姓名Name |
黃美嬌 Mei-Jiau Huang |
職稱Title |
特聘教授 Distinguished Professor |
辦公室Office |
Rm.515, Mechanical Engineering Building. |
電話Phone |
3366-2696 |
傳真Fax |
2363-1755 |
電子郵件E-mail |
個人網頁Homepage |
實驗室Lab |
計算流體力學研究室 (機械館540室)
Computational Thermo-Fluid Research Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering Building. Room 540
Short Biography |
美國加州理工學院機械所 博士
美國加州理工學院機械所 碩士
國立台灣大學機械工程學系 學士 |
Research Interests |
Turbulence Theory, Computational Thermal Fluid Science, Thermoelectric Science
Teaching Courses |
Engineering Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics, Convection Heat Transfer, Numerical Analysis, Turbulence, Thermodynamics |
Research Projects |
- 具奈米結構材料內微觀熱傳導全頻聲子蒙地卡羅法模擬研究,主持人,計畫期間:106/8/1~107/7/31,委託單位:科技部。
- 封裝結構熱傳數學模型與求解模型建構,主持人,計畫期間:106/10/31~106/12/31,委託單位:工研院電光所。
- 新穎介面陣列奈米複合熱電薄膜與元件:整合緃向與橫向週期性同質/異質介面藉以主動優化熱電傳導之特性,共同主持人,計畫期間:105/8/1~106/7/31,委託單位:科技部。
- 採沉浸邊界觀念之流固耦合非結構性頻譜元素法模擬工具之研發,主持人,計畫期間:103/8/1~106/7/31,委託單位:科技部。
- TEFC馬達框架散熱能力提昇研究(框架鰭片設計最佳化),主持人,計畫期間:103/8/1~105/1/31,委託單位:東元電機。
- 化學蒸氣濺鍍機內多孔性擋板對氣流均勻性之影響研究,主持人,計畫期間:102/12/15~103/12/15,委託單位:台積電。
- 多晶及複合材料熱傳導特性非結構性網格蒙地卡羅模擬研究,主持人,計畫期間:11/08/01~14/07/31,委任單位:國科會。
An Unstructured Monte-Carlo Simulation Study of polycrystalline and nanocomposite materials, PI; Project period: 11/08/01~14/07/31, Organization: NSC.
publications |
期刊論文 (Journal Papers):
- Li-Chieh Chen and Mei-Jiau Huang*, 2017, A DFFD simulation method combined with the spectral element method for solid-fluid-interaction, J. Comput. Phys. 330, 749-769 (SCI).
- Li-Chieh Chen, Chien-Ta Lin, and Mei-Jiau Huang, 2016, A sub-cell spectral-element simulator for 2D rigid-body-fluid interaction problems, Advances in Engineering Software 101, 60-68 (SCI).
- Chien-Chou Weng, Ming-Chyuan Lin, and Mei-Jiau Huang*, 2016, A Waste Cold Recovery from the Exhausted Cryogenic Nitrogen by Using Thermoelectric Power Generator, Energy 103, 385-396 (SCI).
- Li-Chieh Chen and Mei-Jiau Huang*, 2015, A 2D spectral-element simulator for rigid-body motion in viscous incompressible flow, J. CSME 36, 449-460 (SCI).
- Yi-Cheng Hou, Mei-Jiau Huang*, Pi-Yueh Chuang, Hsiu-Cheng Chang, Chun-Hua Chen*, 2015, Numerical and Model Predictions of the Thermal Conductivity of Nanocanyons Assembled Bismuth Telluride Thin Films, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer. 87, 536–543 (SCI).
- Mei-Jiau Huang* and Chien-Chou Weng, 2015, An Investigation into, and Improvement of, the Non-uniformity of the Flow Field caused by the Pumping Effect in a Stagnation Flow CVD Reactor, Chemical Vapor Deposition 21, 111–121. doi: 10.1002/cvde.201407141 (SCI).
- Chien-Chou Weng and Mei-Jiau Huang*, 2014, A Study of Using a Thermoelectric Generator to Harvest Energy from a Table Lamp, Energy 76, 788-798 (SCI).
- Chien-Chou Weng and Mei-Jiau Huang*, 2013, A study of automotive waste heat recovery by using thermoelectric power generator, Int. J. Therm. Sci 71, 302-309 (SCI).
- Pi-Yueh Chuang and Mei-Jiau Huang*, 2013, Model and simulation predictions of the thermal conductivity of compact random nanoparticle composites, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 61, 490-498 (SCI).
- Chien-Jung Huang and Mei-Jiau Huang*, 2013, A vortex method suitable for long time simulations of flow over body of arbitrary geometry, Computers & Fluids 74, 1-12 (SCI).
- Mei-Jiau Huang* and Pi-Yueh Chuang, 2012, An Investigation into the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Random Nanowire Composites, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 55, 3704-3712 (SCI).
- Mei-Jiau Huang* and Tai-Ming Chang, 2012, Thermal Transport within Quantum-Dot Nanostructured Semiconductors, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 55, 2800-2806 (SCI).
- Mei-Jiau Huang* and Ting-Yu Kang, 2011, “A Monte-Carlo study of the phonon transport in nanowire-embedded composites,” Int. J. Therm. Sci. 50, 1156-1163 (SCI).
國際會議論文 (International Conference Papers):
- Mei-Jiau Huang, 2017/09, Effective-medium-approximation models for the thermal conductivities of nanocomposite materials, to be presented at the 2nd International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy Systems, Sep. 22-25, 2017, Kunming, Yunnan, China.
- Ming-Chyuan Lin, Mei-Jiau Huang, Chih-Hung Lo, Application of thermoelectric generators to an exhausted cryogenic nitrogen system with an anti-frozen shielding container, to be presented at the 36th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics, July 30~Aug. 4, 2017, Pasadena, USA.
- Mei-Jiau Huang, 2017/07, Effect of the temperature dependence of the transmissivity on the thermal boundary conductance between two dissimilar solids, to be presented at the 36th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics, July 30~Aug. 4, 2017, Pasadena, USA.
- Mei-Jiau Huang, An Investigation into the Full-Spectrum Monte-Caro Simulation of Phonon Flow, presented at the 35th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics & 1st Asian Conference on Thermoelectrics, May 30-June 2, 2016, Wuhan, China.
- Mei-Jiau Huang, A TEG-based Self-Powered Warmer for the Exhausted Cryogenic Nitrogen, presented at the 34th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics & 13th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, June 28-July 2, 2015, Dresden, Germany.
- Mei-Jiau Huang, Boltzmann-BGK-based Monte-Carlo Simulation of Phonon Flow, presented at the 18th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems, 16-18 March 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Chien-Chou Weng and Mei-Jiau Huang, An 1D approximation model for a prediction of the power generation of a TEG system, presented at 12th Annual European Conference on Thermoelectricity (ECT 2014), Madrid, Spain), 24-26 September 2014.
- Mei-Jiau Huang and Chien-Chou Weng, Closed-circuit simulation of a TEG-based lamp energy harvest system, presented at The Ninth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Naples, Italy, 2-5 September 2014.
- Li-Chieh Chen and Mei-Jiau Huang, A 2D spectral-element simulator for rigid-body in viscous incompressible flow, to be presented at The Ninth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Naples, Italy, 2-5 September 2014.
- Mei-Jiau Huang, 2013/09, Effect of nanostructures on the thermal conductivity of thermoelectric materials, invited speaker at the Energy Materials Nanotechnology Meeting, Sept. 7-10, Beijing, China.
- Chien-Chou Weng and Mei-Jiau Huang, 2013/07, A simulation study of automotive waste heat recovery using a thermoelectric power generator, The 32nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, June 30-July 4, Kobe, Japan.
- Li-Chiech Chen and Mei-Jiau Huang, 2012/07, A spectral element method for rigid body motions in the incompressible flow, 9th International Conference in Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering & Science, July 23 – 27, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Chien-Chou Weng and Mei-Jiau Huang, 2012/07, A Study of the Thermoelectric Application to Automotive Waste Heat Recovery, 9th International Conference in Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering & Science, July 23 – 27, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Mei-Jiau Huang and Pi-Yueh Chuang, 2012/07, An Investigation into the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Random Nanparticle Composites, 31st International Conference on Thermoelectrics, July 9-12, Aalborg Denmark.
國內會議論文 (Domestic Conference Papers):
- Chung-Ying Hwang,Mei-Jiau Huang,An Investigation of The Effective Thermal Conductivity of Bismuth Telluride embedded periodically with Twin Boundaries,中國機械工程學會第三十四屆全國學術研討會,國立勤益科技大學,台中市,中華民國一百零六年十二月一日、二日。
- I-Ta Hsieh,Mei-Jiau Huang,2017/12,An Investigation of the Thermal boundary resistance associated with the Twin Boundary in Bismuth Telluride,中國機械工程學會第三十四屆全國學術研討會,國立勤益科技大學,台中市,中華民國一百零六年十二月一日、二日。
- 蘇冠中、黃美嬌*,2016/12,全頻蒙地卡羅聲子熱傳模擬工具之開發,中國機械工程學會第三十三屆全國學術研討會,工業技術研究院,新竹,中華民國一百零五年十二月三、四日。
- Li-Chieh Chen*,Mei-Jiau Huang, 2016/11,Development of a Spectral Element-Immersed Boundary Method for Fluid-Solid Two-way Coupling Problems,中華民國力學學會第四十屆全國力學會議,國立交通大學,新竹市,2016年11月25-26日。
- 劉展豪、黃美嬌, 2015/08, 矽鍺材料介面熱阻及介面穿透率分子動力學模擬研究, 第22屆計算流體力學研討會,新北市,中華民國,104年8月26-28日。
- 簡培盛、黃美嬌, 2015/08, 全頻蒙地卡羅材料熱傳模擬工具之研發, 第22屆計算流體力學研討會,新北市,中華民國,104年8月26-28日。
- 侯奕丞、莊璧躍、黃美嬌, 2014/08, 具奈米谷結構之多孔性碲化鉍材料之晶格熱傳導係數探討,第21屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會, Aug. 5-7, 南投。
- 林建達、陳立杰、黃美嬌, 2014/08, 二維剛體與流體雙向耦合運動模擬工具之研發,第21屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會, Aug. 5-7, 南投。
- 翁健洲、黃美嬌, 2014/08, A Study of the Waste Heat Recovery from a Table Lamp in Use of a Thermoelectric Generator,第21屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會, Aug. 5-7, 南投。
- 劉碩翰、牛仰堯、黃美嬌, 三維仿生拍撲翼之初步模擬, 第八屆海峽兩岸航空太空學術研討會, 北京, .
- Pi-Yueh Chuang and Mei-Jiau Huang, 2012/08, A Study of the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of 3D Nanograined Composites, 第十九屆全國計算流體力學研討會, Aug. 16~18, 澎湖。
- 張雅涵、牛仰堯、黃美嬌, 2012/08, 蝶型拍撲翼之氣動力研究, 第十九屆全國計算流體力學研討會, Aug. 16~18, 澎湖。
得獎紀錄 (Honors):
- 2017年指導學生榮獲中國機械工程學會碩士論文獎第一名。
- 2012年第十九屆全國計算流體力學研討會大會論文佳作獎
- 2011年第十八屆全國計算流體力學研討會大會最佳論文獎
- 2011~2017年臺灣大學特聘教授
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