposium on Micro & Nano Technology, ISMNT-1, Hawaii, USA, I-02-02.
- Tsai, C.-Y., Chen, C.-C., Tsai, Y.-H., Pun, C.-C., Ko, F.-H., and Chen, P.-H., 2004, “Room-Temperature Operation of Coulomb Blockade Made with the Self-Assembly Gold Particle Nanostructure by using DNA Hybridization,” The first International Symposium on Micro & Nano Technology, ISMNT-1, Hawaii, USA, XVI-3-04.
- Cheng, Ying-Chou, Lee, Chi-Yuan, Chen, Wen-Jong, Dai, Ching-Liang, Chang, Pei-Zen and Chen, Ping-Hei, 2004, “Fabrication of the Free Space Optical Switch Array Using the CMOS Process,” The 1st International Symposium on Micro & Nano Technology, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, I-02-01.
- Lee, Chi-Yuan, Wu, Tsung-Tsong, Chen,, Yung-Yu, Cheng, Ying-Chou, Chen, Wen-Jong Pao, Shih-Yung, Chang, Pei-Zen, Chen, Ping-Hei, Yen, Kai-Hsiang, and Xiao, Fu-Yuan, 2004, “Real Time Monitoring of Thickness of Silicon Membrane during Wet Etching Using a Novel Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor,” Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5455, pp. 319-330. (SCI, EI Conference Paper)
- Cheng, Ying-Chou, Lee, Chi-Yuan, Chen, Wen-Jong, Dai, Ching-Liang, Chang, Pei-Zen and Chen, Ping-Hei, 2004, “Fabrication of Micro Optical-Switch by Post-CMOS Micromachining Process,” Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5455, pp. 274-283. (SCI, EI Conference Paper)(number cited:1)
- Wu, W.F., Chen, P.H., Yen, J.Y. and Chang, S.H., 2003, “MEMS and Nano-Technology Related Researches at Mechanical Engineering Department of National Taiwan University”, Proceedings of the Second Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, pp. 92-103, Tokyo & Sendai, Japan.
- Pang, C.-C., Tsai, C. Y., Cheng, Y. C., Tsai, Y. H., and Chen, P. H., Chang, P. Z., 2003, “Electrical Detection for DNA Identification with Nanoparticle Probes in an Array-based CMOS Biochip,” Proceedings of Micro.tec 2003, pp. 567-572, Munich, Germany.
- Chen, P. H., Jeng, S. T., Ding, P. P., 2003, “Improvement on Thermal Performance of a Circular Heat Pipe with Nanofluid,” MST2003, Germany.
- Lee, C.-Y., Wu, T.-T., Chen, Y.-Y., Pao, S.-Y., Cheng, Y.-Chou C., Chang, P.-Z., Chen, P. H., 2003, “In-Situ Monitoring of Thickness of Quartz Membrane During Batch Chemical Etching Using a Novel Micromachined Acoustic Wave Sensor,” Proceedings of the Annual IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium , pp. 993-1000. (SCI, EI Conference Paper)
- Chien, H. T., Tsai, C. I., Chang, C. W., Chen, P. H. and Chen, P. Y., 2003, “Improvement on Thermal Performance of a Disk-Shaped Miniature Heat Pipe with Nanofluid,” Fifth Int. Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Proceedings, pp.389-391. (SCI, EI Conference Paper) (number cited: 50)
- Ding, Pei-Pei, and Chen, P. H., 2003, “SU-8 Process for Biomedical Inspection Micro-Carriers”, DTIP 2003: Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS 2003, pp. 373-377. (SCI, EI Conference Paper)
- Chen, Y. C., H. P. Chen, Liao, Y. Y., Lin. H. T., Chou, L. H., Kuo, J. S., Chen, P. H., Lung. S. L., and Liu, R., 2003, “A High Performance 180 nm Nonvolatile Memory Cell Using Phase Change Sn-Doped Ge2Sb2Te5 Chalcogenide,” 2003 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications, Proceedings of technical paper, pp. 32-35. (SCI, EI Conference Paper)
- Cheng, Y., Ding, P. P., Sheu, T.S., Shew, B. Y., Chen, P. H., 2001, “High Performance Flat Miniature Heat Pipes Fabricated by UD-LIGA Process”, HARMST ’01, Book of Abstracts, p. 245~246, Baden-Baden, June, 2001. (time cited :1)
- Chen, P. H., Hsieh, C. M., Peng, H.-Y., and Chyu, M. K., 2000, “Precise Mask Alignment Design to Crystal Orientation of (100) Silicon Wafer Using Wet Anisotropic Etching,”Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol., 4174, pp. 462-466. (EI Conference Paper)(number cited:2)
- Sheu, T.-S., Ding, P.-P., and Chen, P. H., 2000, “Numerical and Experimental Study of Capillary Forces in Triangular Microgrooves,” Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 3877 , pp. 295-302.
- Chen, P. H., Min-Sheng Hung, and Pei-Pei Ding, 2000, “Film Cooling Performance on Curved Walls with Compound Angle Hole Configuration for the film cooling,” Turbine 2000, Cesme, Turkey 13-18 August.
- Chen, Ping-Hei, Min-Sheng Hung, and Pei-Pei Ding, 2000, “A Transient Method Using Liquid Crystal For Film Cooling Over A Convex Surface,” The 8th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 26-30, 2000.
- Chen, P. H., Ding, P.-P., Hung, M.-S., and Shih, P.-C., 1999, “Film Cooling over a Concave Surface through a Row of Expanded Holes,” ASME Paper No. 99-GT-33. (time cited:5)
- Sheu, T.-S., Ding, P.-P., and Chen, P. H., 1999, “Numerical and Experimental Study of Capillary Forces in Trapezoid Microgrooves,” MicrofluidicDevices and System II, v 3877, 1999, pp. 295-302. (SCI, EI Conference Paper)
- Chen, P. H., and Miao, Z-M., 1998, “Effects of Film Cooling on the Transport Phenomena over a Turbine Blade Near the Endwall Region,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, Vol. 361-3, pp. 411-424 (EI Conference Paper)
- Chen, P. H., Ai, D., and Lee, S.-H., 1998, “Effects of Compound Angle Injection on Flat-Plate Film Cooling through a Row of Conical Holes,” ASME Paper No. 98-GT-459. (EI Conference Paper)(number cited: 3)
- Chen, P.-H., Chen, W.-C., and Chang, S.-H., 1997, “Visualization of Droplet Ejection Process of a Thermal Bubble Ink Jet Printhead,” Flow Visualization and Image Processing 1997, edited by S. Mochizuki, Honolulu, Hawaii, Vol. 1, pp. 132-137.
- Chen, P.H. and Miao, Z.M., 1996, “Effect of Upstream Wake on Shower-head Film Cooling” The 9th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena in Thermal-Fluids Engineering, Singapore, pp. 1066-1072.
- Chen, P.H., Chen, J.J., Miao, Z.M., Chou, S.F., and Liu, M., 1994,11,“The Effect of Upstream Conditions on the Convective Transport Phenomena over a Turbine Blade,” in Heat Transfer in Gas Turbine, HTD-Vol. 300, edited by M. K. Chyu and N. V. Nirmalan, ASME, New York, pp. 31-44. (EI conference papers)
- Chen, P.H., Miao, Z.M., and Chen, J.W., 1994,11, “Convective Transport Phenomena for Film Cooling,” in Heat Transfer in Gas Turbine, HTD-Vol. 300, edited by M. K. Chyu and N. V. Nirmalan, ASME, New York, pp. 55-62. (EI conference paper)
- Chen, P.H., Chen, C. H., Chen, J. J., Chen, J.W. and Liu, M., 1992, 04, “Three-Dimensional Transport Phenomena of a Turbine Blade in a Flow Region Without the Influence of Endwall,” in Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Edited by J. H. Kim and W. -J. Yang, Hemisphere Publishing Company, New York, pp. 423-432
- Chen, P.H. and Goldstein, R.J., 1988, "Convective Transport Phenomena over a Turbine Blade," in Transport Phenomena in Thermal Control., edited by G.-J. Hwang, Hemisphere Publishing Coop., New York, pp. 267-294. (related to Ph. D. Thesis)
國內會議論文 (Domestic Conference Papers):
- 許宗峻, 高士峻, 郭龍生, 陳炳煇,2017,迴路式熱對流聚合酶連鎖反應的即時螢光分析機台開發。中國機械工程學會第三十四屆全國學術研討會,國立勤益科技大學,台中市,論文編號:09275
- 李謙, 郭龍生, 陳炳煇,2016,迴路式毛細管熱對流聚合酶連鎖反應平台的開發與研究。中國機械工程學會第三十三屆全國學術研討會,工業技術研究院中興院區,新竹縣,論文編號:1146
- 李孟儒、郭龍生、陳炳煇,2016,交錯潤濕性表面於紅銅圓管表面之池沸騰熱傳研究。中國機械工程學會第三十三屆全國學術研討會,國立台灣大學,新竹縣,論文編號: 1047。
- M. R. Lee, L. S. Kuo, and P. H. Chen, 2015, "The Effects of Different Shapes and nanoparticle-coating of the Heating Surface on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer", 32th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering of CSME, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, 2015.
- C. Chen, C. Lee, and P.H. Chen, 2015, "Development of The Swappable-Modular Micro-Fluidic Device Used in DNA Extraction Technique", 32th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering of CSME, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, 2015
- 楊宏政、陳駿、陳炳煇, 2015,不同的光學機制對即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應檢測之影響,2015,中國機械工程學會第三十一屆全國學術研討會,台中市。
- 陳嘉偉, 謝一帆, 陳炳煇, 2014,可交換式模組化微流元件之設計與應用。中國機械工程學會第三十屆全國學術研討會,國立宜蘭大學,宜蘭縣,論文編號A02-1344。
- 楊子正, 謝一帆, 陳炳煇, 2014,毛細管熱對流聚合酶鍊鎖反應產物專一性檢測機制。中國機械工程學會第三十屆全國學術研討會,國立宜蘭大學,宜蘭縣,論文編號B52-1419。
- 安正, 吳俊輝, 陳炳煇,2013,可調式倍壓整流電路應用在離子風扇開發。中國機械工程學會第三十屆全國學術研討會,國立宜蘭大學,宜蘭縣,論文編號B113-1804。
- 米澤乃理, 謝一帆, 陳炳煇, 2012, 以蠟燭為熱源進行核酸聚合酶連鎖反應。中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術研討會,國立中山大學,高雄市。
- 陳炳煇*, 黃柏睿, 陳虹遐, 2012, 藉由梯度潤濕度提高平板式熱管熱傳性能之實驗研究。中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術研討會,國立中山大學 高雄市。
- 黃驛翔, 吳俊輝, 郭龍生, 陳炳煇, 2012, 邊界潤濕性對於矩形密閉容器自然對流熱傳之影響。中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術研討會國立中山大學 高雄市。
- 蘇丁亮, 謝一帆, 陳炳煇, 2012, 利用光學模擬設計即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應的光學檢測機制。中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術研討會國立中山大學 高雄市。
- 陳炳煇、張維真、陳虹遐,2011 “可攜式毛細管熱對流聚合酶連鎖反應機台的開發與研究”, 第二十八屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會,論文編號E07-002。
- 黃銘希,吳俊輝,陳炳煇,楊安石,2011 “模組化微流元件的優化與效能分析”, 第二十八屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會,論文編號A02-004。
- Tsai, Meng-Yu, Hsu Chin-Chi, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2010, “Surface modification on a glass surface with a combination technique of sol-gel and air brushingprocesses”, Proceedings of the 27th CSME National Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, Paper No. AA13-010
- 李達生*,楊安石,陳炳煇,劉錦隆,林敬博,曾豊育, 2010, “Effective Placement of RFID Sensors in a Meeting Room”, Proceedings of the 27th CSME National Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, Paper No. AA12-003. 中國機械工程學會【虎門科技ANSYS論文獎】
- Long-Sheng Kuo and Ping-Hei Chen, 2009, “Numerical Study of Effects of Slip Boundaries on 2D Rayleigh-B'enard Convection using LBM”, The 33rd National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, November 13-14, 2009, National United University, Page No. A1-153
- 劉達生, 楊進丁,郭龍生,苗志銘,陳炳煇, 2009,“新型樂高模組化微流裝置設計與應用”,中國機械工程學會第二十六屆學術研討會,台南,台灣, E04-003.
- Long-Sheng Kuo and Ping-Hei Chen, 2009, “Numerical Study of Effects of Slip Boundaries on 2D Rayleigh-B'enard Convection using LBM”, The 33rd National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, November 13-14, 2009, National United University, Page No. A1-153
- Wei-Ting Huang, Cheng-Hao Yang, Pei-Shan Lee and Ping-Hei Chen, 2008, "Study of Micro/Nano Structure Effects on Hydrophobic Surfaces with Hight Transparency," Proceedings of the 25th CSME National Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Changhua, Taiwan, E02-22
- Yung-Lang Yang, Tien-Li Chang, Ta-Hsin Chou, Chih-Chieh Su, Ping-Hei Chen, 2008, “Fabrication of Periodic Nanostructures Using Controlled Laser Interference Design,” Proceedings of the 25th CSME National Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Changhua, Taiwan, E02-25.
- Cheng-Hao Yang, Ping-Hei Chen, Po-Ya Wang, Chii-Rong Yang, 2008, “A wireless flexible wetness sensor using RFID technique,” 2008 RFID Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, B3-1, No. 32.
- 張智翔,劉達生,郭龍生,陳炳煇, 2007,“利用奈米磁性流體提升混合效能之半主動式微型混合器”,中國機械工程學會第二十四屆學術研討會,桃園,台灣, E2-0015 .
- Dar-Sun Liou, Tien-Li Chang, Ping-Hei Chen, 2007,“Rapid Mixing in Y-Type Microchannel Using Magnetic Nanofluids”,中國機械工程學會第二十四屆學術研討會,桃園,台灣, E1-0030.
- Dar-Sun Liou, Tien-Li Cheng, Ping-Hei Chen,2007, “Biocompatible Magnetic Nanofluids in Biological Microfluidic Mixing Process”,長庚大學第十二屆生化工程研討會,林口,台灣,P-I-15.
- Tien-Li Chang, Chih-Hsiang Chang, Chih-Chen Sun, Chun-Chi Chen, Chien-Ying Tsai, Yi-Fan Hsieh, Chun-Hung Lin, Ping-Hei Chen, 2006, “An Ultrasensitive Bar-Code DNA Amplifying DNA Sensing System for DNA Detection with Self-Assembly Gold Nanoparticle and Nanogap Electrode,” 13th Symposium on Nano Device Technology (SNDT 2006), Hsinchu, Taiwan, No.T2-03.
- Tien-Li Chang, Chia-Je He, Chin-Yun Tsai, Chien-Ying Tsai, Chun-Chi Chen, Da-Sheng Lee, Chun-Hung Lin, Ping-Hei Chen, 2006, “Electrical Detection of Protein Sensing System Using Nanogap Electrodes and Multilayer Gold Nanoparticles Labels,” 13th Symposium on Nano Device Technology (SNDT 2006), Hsinchu, Taiwan, No.T2-02.
- Tien-Li Chang, Chun-Chi Chen, Chien-Ying Tsai, Fu-Hsiang Ko, Ping-Hei Chen, 2005, “ Ultra Sensitive DNA Detection Sensor with Multilayer Self-Assembly Gold Nanoparticle in Nanogap Electrodes,” 12th Symposium on Nano Device Technology (SNDT 2005), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 3A-5, pp.111-114
- Jui-Hung Chien, Yi-Ting Cheng and Ping-Hei Chen, 2005, “A Novel Fluorescence Detection System for Multiple PCR,” Proceeding of 2005 International Symposium on Nano Bioengineering (ISNB2005) - Quantum Dots for Live Cells, in vivo Imaging, and Diagnostics, Chung-Li, Taiwan, Nano Biosensors - PS13.
- Yi-Ting Cheng, Jui-Hung Chien, Chien-Ying Tsai and Ping-Hei Chen, 2005, “Electrical Detection Method for Single Basepair Mismatch Using Multilayer Gold Nanoparticle Probes by CMOS Fabrication,” Proceeding of 2005 International Symposium on Nano Bioengineering (ISNB2005) - Quantum Dots for Live Cells, in vivo Imaging, and Diagnostics, Chung-Li, Taiwan, Nano Biosensors - PS17.
- Tien-Li Chang, Chien-Ying Tsai, Chih-Hsiang Chang, Yi-Fan Hsieh, Chih-Chen Sun, Po-Yen Wang, Huang-Ching Chien, Ping-Hei Chen, 2005, “Electrical Detection of Protein Sensor with Multilayer Gold Nanoparticles in Nanogap Electrodes,” Proceeding of 2005 International Symposium on Nano Bioengineering (ISNB2005) – Quantum Dots for Live Cells, in vivo Imaging, and Diagnostics, Chung-Li, Taiwan, Nano Biosensors – PS18.
- Jui-Hung Chien, Dar-Sun Liou, Tien-Li Chang, Chien-Ying Tsai, Yi-Fan Hsieh, Chih-Hsiang Chang, Ya-Wei Lee, Chih-Wei Chang, Po-Yen Wang, Ping-Hei Chen, 2005, “Fluorescence Signal Processing Method for Method for Quantitative Multiple Polymerase Chain Reaction,” Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BME2005), Chung-Li, Taiwan, P2-012.
- Tien-Li Chang, Chien-Ying Tsai, Yi-Fan Hsieh, Chih-Hsiang Chang, Jui-Hung Chien, Dar-Sun Liou, Ya-Wei Lee, Chih-Wei Chang, Po-Yen Wang, Ping-Hei Chen, 2005, “Development of a Novel Ultrasensitive Nanoparticle-Based DNA Biochip for Electrical Detection,” Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BME2005), Chung-Li, Taiwan, NSC-P-015.
- Tien-Li Chang, Chien-Ying Tsai, Chun-Chi Chen, Chun-Hung Lin, Fu-Hsiang Ko, Ping-Hei Chen, 2005, “Electrical Detection of Biomolecular Interactions between Proteins Using Gold Nanoparticle Probes in Nanogap,” Proceeding of 2005 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology (ISNST2005), Tainan, Taiwan, PF007.
- Tien-Li Chang, Chien-Ying Tsai, Ramesh Uppala, Chih-Chen Sun, Chun-Chi Chen, Chun-Hung Lin, Fu-Hsiang Ko, Ping-Hei Chen, 2005, “ An Array-based Biochip for Electrical Detection of Protein with Multilayer Gold Nanoparticles between Nanogap Electrodes,” 9th Nano Engineering and Micro Systems Technology Conference (NMC2005), Tainan, Taiwan, A15.
- Ping-Hei Chen, Ramesh Uppala, Chih-Wei Chang, 2005, “Thermal Analysis of Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe,” Proceedings of the 22st CSME National Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Chung-Li, Taiwan, A8-058.
- Wei-Ting Chen, Yi-Ting Cheng, Ping-Hei Chen, 2005 “A Novel CMOS Sensor Chip for Measuring Thermal Conductivity of Liquids” 29th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Hsinchu, Taiwan, M020.
- Ya-Wei Deng, Tien-Li Chang, Ping-Hei Chen, 2005, “Development of a Novel High Resolution CMOS Flow Sensor,” 29th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Hsinchu, Taiwan, M001.
- Tien-Li Chang, Chien-Ying Tsai, Ramesh Uppala, Chun-Chi Chen, Chun-Hung Lin, Fu-Hsiang Ko, Ping-Hei Chen, 2005, “ Electrical Detection of Protein with Multilayer Gold Nanoparticles between Nanogap Electrodes,” Taiwain Nano Tech (TNT2005) – National Nanotechnology Program, Taipei International Convention Center, Taiwan, A-04.
- Tien-Li Chang, Chien-Ying Tsai, Ramesh Uppala, Chun-Chi Chen, Chun-Hung Lin, Fu-Hsiang Ko, Ping-Hei Chen, 2005, “Ultra Sensitive Detection for a Coulomb Blockade Sensor Fabricated by Self-Assembled Gold Nanoparticles utilizing DNA Hybridization,” Taiwain Nano Tech (TNT2005) – National Nanotechnology Program, Taipei International Convention Center, Taiwan, A-03.
- Chien-Ying Tsai, Tien-Li Chang, Chun-Chi Chen, Fu-Hsiang Ko, Ping-Hei Chen, 2004, “Coulomb Blockade Sensor by Using Gold Nanoparticles Multilayer Self-Assembled with DNA Hybridization”, 第八屆奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會,新竹,台灣, 10a-2
- 李其源、張培仁、吳政忠、陳永裕、陳炳煇、黃家烈、龔育諄、莊志偉、謝箕烈, 2004 “濕蝕刻石英晶片厚度即時監控之新穎方法”, 中國機械工程學會第二十一屆學術研討會,高雄,台灣, pp.6493-6498
- 吳孟勳、陳炳煇, 2004 “新型複式即時定量聚合連鎖反應檢測機台開發與研究”, 中國機械工程學會第二十一屆學術研討會,高雄,台灣, pp.6463-6468
- 張天立、鄭伊廷、蔡建瑩、陳炳煇, 2004 “金奈米粒子形成與機制之研究”, 中國機械工程學會第二十一屆學術研討會,高雄,台灣, pp.5519-5524
- Chien-Ying Tsai, Tien-Li Chang, Yi-Ting Cheng, Chun-Chi Chen, Fu-Hsiang Ko, Ping-Hei Chen, 2004 “Room Temperature Operation of Coulomb Blockade Sensor Fabricated by the Self-Assembled Gold Nanoparticles utilizing DNA Hybridization”, 中國機械工程學會第二十一屆學術研討會,高雄,台灣, pp.5513-5518
- 李其源, 張培仁, 吳政忠, 陳永裕,陳炳煇, 黃家烈, 龔育諄, 謝箕烈,2004,“濕蝕刻矽晶片厚度即時監控之新穎方法,”第八屆奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會,新竹,台灣, pp.7a-4.
- 陳炳煇, 何正義,2004, “墨滴噴射成形的模擬技術”, 第十一屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會,台東,CFD11-0501.
- 陳炳煇, 鄭伊廷,吳孟勳,2004, “機械的前景- (跨領域整合新興技術的系統研發)~以DNA檢測為兩個實施例,” 陸軍官校八十週年學術研討會暨國科會國防科技航空技術學門研究成果發表會,機械組, 高雄,台灣,pp. 1-6.
- 陳炳煇, 蔡宜樺,蔡建瑩,2003, “應用奈米電極之單一核酸多型性生物晶片”, 中華民國第二十七屆全國力學會議,台南,台灣
- Ying-Chou Cheng, Chi-Yuan Lee, Wen-Jong Chen, Ching-Liang Dai, Pei-Zen Chang and Ping-Hei Chen ,2003, “Design and Fabrication of Free-space Micro-optical Bench Based on CMOS-MEMS Process,” 第七屆奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會,pp. 171-174,台北,台灣。
- 陳東升,陳炳煇, 2003, “台灣產學研發合模式的個案分析,” 2003國家科技政策與國際競爭力研討會,台北,台灣
- C.-Y. Lee, T.-T. Wu, Y.-Y. Chen, Y.-C. Cheng, S.-Y. Pao, W.-J. Chen, P.-Z. Chang, Ping-Hei Chen, K.-H. Yen, F.-Y. Xiao, “A novel method for evaluating the thickness of silicon membrane using a saw sensor,” 第七屆奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會,台北,台灣, pp. 191-195.
- C-C Chen, C-Y Tsai, C-C Pun, Y-T Cheng, D-S Lee, F-H Ko, P-H Chen, 2003,“Room temperature operation of Coulomb Blockade Made by the Self-Assembly Gold Particles Nanostructure utilizing DNA Hybridization,”第七屆奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會,台北,台灣, pp. 339-403.
- C-Y Tsai, C-C Chen, C-C Pun, Y-T Cheng, D-S Lee, F-H Ko, P-H Chen, 2003, “Nano-Electrical DNA Detection with Multilayer Gold Nanoparticles,”第七屆奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會,台北,台灣, pp. 124-127.
- 陳炳煇, 彭敬欽,鄭伊廷,2003, “電訊號檢測DNA之CMOS微陣列生物晶片”, 中國機械工程學會第二十屆學術研討會,台北,台灣, pp.391-396 .
- 陳炳煇, 郭進順,許世瑋,楊啟榮,2003, “結合UV-LIGA及放電加工應用於動壓軸承止推閥之製作”, 中國機械工程學會第二十屆學術研討會,台北,台灣, pp.89-96.
- 許綜升, 陳佩佩, 許博淵, 陳炳煇,2003, “鰭片型微熱管研製,” 中國機械工程學會第二十屆學術研討會,台北,台灣, pp.65-72.
- 李其源, 吳政忠, 陳永裕, 鮑世勇, 鄭英周, 張培仁, 陳炳煇, 顏凱翔,2003, “使用表面聲波感測器用來感測石英晶片濕蝕刻後薄膜厚度之新穎方法,” 中國機械工程學會第二十屆學術研討會,台北,台灣, pp.1229-1236.
- Ying-Chou Cheng, Chi-Yuan Lee, Wen-Jong Chen, Ching-Liang Dai, Pei-Zen Chang and Ping-Hei Chen, 2003, “微型光通訊元件之設計和製作” 第二十屆機械工程研討會,pp. 73-79,台北,台灣。
- Chen, Ping-Hei, Tsai Chien-Ying, Tsai, Yee-Hua, Chen, Chun-Chi and Ko, Fu-Hsiang, 2003, “A study of electron-tunneling device by using gold nanoparrticles”, Symposium on Nano Device Technology 2003, Tsing-Chu City, Taiwan, A5-6..
- 余文華,李達生,吳孟勳,陳炳煇,2002, “快速聚合酵素連鎖反應系統之開發與研究,” 第二十六屆全國力學會議論文集,雲林,A057.
- Chen,P.H.,Chen, P. P., Pang, J. C., and Shu, S. W, 2002,“Fabrication of Microcubes for Protein Detection,” 2002 Conference for Nano/MEMS,Tainai.
- 鍾耀光,李達生,陳炳煇, 2001,“壓電式微超音波感測器之製作與量測,” 第十八屆全國機械工程學術研討會論文集,台北市.
- 鄭文峰,徐金城,陳炳煇, 2001,“微單孔氣泡成核流場觀測與壓力量測,” 第十八屆全國機械工程學術研討會論文集,台北市.
- 許綜生,陳佩佩,邱琇苓,陳炳煇,2000, “新型毛細力驅動之微致動元件,” 第四屆奈米工程暨微機電技術研討會,新竹市
- 謝嘉銘,彭新亞,陳炳煇, 2000,“TMAH非等向性濕蝕刻特性之研究,” 第十七屆全國機械工程學術研討會論文集,高雄市.
- 羅益民,許綜升,陳炳煇, 2000,“梯形微溝槽內毛細流之熱傳分析,” 第十七屆全國機械工程學術研討會論文集,高雄市.
- 陳炳煇, 1999,“新壓電式噴墨印頭的開發與模擬,”第七屆國科會工程處機械熱流學門研究成果研討會,新竹市,.
- 涂金城,陳炳煇, 1999,“太陽能熱管集熱器儲熱槽之效能提升,” 第十六屆全國機械工程學術研討會論文集,新竹市, pp.691-697.
- 陳炳煇,1998,“微機械在微流量量測之應用” 第六屆全國熱流會議,新竹市.
- 陳炳煇,施柏州,苗志銘,艾迪,李思賢,1998,“冷卻孔幾何形狀與複合角效應對凹面上薄膜冷卻之影響” 第四十屆全國航空太空工程學術研討會論文集,台中市,pp. 275-282.
- 陳炳煇, 1998,“汽渦輪引擎葉片全場熱傳量測,” 八十七學年度電力科技產學技術研究計畫期中報告研討會,台北市,pp. 130-137.
- Chen, P. H., and Chen, W. C., 1998, “Mechanism for the break-off of an ejected droplet from a thermal sideshooter inkjet printhead,” The 1998 Int. Symp. On Fluid Mech. And Turbulence Modeling, Tainan, pp. 429-440.
- 陳炳煇,王定三,戴昌賢,苗志銘,1998,“左壓電式噴墨列印頭內部流場之研究,”第一屆全國計算流體力學研討會論文集,桃園縣。
- 張俊才,陳炳煇, 1998,“左心室輔助葉幫浦的外罩形狀對於流場以及效率的影響,” 第十五屆全國機械工程學術研討會論文集,新興工程技術,台南市,pp. 445-452.
- 艾迪,陳炳煇,李思賢,1997,“複合噴射角度對平板薄膜冷卻之影響” 第三十九屆全國航空太空工程學術研討會論文集,台南市,pp.
- 陳文成,陳炳煇,張所鈜,1997,“熱氣泡噴墨頭噴出墨滴串發展之過程” 第十一屆全國機械工程學術研討會論文集,熱流與能源,桃園縣,熱流,pp. 70-78.
- 艾迪,陳炳煇,李思賢,1997,“圓錐型孔道對平板薄膜冷卻之影響” 第五屆全國熱流會議,台北市,pp. 13-17.
- 劉欣怡,陳炳煇,,1997,“壓電噴墨印頭液滴形成過程之研究” 第五屆全國熱流會議,台北市,pp. 21-25.
- 許坤銘,洪敏勝,陳炳煇,楊正華,梁增祥,1997,“非等管徑內平板測熱傳係數之影響” 第五屆全國熱流會議,台北市,pp. 17-20.
- 許坤銘,洪敏勝,陳炳煇,楊正華,梁增祥,1997,“壓力梯度對管流內平板測熱傳係數之影響” 第十一屆全國機械工程學術研討會論文集,熱流與能源,桃園縣,pp. 229-235.
- 劉欣怡,彭新亞,陳炳煇,張所鋐,伍次寅,鄭江河,1997,“壓電噴墨印表頭墨滴成形過程之觀測” 中華民國力學學會第二十一屆學術研討會論文集(二),台中市,pp. 71-78.
- 陳炳煇,1997,“燃氣輪機之基礎研究(I)—冷卻孔幾何參數對薄膜冷卻的影響,” 第五屆國科會工程處機械熱流學門研究成果研討會,桃園縣,pp. 22-25.
- 劉欣怡,彭新亞,陳文成,陳炳煇,張所鋐,伍次寅,鄭江河,1997,“壓電噴墨印表頭之噴墨研究,”次世代技術研討會論文集,新竹市,pp. 3-59-3-65.
- 陳文成,陳炳煇,張所鋐,1996,“熱噴墨印表頭墨滴成形過程之觀測” 中華民國力學學會第二十屆學術研討會論文集,台北市,pp. 274-277.
- Chen, P. H., and Lee, D.-S., 1996, “Effect of the Rotor Type and Tongue Clearance on the Acoustic Noise of the Cross-Flow Fan,” 1996 Taipei HVAC & R International Conference, Taipei, pp. 201-215.
- Chen, P.H. and Miao, Z.M., 1996, “Effect of Upstream Wake on Convective Transport Phenomena over a Circular Cylinder with Stagnation Film Cooling” 第三十八屆全國航空太空工程學術研討會論文集,台北市,pp. 707-714.
- 李達生,陳炳煇,陳希立,1996,“線流扇轉子設計與舌部設計對風扇性能及噪音之影響,” 第十屆全國機械工程學術研討會論文集,台北市,流力,pp. 281 - 289.
- 簡清松,陳炳煇,張所鋐,1996,“熱氣泡噴墨頭熱應力分析,” 第十屆全國機械工程學術研討會論文集,固力,台北市,pp.128 - 133.
- 陳炳煇,1996, “Effects of Rotor Type, Tongue Shape and Tongue Clearance on the Acoustic Noise of Cross-Flow Fan,” 第四屆全國熱流會議,台南市,pp. 21.
- 陳炳煇,1996,“渦輪引擎葉片凸面分離過渡區之量測,” 第四屆國科會工程處機械熱流學門研究成果研討會,台北縣,pp. 99-103.
- 陳炳煇,艾迪,陳希立, 1995, 12, “電信交換機房之空調特性研究,” 第二屆海峽兩岸冷凍空調學術暨技術研討會論文集,台北市.
- Chen, P.H. and Miao, Z.M., 1995, 12, “Film Cooling Effectiveness over a Film-Cooled Blade: An Application of the Naphthalene Technique,” The 19th National Conference on Mechanics, Taiyuan County, pp. 129-138.編號:NSC-82-0401-D-002 -030.
- 陳炳煇,苗志銘,1995, 9, “渦輪葉片之對流傳導現象,” 第三屆全國熱流會議 論文集,高雄市,pp. 291-297.編號:NSC-82-0401-D-002 -030.
- Chen, P.H., Miao, Z.M., and Chan, H.C., 1994, 9, “Stagnation Film Cooling : Influence of Mainstream Turbulence on Heat (Mass) Transfer,” 第二屆全國熱流會議論文集,中壢市,pp. 55-57..編號:NSC-82-0401-D-002 -030.
- Chen, P.H., Kuo, C.H., Myau, J. M., Shou, S.F., and Liu, M., 1993, 11, “The Convective Transport Phenomena over a Turbine Blade with a Multi-Row Showerhead Film Cooling,” Pacific International Conference on Aerospace Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, pp. 1243-1250.
- 郭志暐,陳炳煇,1993,8, “多排蓮蓬頭式薄膜冷卻對渦輪引擎葉片質 (熱)傳之影響," 第一屆全國熱流會議論文集,新竹市,pp. 55-57.計畫編號:NSC-80-0210-D-002 -37
- 張瑞騏,陳炳煇,1992,11, “考慮管壁吸熱之單吹測試法,"第十二屆全國太陽能學術研討會論文集,台中市,pp. 63-70.
- 陳建維,陳進忠,陳炳煇,1992,11, “高紊流強度下對圓柱質傳的影響,” 第九屆全國機械工程學術研討會論文集,高雄市,pp. 633-642.計畫編號:NSC-80-0401-E-002 -04
- 陳進忠,陳建維,陳炳煇,1992,11, “尾流場及紊流強度對渦輪引擎葉片質 (熱)傳之影響,"第三十四屆全國航空及太空工程學術研討會論文集,台南市,pp. 705-714.計畫編號:NSC-80-0210-D-002 -37
- 陳進忠,陳炳煇,1992,11, “端牆迴流場對渦輪引擎葉片質 (熱)傳之影響,” 第一屆國防科技學術研討會論文集,桃園縣,pp. 219-226.計畫編號:NSC-80-0210-D-002 -37.
- 陳志恆,陳進忠,陳炳煇,劉明, 1991.11, “雷諾數及阻流場對渦輪引擎葉片質 (熱)傳之影響," 第八屆全國機械工程學術研討會論文集,台北市,pp. 405-412.計畫編號:NSC-78-0210-D-002 -15
- 王文嵐,陳炳煇, 1990.11,“瞬間啟動之正方形流場分析,” 第七屆全國機械工程學術研討會論文集,新竹市, pp.531-538.計畫編號:NSC-79-0401-E-002 -20
- Chen, P.H. and Wang, W.L., 1990, 06, “Simulation of the Roll-Up of a Vortex Sheet Using a Viscous Vortex Method,” presented at the XI U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics.
- Chen, P.H. and Wung, P.H., 1989.06, “Diffusion Coefficient of Naphthalene in Air,” Proceedings of Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Application, Taipei, June, pp.75-80. 計畫編號:NSC-78-0401-E-002 -13
- 陳希立,柯明村,陳炳煇, 1988,12,“表面波對薄膜冷凝熱傳之影響,"中華民國第十二屆全國力學會議論文集,台北市, Dec., pp.181-190.
C. 專書與專書論文
- 陳炳煇,奈米工程概論, 2003,與其他四位教授合著,普林斯頓出版社。
- 陳炳煇, 2000, “微機電系統”, 五南出版社, 共314頁。ISBN No. 957-11-2579-2.
D. 專利 (Patents):
- 陳炳煇,李達生,2000, “橫流抽送式排氣裝置,” 新型,中華民國, 專利案號:306859,新型, 中華民國,專利案號:158608。(失效)
- 陳炳煇,李達生, 許綜升,陳佩佩, 2000, “具有通訊功能之衣物或衣飾” 新型, 中華民國, 專利案號:165296。(失效)
- 梁玉鳳,李達生, 陳炳煇, 2001, “可由公共無線通訊網路進行控制之空調設備”, 中華民國 , 新型專利案號:177357。(失效)
- 梁玉鳳,李達生, 陳炳煇, 2001, “可由公共無線通訊網路進行控制之空調設備”, 中國 , 發明專利案號:99121897.3。(失效)
- 李達生, 陳炳煇,許綜升,陳佩佩, 2001, “積層式線圈”, 中華民國 , 新型專利案號:89203412。(失效)
- Lee, D. S., Chen, P. H., Jeng, S. T., Wang, T.-L., 2003, “A Novel Packaging Base for a Laser Diode,” Taiwan, R. O. C., New Type, Patent Number: 199552。(失效)
- 李達生, 陳炳煇, 陳培哲,李仁鄉, 2003, “一種聚合鋂連鎖反應(PCR)用之核酸倍增反應裝置”, 中華民國,新型, 中華民國, 公告/公開號:00564887。(失效)
- (2004/06/11- 2023/09/11)
- 陳炳煇,蔡建瑩,蔡宜樺, 2006, “以奈米粒子檢測DNA之方法”, 中華民國, 發明第I250213號。(2006/03/01公告, 2006/03/01 - 2024/03/14) (失效)
- 柯富祥,蔡建瑩,陳俊淇,陳炳煇, 2007, “室溫操作之庫倫阻斷裝置及其製造方法” 中華民國發明I273237,發明公告/公開號:200619614號, (2007/02/11 - 2024/12/12公告)
- 李達生,陳炳煇,2007, “生物晶片及其檢測裝置,” 中華民國,發明I281947, (2007/06/01-2023/07/29). (失效)
- Chen, Pei-Jer, Chen, Ping-Hei, Chou, Wen-Bin, Hsieh, Yi-Fan, Yeh, Shiou-Hwei, 2012, “Methods and Apparatuses for Convective Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)”, US Patent, Serial No. 9126201, Effective from 2009/01/26. (基亞)
- Chen, Pei-Jer, Chen, Ping-Hei, Chou, Wen-Bin, Hsieh, Yi-Fan, Yeh, Shiou-Hwei, 2012, “Methods and Apparatuses for Convective Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)”, New Zealand Patent, Serial No. 587183(2012/12/11) Effective from 2009/01/26. (基亞)
- Chen, Pei-Jer, Chen, Ping-Hei, Chou, Wen-Bin, Hsieh, Yi-Fan, Yeh, Shiou-Hwei, 2014, “Methods and Apparatuses for Convective Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)”, Australia, AU2009206216B2, 2009/01/26-2029/01/26
- 陳炳煇、周文彬、蘇筱涵,2013, “基因檢測設備及基因檢測方法”,中華民國發明專利,發明第I414776號,2013/11/11-2030/5/10。(NTU)
- 陳培哲、陳炳煇、周文彬、謝一帆、葉秀慧, 2014,“熱對流聚合酶連鎖反應之方法與裝置”, 中華民國發明專利,發明第I445819號,2009/07/08-2029/7/07。(基亞)
- 陳培哲、陳炳煇、周文彬、謝一帆、葉秀慧, 2014,“熱對流聚合酶連鎖反應之方法與裝置”, 中國發明專利,CN101983236B,2009/01-2029/7/01。(基亞)
- 陳駿、陳炳煇,2016,”核酸萃取裝置”, 中華民國發明專利,發明第I565803號,201˙/1/11-2035/10/20。(NTU)
- Chen, Pei-Jer, Chen, Ping-Hei, Chou, Wen-Bin, Hsieh, Yi-Fan, Yeh, Shiou-Hwei, 2018, “Methods and Apparatuses for Convective Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)”, CA2713021C, 2009/01/26-2029/01/26
1. 普生股份有限公司與居禮股份有限公司,2006,「晶片載具型即時偵測同步定量聚合酶連鎖反應器開發」,金額台幣八十萬,校研發字第0950011654號。
1. 基亞股份有限公司,2009,「一種新型熱對流PCR機台及其試劑之開發」,金額台幣三十萬,校研發字第0980023866號。(101,102,103年,仍有36萬台幣的授權金入帳,104年有48萬4千入帳。105年也有48萬入帳)。
2. 超眾科技股份有限公司,2015,,「一種金屬編織線表面改質技術」,金額三十萬。
3. 奇鋐科技股份有限公司,2017,「銅表面氧化改質暨毛細力增強」,金額三十萬。
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