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黃美嬌 Mei-Jiau Huang
特聘教授 Distinguished Professor
Rm.515, Mechanical Engineering Building.
計算流體力學研究室 (機械館540室)
Computational Thermo-Fluid Research Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering Building. Room 540
Short Biography
美國加州理工學院機械所 博士
美國加州理工學院機械所 碩士
國立台灣大學機械工程學系 學士
Research Interests

Turbulence Theory, Computational Thermal Fluid Science, Thermoelectric Science

Teaching Courses
Engineering Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics, Convection Heat Transfer, Numerical Analysis, Turbulence, Thermodynamics
Research Projects
  1. 具奈米結構材料內微觀熱傳導全頻聲子蒙地卡羅法模擬研究,主持人,計畫期間:106/8/1~107/7/31,委託單位:科技部。
  2. 封裝結構熱傳數學模型與求解模型建構,主持人,計畫期間:106/10/31~106/12/31,委託單位:工研院電光所。
  3. 新穎介面陣列奈米複合熱電薄膜與元件:整合緃向與橫向週期性同質/異質介面藉以主動優化熱電傳導之特性,共同主持人,計畫期間:105/8/1~106/7/31,委託單位:科技部。
  4. 採沉浸邊界觀念之流固耦合非結構性頻譜元素法模擬工具之研發,主持人,計畫期間:103/8/1~106/7/31,委託單位:科技部。
  5. TEFC馬達框架散熱能力提昇研究(框架鰭片設計最佳化),主持人,計畫期間:103/8/1~105/1/31,委託單位:東元電機。
  6. 化學蒸氣濺鍍機內多孔性擋板對氣流均勻性之影響研究,主持人,計畫期間:102/12/15~103/12/15,委託單位:台積電。
  7. 多晶及複合材料熱傳導特性非結構性網格蒙地卡羅模擬研究,主持人,計畫期間:11/08/01~14/07/31,委任單位:國科會。
    An Unstructured Monte-Carlo Simulation Study of polycrystalline and nanocomposite materials, PI; Project period: 11/08/01~14/07/31, Organization: NSC.


期刊論文 (Journal Papers):
  1. Li-Chieh Chen and Mei-Jiau Huang*, 2017, A DFFD simulation method combined with the spectral element method for solid-fluid-interaction, J. Comput. Phys. 330, 749-769 (SCI).
  2. Li-Chieh Chen, Chien-Ta Lin, and Mei-Jiau Huang, 2016, A sub-cell spectral-element simulator for 2D rigid-body-fluid interaction problems, Advances in Engineering Software 101, 60-68 (SCI).
  3. Chien-Chou Weng, Ming-Chyuan Lin, and Mei-Jiau Huang*, 2016, A Waste Cold Recovery from the Exhausted Cryogenic Nitrogen by Using Thermoelectric Power Generator, Energy 103, 385-396 (SCI).
  4. Li-Chieh Chen and Mei-Jiau Huang*, 2015, A 2D spectral-element simulator for rigid-body motion in viscous incompressible flow, J. CSME 36, 449-460 (SCI).
  5. Yi-Cheng Hou, Mei-Jiau Huang*, Pi-Yueh Chuang, Hsiu-Cheng Chang, Chun-Hua Chen*, 2015, Numerical and Model Predictions of the Thermal Conductivity of Nanocanyons Assembled Bismuth Telluride Thin Films, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer. 87, 536–543 (SCI).
  6. Mei-Jiau Huang* and Chien-Chou Weng, 2015, An Investigation into, and Improvement of, the Non-uniformity of the Flow Field caused by the Pumping Effect in a Stagnation Flow CVD Reactor, Chemical Vapor Deposition 21, 111–121. doi: 10.1002/cvde.201407141 (SCI).
  7. Chien-Chou Weng and Mei-Jiau Huang*, 2014, A Study of Using a Thermoelectric Generator to Harvest Energy from a Table Lamp, Energy 76, 788-798 (SCI).
  8. Chien-Chou Weng and Mei-Jiau Huang*, 2013, A study of automotive waste heat recovery by using thermoelectric power generator, Int. J. Therm. Sci 71, 302-309 (SCI).
  9. Pi-Yueh Chuang and Mei-Jiau Huang*, 2013, Model and simulation predictions of the thermal conductivity of compact random nanoparticle composites, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 61, 490-498 (SCI).
  10. Chien-Jung Huang and Mei-Jiau Huang*, 2013, A vortex method suitable for long time simulations of flow over body of arbitrary geometry, Computers & Fluids 74, 1-12 (SCI).
  11. Mei-Jiau Huang* and Pi-Yueh Chuang, 2012, An Investigation into the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Random Nanowire Composites, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 55, 3704-3712 (SCI).
  12. Mei-Jiau Huang* and Tai-Ming Chang, 2012, Thermal Transport within Quantum-Dot Nanostructured Semiconductors, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 55, 2800-2806 (SCI).
  13. Mei-Jiau Huang* and Ting-Yu Kang, 2011, “A Monte-Carlo study of the phonon transport in nanowire-embedded composites,” Int. J. Therm. Sci. 50, 1156-1163 (SCI).

國際會議論文 (International Conference Papers):

  1. Mei-Jiau Huang, 2017/09, Effective-medium-approximation models for the thermal conductivities of nanocomposite materials, to be presented at the 2nd International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy Systems, Sep. 22-25, 2017, Kunming, Yunnan, China.
  2. Ming-Chyuan Lin, Mei-Jiau Huang, Chih-Hung Lo, Application of thermoelectric generators to an exhausted cryogenic nitrogen system with an anti-frozen shielding container, to be presented at the 36th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics, July 30~Aug. 4, 2017, Pasadena, USA.
  3. Mei-Jiau Huang, 2017/07, Effect of the temperature dependence of the transmissivity on the thermal boundary conductance between two dissimilar solids, to be presented at the 36th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics, July 30~Aug. 4, 2017, Pasadena, USA.
  4. Mei-Jiau Huang, An Investigation into the Full-Spectrum Monte-Caro Simulation of Phonon Flow, presented at the 35th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics & 1st Asian Conference on Thermoelectrics, May 30-June 2, 2016, Wuhan, China.
  5. Mei-Jiau Huang, A TEG-based Self-Powered Warmer for the Exhausted Cryogenic Nitrogen, presented at the 34th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics & 13th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, June 28-July 2, 2015, Dresden, Germany.
  6. Mei-Jiau Huang, Boltzmann-BGK-based Monte-Carlo Simulation of Phonon Flow, presented at the 18th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems, 16-18 March 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.
  7. Chien-Chou Weng and Mei-Jiau Huang, An 1D approximation model for a prediction of the power generation of a TEG system, presented at 12th Annual European Conference on Thermoelectricity (ECT 2014), Madrid, Spain), 24-26 September 2014.
  8. Mei-Jiau Huang and Chien-Chou Weng, Closed-circuit simulation of a TEG-based lamp energy harvest system, presented at The Ninth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Naples, Italy, 2-5 September 2014.
  9. Li-Chieh Chen and Mei-Jiau Huang, A 2D spectral-element simulator for rigid-body in viscous incompressible flow, to be presented at The Ninth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Naples, Italy, 2-5 September 2014.
  10. Mei-Jiau Huang, 2013/09, Effect of nanostructures on the thermal conductivity of thermoelectric materials, invited speaker at the Energy Materials Nanotechnology Meeting, Sept. 7-10, Beijing, China.
  11. Chien-Chou Weng and Mei-Jiau Huang, 2013/07, A simulation study of automotive waste heat recovery using a thermoelectric power generator, The 32nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, June 30-July 4, Kobe, Japan.
  12. Li-Chiech Chen and Mei-Jiau Huang, 2012/07, A spectral element method for rigid body motions in the incompressible flow, 9th International Conference in Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering & Science, July 23 – 27, Taipei, Taiwan.
  13. Chien-Chou Weng and Mei-Jiau Huang, 2012/07, A Study of the Thermoelectric Application to Automotive Waste Heat Recovery, 9th International Conference in Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering & Science, July 23 – 27, Taipei, Taiwan.
  14. Mei-Jiau Huang and Pi-Yueh Chuang, 2012/07, An Investigation into the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Random Nanparticle Composites, 31st International Conference on Thermoelectrics, July 9-12, Aalborg Denmark.


國內會議論文 (Domestic Conference Papers):

  1. Chung-Ying Hwang,Mei-Jiau Huang,An Investigation of The Effective Thermal Conductivity of Bismuth Telluride embedded periodically with Twin Boundaries,中國機械工程學會第三十四屆全國學術研討會,國立勤益科技大學,台中市,中華民國一百零六年十二月一日、二日。
  2. I-Ta Hsieh,Mei-Jiau Huang,2017/12,An Investigation of the Thermal boundary resistance associated with the Twin Boundary in Bismuth Telluride,中國機械工程學會第三十四屆全國學術研討會,國立勤益科技大學,台中市,中華民國一百零六年十二月一日、二日。
  3. 蘇冠中、黃美嬌*,2016/12,全頻蒙地卡羅聲子熱傳模擬工具之開發,中國機械工程學會第三十三屆全國學術研討會,工業技術研究院,新竹,中華民國一百零五年十二月三、四日。
  4. Li-Chieh Chen*,Mei-Jiau Huang, 2016/11,Development of a Spectral Element-Immersed Boundary Method for Fluid-Solid Two-way Coupling Problems,中華民國力學學會第四十屆全國力學會議,國立交通大學,新竹市,2016年11月25-26日。
  5. 劉展豪、黃美嬌, 2015/08, 矽鍺材料介面熱阻及介面穿透率分子動力學模擬研究, 第22屆計算流體力學研討會,新北市,中華民國,104年8月26-28日。
  6. 簡培盛、黃美嬌, 2015/08, 全頻蒙地卡羅材料熱傳模擬工具之研發, 第22屆計算流體力學研討會,新北市,中華民國,104年8月26-28日。
  7. 侯奕丞、莊璧躍、黃美嬌, 2014/08, 具奈米谷結構之多孔性碲化鉍材料之晶格熱傳導係數探討,第21屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會, Aug. 5-7, 南投。
  8. 林建達、陳立杰、黃美嬌, 2014/08, 二維剛體與流體雙向耦合運動模擬工具之研發,第21屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會, Aug. 5-7, 南投。
  9. 翁健洲、黃美嬌, 2014/08, A Study of the Waste Heat Recovery from a Table Lamp in Use of a Thermoelectric Generator,第21屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會, Aug. 5-7, 南投。
  10. 劉碩翰、牛仰堯、黃美嬌, 三維仿生拍撲翼之初步模擬, 第八屆海峽兩岸航空太空學術研討會, 北京, .
  11. Pi-Yueh Chuang and Mei-Jiau Huang, 2012/08, A Study of the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of 3D Nanograined Composites, 第十九屆全國計算流體力學研討會, Aug. 16~18, 澎湖。
  12. 張雅涵、牛仰堯、黃美嬌, 2012/08, 蝶型拍撲翼之氣動力研究, 第十九屆全國計算流體力學研討會, Aug. 16~18, 澎湖。

得獎紀錄 (Honors):

  1. 2017年指導學生榮獲中國機械工程學會碩士論文獎第一名。
  2. 2012年第十九屆全國計算流體力學研討會大會論文佳作獎
  3. 2011年第十八屆全國計算流體力學研討會大會最佳論文獎
  4. 2011~2017年臺灣大學特聘教授