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楊鏡堂 Jing-Tang Yang
終身特聘教授 Distinguished Professor
Rm.528,College of Engineering Bldg
3366-9875, 3366-9934 (助理)
熱流光束實驗室 (工綜510室)
Biomimetics, Energy and Microfluidics Laboratory, BEAM Lab
Engineering Building Room 510
Short Biography
學歷 (education)
Ph.D., 美國威斯康辛大學麥迪生校區機械工程學系(1979-1983)
M. S., 國立成功大學機械工程研究所 (1976-1978)
B. S., 國立成功大學造船工程學系 (1970-1974)

經歷 (Work Experience)
台灣大學奈米機電系統研究中心諮議委員會委員 (2019/08-2022/07)
中央研究院永續轉型減碳路徑政策建議諮詢平台委員 (2021-2022)
中央研究院深度減碳政策諮詢平台委員 (2018-2020)
台灣仿生科技發展協會常務理事 (2015-2024)
經濟部標準檢驗局專案審查委員 (2020/01-2022/12)
經濟部再生能源電能躉購費率審定會委員 (2016/06-2023/06)
國立成功大學王助系統工程研究中心專家委員 (2021-2022)
國立成功大學能源工程國際學位學程諮詢委員 (2019-2022)
新竹市消防局火災鑑定委員 (1988-2022)
綠能科技產業推動中心常設專家 (2019/01-2021/12)
行政院能源及減碳辦公室執行長 (2016/06-2017/12)
國家實驗研究院國家太空中心諮詢委員 (2013-2015, 2019-2021)
中國石油公司獨立董事 (2016/08-2019/06)
中國石油公司常務董事 (2016/08-2017/06)
經濟部水資源(五大建設)審議會委員 (2017/06-2019/05)
行政院產業創新轉型基金投資審議會委員 (2017)
第二期能源國家型科技計畫執行長、執行秘書 (2014/05-2017/02)
第二期能源國家型科技計畫科技策略小組召集人 (2016/01-2016/12)
行政院國家永續發展委員會第16屆委員 (2013/12-2015/12)

Research Interests
能源與燃燒 (energy and combustion)
微奈尺度生化流體系統 (microfluidics and biofluidics)
仿生力學與仿生工程 (biomechanics and biomimetic engineering)
噴射推進 (jet propulsion)
Teaching Courses
流體力學 (Fluid Mechanics, 502 31000-03, T2F3F4, 工綜215教室)
能源工程 (Energy Conversion Engineering, 522 M2300, T5T6T7, 博雅307教室)
實驗流體力學 (Experimental Analysis of Fluid Mechanics, 522 U5600)
微流體系統 (Microfluidics and Biofluidics, 522 U5650)
熱傳學 (Heat Transfer, 502 U33100)

Research Projects
楊鏡堂教授主持之專題研究計畫及專題 (Research Projects)

  1. 蜻蛉目昆蟲之飛行力學、飛行操控機制分析與微飛行器機構開發 (科技部計畫),2020/08-2022/10.
  2. 自動化細胞篩選平台研究與開發,2020/08-2022/10 (科技部熱流學門計畫) .
  3. 蝴蝶翅膀撓性、飛行機制研究及3D翅形重建、飛行控制演算法與飛行模擬器開發 (台灣大學整合型計畫),2020/01-2022/12 (2022/07經費結案).
  4. 建構我國仿生科技創新推動平台–子計畫四主持人 (科技部建立以社會需求為核心的技術藍圖之跨領域研究),2019/08-2022/12.
  5. 建置空污減量的系統動態評估模式-- 以電動機車轉型為例 (環保署計畫; 共同主持人),2020/10-2021/09
  6. 蝴蝶翅膀形狀之飛行動力機制分析與微飛行器飛行控制演算法開發 (科技部計畫),2022/08-2025/07.
Journal Paper (* the corresponding author; updated on 2022/07/04; citation ref: Google scholar citations)
  1. Y. W Chen (陳怡妏), and J. T. Yang,* "Inlet setting strategy via machine learning algorithm for temperature control of battery storage systems," to be submitted to International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer [2021-IF=5.43, Mechanical Engineering: 17/137 (12.4%)].
  2. Y. J. Lin (林有駿), Y. H. Fang, and J. T. Yang,* "Chordwise wing deformation improves lift by the downward jet flow on a hovering blue-tiger butterfly," submitted to Physics of Fluids [2021-IF=4.98, Physics, Fluids & Plasmas 2/34 (5.88%), Mechanics, 18/138 (13.0%)]..
  3. B. Lan (藍國瑞), Y. J. Lin, Y. H. Lai, C. H. Tang and J. T. Yang,* "A neural network approach to estimate transient aerodynamic properties of a flapping wing system," submitted to Computational Mechanics [2021-IF=4.39, Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications: 11/108 (10.2%)].
  4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  5. Y. Lin (林佑叡), Y. W Chen (陳怡妏), and J. T. Yang,* 2022, "Optimized airflow bypass in the battery energy-storage system (BESS) inspired by the thermal management of data centers," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer [in revision; 2021-IF=5.43, Mechanical Engineering: 17/137 (12.4%)].
  6. S. K. Chang (張勝凱), Y. J. Lin, K. L. Hsu and J. T. Yang,* 2022, "Decoupling wing-shape effects of wing-swept angle and aspect ratio on a forward-flying butterfly," Physical Review E[in revision; 2021-IF=2.71, Mathematical Physics: 10/56 (17.9%)].
  7. Y. H. Lai (賴渝翔), S. K. Chang, B. Lan, K. L. Hsu, and J. T. Yang,* 2022, "Optimal thrust efficiency for a tandem wing in forward flight using varied hindwing kinematics of a damselfly," Physics of Fluids, doi.org/10.1063/5.0093208; featured article/interviewed & reported by Scilight of American Institute of Physics[in press; 2021-IF=4.98, Physics, Fluids & Plasmas 2/34 (5.9%), Mechanics, 18/138 (13.0%)].
  8. Y. J. Lin (林有駿), S. K. Chang, Y. H. Lai, and J. T. Yang,* 2021, "Beneficial wake-capture effect for forward propulsion with a restrained wing-pitch motion of a butterfly," Royal Society Open Science, Vol. 8, 202172 [2021-IF=3.65, Multidisciplinary Engineering: 30/73 (41.1%)]. (times cited: 4)
  9. C. P. Chiu (邱志斌), Y. Lu (呂岳), Y. T. Sheng, S. I. Yeh,** and J. T. Yang,* 2021, "Flame structure and fuel reaction on a non-premixed shuttlecock-like conical burner," Int. Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 127, 105467 [2021-IF=6.78, Mechanics: 6/138 (4.3%); Thermodynamics: 4/63 (6.3%)].
  10. Y. H. Lai (賴渝翔), J. F. Ma, and J. T. Yang,* 2021, "Flight maneuver of a damselfly with phase modulation of the wings," Integrative and Comparative Biology, Vol. 61, pp. 20-36, invited paper[2021-IF=3.39, Zoology: 10/176 (5.7%)]. (times cited: 3)
  11. Y. H. Lai (賴渝翔), Y. J. Lin, S. K. Chang, and J. T. Yang,* 2021, "Effects of wing-wing interaction coupled with morphology and kinematic feature of damselflies," Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, Vol. 16(1), No. 016017[2021-IF=2.99, Multidisciplinary Engineering: 37/92 (40.0%)]. (times cited: 6)
  12. S. K. Chang (張勝凱), Y. H. Lai, Y. J. Lin, and J. T. Yang,* 2020, "Enhanced lift and thrust via the translational motion between the thorax-abdomen node and the center of mass of a butterfly with a constructive abdominal oscillation," Physical Review E, Vol. 102, No. 062407[2020-IF=2.53, Mathematical Physics: 8/55 (14.5%)]. (times cited: 6)
  13. P. Y. Zou, Y. H. Lai, and J. T. Yang,* 2019, "Effects of phase lag on hovering flight of damselflies and dragonflies," Physical Review E, Vol. 100, No. 063102[2019-IF=2.30, Mathematical Physics: 8/55 (14.5%)]. (times cited: 14)
  14. T. M. Wang and J. T. Yang,* 2019, "Visual DNA diagnosis of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus with integrated recombinase polymerase amplification and a gold-nanoparticle probe," Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, No.15146[2019-IF/5-yr-IF=4.00/4.58, Multidisc. Sciences: 17/71 (23.9%)/ 5-yr- 9/69 (13.0%)]. (times cited: 19)   國家新創獎
  15. Y. Lin,* J. T. Yang, R. Chen, 2018, "Numerical prediction of the energy efficiency of the three-dimensional fish school using the discretized adomian decomposition method," Results in Physics, Vol. 9, pp. 1677-1684 [2018-IF=3.04, Physics, Multidisciplinary: 20/81 (24.7%)]. (times cited: 1) *前博士後研究員
  16. Y. C. Tsai, Y. K. Chan, F. K. Ko, and J. T. Yang,* 2018, "Integrated operation of renewables and water resources," Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 160, pp. 439–454 [2018-IF=7.18, Mechanics: 3/134 (2.2%), Thermodynamics: 2/60 (3.3%)].  (times cited: 32)
  17. J. P. Chiu, S. I. Yeh, Y. C. Tsai, and J. T. Yang,* 2017, "An investigation of fuel mixing and reaction in a premixed impinging flame of CH4/syngas/air with varied proportions of H2 and CO," Energies, Vol. 10, pp. 900-907 [2017-IF=2.68, Energy & Fuel: 48/97 (49.5%)].   (times cited: 3)
  18. S. I. Yeh, K. Hau, C. J. Huang, H. C. Chang, C. H. Hsu, and J. T. Yang,* 2017, "Development of a simple static microwell array with uniform cell seeding and chemical concentration gradient," Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol. 21, pp. 80-89 [2017-IF=2.38, Instruments & Instrumentation: 18/61 (29.5%)] (times cited: 4)
  19. Y. C. Tsai, J. P. Chiu, F. K. Ko, T. C. Chen, and J. T. Yang,* 2016, "Desalination plants and renewables combined to solve power and water issues,"Energy, Vol. 113, pp. 1018–1030, [2016-IF=4.52, Thermodynamics: 3/58 (5.2%)]. (times cited: 32)
  20. S. I. Yeh, W. F. Fang, C. J. Huang, T. M. Wang, and J. T. Yang,* 2016, "The visual colorimetric detection of multi-nucleotide polymorphisms on the pneumatic droplets manipulation platform," Journal of Visualized Experiments, Issue 115, No. e54424[2016-IF=1.23, Multidisciplinary Sciences: 28/64 (43.8%)]. (times cited: 2)
  21. S. Y. Chen, Y. H. Fei, Y. C. Chen, K. J. Chi,** and J. T. Yang,* 2016, "The swimming patterns and energy-saving mechanism revealed from three fish in a school," Ocean Engineering, Vol. 122, pp. 22-31[2016-IF=1.89, Marine Engineering: 2/14 (14.3%)]. (times cited: 17)
  22. S. I. Yeh, Y. C. Huang, J. H. Cheng, C. M. Cheng,** and J. T. Yang,* 2016, "Development of a millimetrically scaled biodiesel transesterification device that relies on droplet-based co-axial fluidics," Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, No. 29288[2016-IF=4.26, Multidisc. Sciences: 10/64 (15.6%)]. (times cited: 22)
  23. Y. H. Fei and J. T. Yang,* 2016 (MAR), "Importance of body rotation during the flight of a butterfly," Physical Review E, Vol. 93, 003100[2016-IF=2.36, Mathematical Physics: 6/55 (10.9%)]. on-line highlighted on Science News (2016/03/09) with a feature video "Tilting motion helps butterflies soar."   Also reported on Discovery Channel Feature Today, Canada; TV program “Animalades” at Barcelona, Spain; Wonder Science TV, California, USA; DaAi TV, Taiwan, a French TV Program.  (times cited: 22)
  24. Y. C. Tsai, Y. F. Huang, and J. T. Yang,* 2016, "Strategies on development of off-shore wind technology for far east countries – A point of view from patent analysis,"Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 60, pp. 182-194[2016-IF=8.05, Energy & Fuel: 5/92 (5.4%)]  (times cited: 28)
  25. S. L. Ma, J. W. Chen, H. Y. Li, and J. T. Yang,* 2015, "Mechanism of enhancement of heat transfer for plate-fin heat sinks with dual piezoelectric fans," Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 90, pp. 454-465 [2015-IF=2.86, Mechanical Engineering: 10/132 (7.6%)].  (times cited: 15)
  26. Y. H. Fei and J. T. Yang,* 2015, "Enhanced thrust and speed revealed in the forward flight of butterflies with transient body translation," Physical Review E, Vol. 92, art. No. 033004 [2015-IF=2.25, Mathematical Physics: 6/53 (11.3%)]  (times cited: 23)
  27. Y. T. Chen and J. T. Yang,* 2015, "Detection of an amphiphilic biosample in a paper microchannel," Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 17, Art. 52[2015-IF = 2.23, Biomedical Engineering: 28/76 (36.8%)]. (times cited: 19)
  28. J. W. Chen, C. C. Li, and J. T. Yang,* 2015, "Enhanced stabilization of multiple premixed flames with a compressive vortex pair on a stratified burner,"Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 187, pp. 1452–1467[2015-IF=1.19, Multi. Engineering: 42/85 (42.4%)].(times cited: 1)
  29. J. W. Chen, H. W. Lin, C. C. Li, and J. T. Yang,* 2015, "The effect of air coflow in lean premixed flames on a stratified burner,"Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 187, pp. 1317–1334 [2015-IF=1.19, Multi. Engineering: 42/85 (42.4%)](times cited: 3)
  30. S. I. Yeh, H. J. Sheen, and J. T. Yang,* 2015, "Chemical reaction and mixing inside a coalesced droplet after a head-on collision," Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol. 18, pp. 1355-1363 [2015-IF=2.54, Instruments and Instrumentation: 7/56 (12.5%)].  (times cited: 28)
  31. J. W. Chen, C. P. Chiu, S. H. Mo, and J. T. Yang,* 2015, "Combustion characteristics of a premixed propane flame with added H2 and CO on a v-shaped impinging burner," International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 40, pp. 1244-1255 [2015-IF=3.21, Energy & Fuel: 28/88 (31.8%)].(times cited: 19)
  32. I. F. Yu, Y. H. Yu, L.Y. Chen, S. K. Fan, H. Y. E. Chou,** and J. T. Yang,* 2014, "A portable microfluidic device for rapid diagnosis of cancer metastatic potential with programmable modules of temperature and CO2," Lab on a Chip, 14 (18), 3621–3628 [2014-IF = 6.12, Biochemical Research Method: 6/79 (7.6%)]. **co-corresponding author  (times cited: 26)
  33. H. Y. Li, Y. T. Chen, M. T. Lu, Y. H. Lai, and J. T. Yang,* 2014, "Design and testing of a novel catalytic reactor to generate hydrogen," International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 39, pp. 11945-11954 [2014-IF=3.31, Electrochemistry: 7/28 (25.0%)].(times cited: 6)
  34. C. J. Huang, W. F. Fang, M. S. Ko, H. Y. E. Chou,** and J. T. Yang,* 2014, "A biocompatible open-surface droplet manipulation platform for detection of multi-nucleotide polymorphism,"Lab on a Chip, Vol. 14, pp. 2057-2062[2014-IF=6.12, 6/79 (7.6%)]. **co-corresponding author (times cited: 39)
  35. S. S. Chen, C. W. Hu, I. F. Yu, Y. C. Liao,** and J. T. Yang,* 2014, "Origami paper-based fluidic batteries for portable self-powered electrophoretic devices," Lab on a Chip, Vol. 14, pp. 2124-2130 [2014-IF = 6.12, 6/79 (7.6%)]. **co-corresponding author (times cited: 38)
  36. W. F. Fang, W. J. Chen, and J. T. Yang,* 2014, "Colorimetric determination of DNA concentration and mismatches using hybridization-mediated growth nanoparticle probes," Sensors and Actuators B- Chemical, Vol. 192, pp. 77-82 [2014-IF = 4.10, Instru. & Instrum. 3/56 (5.4%)]. (times cited: 26)
  37. J. Y. Su and J. T. Yang,* 2013, "Analysis of the Aerodynamic Force in an Eye-stabilized Flapping Flyer,"Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, Vol. 8, art. 046010[SCI, 2013-IF=2.53, 8/87 (9.2%)].(times cited: 2)
  38. Y. T. Chen, Y. C. Liu, W. F. Fang, C. J. Huang, S. K. Fan, W. J. Chen, W. T. Chang, C. H. Huang, and J. T. Yang,* 2013, "DNA Diagnosis in a Micro-separator Based on Particle Aggregation," Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Vol. 50, pp. 8-13 [SCI, 2013-IF=6.45, 1/27 (3.8%)].(times cited: 3)
  39. J. Y. Su, J, H, Tang, C. H. Wang, and J. T. Yang,* 2013 (SEP), "A Numerical Investigation on the Ground Effect of a Flapping-Flying Bird," Physics of Fluids, Vol. 25, 093101-093113 [SCI, 2013-IF=2.04, 21/138 (15.2%)]. (times cited: 33)
  40. C. L. Yu, Y. H. Hsu, and J. T. Yang,* 2013 (SEP), "The Dependence of Propulsive Performance on the Slip Number in an Undulatory Swimming Fish,"Ocean Engineering, Vol. 70, pp. 51-60 [SCI, 2013-IF=1.34, 1/13 (7.4%)]. (times cited: 9)
  41. J. H. Tang, J. Y. Su, C. H. Wang, and J. T. Yang,* 2013 (SEP), "Numerical Investigation of the Ground Effect for a Small Bird,"Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 29 (3), pp. 433-441 [SCI, 2013-IF=0.31, 130/138 (94.2%)]. (times cited: 11) The best paper award of 2013.
  42. S. I. Yeh, W. F. Fang, H. J. Sheen, and J. T. Yang,* 2013 (MAY), "Droplets Coalescence and Mixing with Identical and Distinct Surface Tension on a Wettability-gradient Surface," Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol. 14, pp. 785-795 [SCI, 2013-IF=2.67, 6/57 (10.5%)]. (times cited: 41)
  43. Y. H. Chang, S. C. Ting, J. Y. Su, C. Y. Soong, and J. T. Yang,* 2013 (FEB), "Ventral-clap Modes of Hovering Passerines,"Physical Review E, Vol. 87, art. No. 022707 [SCI, 2013-IF=2.33, 6/55 (10.9%)]. (times cited: 13)
  44. H. Y. Li,* S. M. Chao, J. W. Chen, and J. T. Yang, 2013 (FEB), "Thermal Performance of Plate-fin Heat Sinks with Piezoelectric Cooling Fan,"International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 57, pp. 722-732 [SCI, 2013-IF=2.52, 10/138 (7.2%)].  (times cited: 58)

    賴渝翔、林有駿、林佑叡、楊鏡堂*,2020,“仿生機制與運用介紹—向海洋生物學習,” 台灣經濟研究院農業生技產業季刊,61,60–72。
    楊鏡堂*、林有駿、賴渝翔張勝凱,2021,“昆蟲飛行機制與仿生拍撲微飛行器,” 台灣經濟研究院農業生技產業季刊,66,64–81。
    楊鏡堂*、葉思沂,2016,“昆蟲飛行探索及仿生應用,” 台大校友雙月刊2016年3月號, pp. 16-19 (張家瑜、王彥傑、費約翰 協助整理)。
    楊鏡堂*、葉思沂,2015,“微流體技術發展回顧及其應用前景,” 機械月刊第42卷第四期。

專利 (Patents):

  1. 楊鏡堂,鄭景鴻,黃彥誠,鄭兆珉,2017, “生質柴油的生產裝置及其方法 (Biodiesel Production Apparatus and the Forming Method Thereof),” 中華民國發明專利審查通過.
  2. 謝達斌,楊鏡堂,呂虹靜,2015, “抗原檢測方法 (Detection method for antigen),” Taiwan Patent:I481446, Issued on May 11, 2015; 中華民國 100 (2011)年02月01日- 115 (2026) 年01月31日).
  3. 楊鏡堂,黃朝均,黃稚游,2015, “數位微流體操控裝置及操控方法 (Digital microfluidic manipulation device and manipulation method thereof),” Taiwan Patent I481446, Issued on April 21, 2015; 中華民國 104 (2015)年04月21日 - 121 (20322)年09月 16日.
  4. 謝達斌,楊鏡堂,呂虹靜,2015, “抗原檢測基質以及抗原檢測套組 (Antigen-detection complex and antigen-detection kit),” Taiwan Patent:I428597, Issued on March 1, 2014; 中華民國 103 (2014)年03月01日- 120 (2031) 年01月31日.
  5. Jing-Tang Yang, Chao-Jyun Huang, Chih-Yu Hwang, 2014, “Digital microfluidic manipulation device and manipulation method thereof,” USPTO No. 8,784,749, published on July 22, 2014, filed on December 21, 2012.
  6. 楊鏡堂,謝達斌,方偉峰,邱朝陽,蔡宗霖,吳亞娜,2012, “一種具超高解析度奈微米顯示元件之裝置 (A novel fluorescent device with ultra-resolution and its application),” Taiwan Patent I373681, Issued on October 1, 2012; 中華民國 97 (2008) 年01月21日- 112 (2023) 年01月20日).
  7. 楊鏡堂,謝達斌,邱朝陽,楊宗翰,陳逸臨,張佑民,2011, “一種電磁場調控表面親疏水性之方法及裝置 (A method and control devices for changing wettability on solid surface by electric or magnetic field),” Taiwan Patent I350370, Issued on October 11, 2011; 中華民國 96 (2007)年04月26日- 111 (2022)年04月25日).
  8. 楊鏡堂,謝達斌,楊宗翰,方偉峰,張佑民,陳逸臨,2011, “操控液珠傳輸與定位之方法及裝置 (A novel method and control devices for droplet manipulation and detection by biomolecule self-assembly),” Taiwan Patent I346780, Issued on August 11, 2011; 中華民國 96 (2007)年04月26日- 111 (2022)年04月25日).
  9. 謝達斌,楊鏡堂,蕭宇宏,楊宗翰,2011, “奈米粒子及長鏈分子自組裝製作可控親疏水性介面之方法 (A novel method of self-assembling nanoparticles or long chain molecules for the formation of surfaces with controllable wettability),” Taiwan Patent I336401, Issued on January 21, 2011; 中華民國 96 (2007)年04月26日-111 (2022)年04月25日).

Patents filed or in process:  (公佈於智財局網站)

36. J. T. Yang, M. H. Hsu, Z. H. Yang, Z. Y. Yang, and J. A. Yeh, 2011, “A Device for Long-Distance Transport of Droplets (一種長跨距之液珠輸送裝置),” Taiwan Patent Publication No. 201111269  (No. 098132419; Filed on September 25, 2009; Application Publication on April 01, 2011).

37.  D. B. Shieh, J. T. Yang, P. C. Wu, Y. M. Chang, W. F. Fang, and C. Y. Chiu, 2011, “A Novel Method for Producing Nano and Micro Particles with Non-Homogeneous Surfaces by Nano Self Assembly 以奈米自組裝製造非均勻表面性質奈微米粒子之方法,” Taiwan Patent Publication No. 200932352 (Filed on January 21, 2008; Application Publication on August 01, 2009).

38. J. T. Yang, D. B. Shieh, W. F. Fang, C. Y. Chiu, T. L. Tasi, and Y. N. Wu, 2011,A Novel Fluorescent Device with Ultra-Resolution and Its Application 一種具超高解析度奈微米顯示元件之裝置,” Taiwan, R.O.C. Patent Publication No. 200933276 (Filed on January 21, 2008; Application Publication on August 01, 2009).

39. J. T. Yang and W. F. Fang, 2011, A Micromixer and Microreactor with Split-and- Recombination and Chaotic Mechanisms 分割重組以及混沌機制之微混合反應元件,” Taiwan Patent Publication No. 200940162 (Filed on March 18, 2008; Application Publication on October 01, 2009).

40. J. T. Yang, W. F. Fang, M. H. Hsu, and Y. H. Lai, 2011, “A Method for Simultaneous Measurement of Species Velocities and Concentrations (一種同步診測物種速度場與濃度場之方法),” Taiwan Patent Publication No. 201111764 (No. 098132415, Filed on September 25, 2009; Application Publication on April 01, 2011). 

41. D. B. Shieh, J. T. Yang, M. H. Hsu, H. J. Lu, 2011, “A Device for Detection by Biomolecule Self Assembly (利用生化自組裝技術製作生化薄膜之感測裝置),” Taiwan Patent Publication No. 201111780 (No. 098132418, Filed on September 25, 2009; Application Publication on April 01, 2011).

C. Special Reports on Energy (in Chinese)

1.  陳秉宏、楊鏡堂,2011, 核除役之環評分析,” 國研院科資中心電子報 (3000).

2. 翁國鈞、王興華、楊鏡堂,2011, 電動車近期之發展,” 國研院科資中心電子報 (5000).

3. 陳冠宏、楊鏡堂,2011, 淺談二氧化碳捕捉與封存,” 國研院科資中心電子報 (5000).

4.  詹心禺、楊鏡堂,2011, CIGS薄膜太陽能電池的現在與未來,” 國研院科資中心電子報 (5000).

5.  楊鏡堂、方偉峰,2011, 低濃度DNA快速檢測之微反應器研究,” 工程科技通訊期刊 (in press).

6. 楊鏡堂, 丁上杰2010, 仿生科技原理與應用,” Vol. 44, pp. 20-31, 機械人產業情報報告 (Robot World), 財團法人精密機械研究發展中心發行 (出版日期: 2010.07.05; 已被下載6325)

7. Yu-Fen Huang, Miao-Hsing Hsu, Jing-Tang Yang, Chong-Cheung Chen, 2009, “Current Status and Future Prospects of Technology Development on Global Renewable Energy,” Sustainable Industrial Development Newsletter, Bimonthly, July 2009.

8. Jing-Tang Yang, Chien-Chih Chen, Yu-Fen Huang, Miao-Hsing Hsu, Hsiao-Ming Wan, 2008, “Strategy for New Energy Technology Development in Taiwan (國家新能源科技發展規劃現況),”2008 Yearbook of Science and Technology Policy Research and Information Center, National Applied Research Laboratories, December 2008. (2008年中華民國科學技術年鑑,國家實驗研究院發行, 科技政策研究與資訊中心編印) (ISSN-1019-30222) (in English and in Chinese, 20,000 words)

9. Yu-Fen Huang and Jing-Tang Yang, 2008, “The Inspiration of EU Green Paper to Energy Technology Policy of Taiwan (歐盟綠皮書對我國能源科技政策之啟示),” Journal of Carbon Economy, Vol. 10, pp. 2-8. (發行人: 行政院經濟建設委員會, ISSN-1990-7524)

10. Chien-Chih Chen, Miao-Hsing Hsu, Chia-Ling Tsai, Tung-Wei Lin, Sing-Rong He, Yu-Fen Huang, Yann-Tiun Lee, Ru-Yi Huang, Jing-Tang Yang, 2008, “A Survey on Current Status, Development, and Foresight of Renewable Energy Technologies (再生能源之發展趨勢與前瞻科技),” Sci-Tech Policy Review, Vol. 2008-5, No.3, pp. 1-26 (in Chinese, 15,000 words)

11. Hsiao-Ming Wan, Tsung-Han Yu, Chien-Chih Chen, Miao-Hsing Hsu, Tung-Wei Lin, Chung-Sung Ten, Jing-Tang Yang, 2008, “The Development of Advanced Carbon Reduction (減碳科技之前瞻發展),” Sci-Tech Policy Review, Vol. 2008-5, No. 3, pp. 27-48 (in Chinese, 18,000 words).

12. Jing-Tang Yang, Hsiao-Ming Wan, Miao-Hsing Hsu, Chien-Chih Chen, Tsung-Han Yu, Yu-Fen Huang, Eugene Lin, “An Overview of Advanced Energy Technologies in Taiwan (我國前瞻能源科技探討),” China Technical Consultant Institute, Monthly, June 2008. (in Chinese, 30,000 words)

13. Jing-Tang Yang, 2007, “New Perspective on LotusEvolution from a Droplet toward Engineering Applications,” Special Report on Successful Projects in the Yearbook of the Engineering Department, National Science Council, March 2007.


國際會議論文 (International Conference Papers, 2010-2013):

1. J. T. Yang, 2013, “Aerodynamics and Biophysics of Flapping-Flight of Passerines and Insects,” 2013 International Biomimetics Symposium in Taiwan– Learn from the Nature (2013台灣仿生學國際研討會-向大自然學習), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 12-13. (keynote speaker)

2.     S. I. Yeh, H. J. Sheen, and J. T. Yang,* 2013, “Micro Aquiform Reaction-Control Capsule – Using a Ternary Droplet Collision to Modulate Chemical Reactions,” the 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, microTAS-2013), Freiburg, Germany, October 27-31.

3.     C. J. Huang, H. H. Chan, and J. T. Yang,* 2013, “Encapsulating Beads/Cells in Uniform-sized Droplets on a Microfluidic Chip Utilizing Hydrophilic Modification of a Surface,” the 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, microTAS -2013), Freiburg, Germany, October 27-31.

4.   Y. H. Yu, I. F. Yu, J. Yu,2 and J. T. Yang,* 2013, “Cell Culture and Fractionation on a Microfluidic Chip with Programmable Modules of Temperature and Carbon Dioxide,” the 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, microTAS -2013), Freiburg, Germany, October 27-31.

5.     S. S. Chen, Y. C. Liao and J. T. Yang,* 2013, “Portable and Self-Powered Paper-Based Electrophoretic Microfluidic Devices,” the 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, microTAS -2013), Freiburg, Germany, October 27-31.

6.     C. J. Huang, M. S. Ko and J. T. Yang,* 2013, “A Pneumatic Open-surface Microfluidic Platform for Droplet Manipulation,” Transducer-2013, Barcelona, Spain, June 16-20.

7.  J. W. Chen and J. T. Yang,* 2013, “Simultaneous PIV and Chemiluminescence Visualization on Premixed and Nonpremixed Flames,” the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Gyeongju Hilton, Gyeongju, Korea, May 19-22.

8.    S. H. Mo, J. W. Chen and J. T. Yang,* 2013, “The Effect of CO Addition on Combustion Mechanisms of Impinging Propane Flame,” the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Gyeongju Hilton, Gyeongju, Korea, May 19-22.

9.     J. T. Yang, 2013, “Mixing & Reaction in Colliding Droplets,” 2013 Workshop on Droplet Dynamics and Interfacial Physics in Micro Devices, Taipei, Taiwan, January 15. (organizer & invited speaker)

10.  L. Y. Chen, I. F. Yu, T. K. Li, J. T. Yang, and H. Y. Chou,* 2012, “Physiology-Simulated Microfluidics System for Selective Reproduction,” The 3rd Leading Graduate Schools International Conference, University of Tsukuba, Japan, November 1-2.

11.  W. F. Fang and J. T. Yang,* 2012, “Colorimetric Screening of Oligonucleotide Based on the Hybridization-Mediated Growth Size of Gold Nanoparticle Probes,” the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, mTAS-2012), Okinawa, Japan, October 28 to November 1.

12.  W. F. Fang, C. W. Hsu, and J. T. Yang,* 2012, “Droplet-Based Microfluidic Device for Enrichment and Separation of Hydrophobically Functionalized Oligonucleotide in Free-Flow Microdroplets,” the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, mTAS-2012), Okinawa, Japan, October 28 to November 1.

13.  S. Y. Chen and J. T. Yang,* 2012, “Numerical Analysis of Swimming Patterns and Energy-Saving Mechanism in Fish School,” the Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Hotel Metropolitan Sendai in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, September 19-21, 2012.

14.  J. T. Yang, 2012, “Biophysics and Biomechanics of Hovering Passerines and Swimming Fish,” The Fifth International Symposium on Aero Aqua Bio-Mechanisms (ISABMEC 2012), The Society of Aero Aqua Bio-Mechanisms, (ABMECH), Taipei, Taiwan, August 25-28 (Keynote Speech).

15.  Y. T. Chen, W. C. Chang, W. F. Fang, S. C. Ting, D. J. Yao, and J. T. Yang,* 2011, “Droplets Fission and Coalescence in Microdevices,” the Sixth Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, December 6-10.

16.  W. F. Fang, C. W. Hsu, Y. T. Chen, and J. T. Yang,* 2011, “Expeditious Hybridization and Locally Enhanced Concentration of Oligonucleotides in a Plug-Based Microdevice,” the 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, mTAS-2011), Seattle, Washington, USA, October 2-6.  (Oral presentation)

17. Y. T. Chen, W. C. Chang, F. Fang, and J. T. Yang,* 2011, “Design of a 3-D Crossing Microstructure for Droplet Fission, Fusion, and Mixing,” the 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, mTAS-2011), Seattle, Washington, USA, October 2-6.

18. Y. T. Chen, W. C. Chang, W. F. Fang, and J. T. Yang,* 2011, “Aggregation-Based DNA Detection in Microsepartor,” the 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, mTAS-2011), Seattle, Washington, USA, October 2-6.

19. W. F. Fang, S. I. Yeh, C. L. Lai, Y. T. Chen, and J. T. Yang,* 2011, “Coalescence and Mixing of Droplets with Identical and Distinct Surface Tensions on a Wettability Gradient Surface,” the 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, mTAS-2011), Seattle, Washington, USA, October 2-6.

20. J. T. Yang* and M. H. Hsu, 2011, “Solar Energy Harvesting Systems in Taiwan,World Conference on Science and Technology, the PHILAAS 60th Annual Convention, September 13-14, Manila Hotel, Philippines. (invited speech)

21.  H. Y. Tsai, J. J. Kai, J. T. Yang, Z. Y. Wu, M. K. Yeh, 2011, Nanotechnology Education with Remote Control Scanning Electron Microscope in Taiwan,ICEE: An International Conference on Engineering Education, 21-26 August, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.

22.  J. T. Yang,* Y. F. Huang, and L. H. Lo, 2011, “Global Status and Prospects of Green Energy Technology and Policies,the Emerging Information and Technology Conference (EITC) 2011, Chicago, USA, July 27-30.

23. J. T. Yang,* 2011, “Biomechanics, Biophysics and Biomimetics of Animal Locomotion in Fluids,the 16th Biophysics Conference, Organizers: Biophysical Society of ROC, National Dong Hwa University, IBMS, Academia Sinica, Hualian, Taiwan, 18-21 May. (plenary lecture)

24.  M. H. Hsu, W. F. Fang, Y. H. Lai, J. T. Yang,* T. L. Tsai, and D. B. Shieh, 2010, “Mobile Conjugation of Gold Nanoparticles Decorated with Oligonucleotide in Microchannel Devices,” the 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, microTAS-2010), Martiniplaza in Groningen, The Netherlands, 3-7 October.

25.  Y. T. Chen, W. F. Fang and J. T. Yang,* 2010, “Chaotic Analysis and FRET Reaction of a Split-And-Recombine Microreactor,” the 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, microTAS-2010), Martiniplaza in Groningen, The Netherlands, October 3-7.

26.  Y. H. Chang, S. C. Ting, and J. T. Yang,* 2010, “Experimental study of the wing-rotation mechanism using a mechanical flapper operating at high Reynolds numbers (104~105),” The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD) American Physics Society, Long Beach, CA, USA, November 21-23.

27.  J. Y. Su, S. C. Ting, and J. T. Yang,* 2010, “Aerodynamic Tricks for Pitching Oscillation and Visual Stabilization in a Hovering Bird,” The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD) American Physics Society, Long Beach, CA, USA, November 21-23.


國內會議論文 (Domestic Conference Papers, 2010-2012):

1. 楊鏡堂,陳思詠,2013,"生物飛行動力學,"昆蟲仿生學之發展研討會(Recent Development of Insect Bionics),國立台灣大學,台北,中華民國一百零一年六月二十一日. (邀請演講)

2.       蘇健元,楊鏡堂,2012, "鳥類波浪狀翼後緣特徵之氣動力學探討," 2012中華民國航太學會學術研討會,國立交通大學,新竹,中華民國一百零一年十二月十五日.

3.       陳思詠,楊鏡堂,2012, "群魚游動排列模式對於節能機制之影響," 2012中華民國航太學會學術研討會,國立交通大學,新竹,中華民國一百零一年十二月十五日.

4.       蘇健元,楊鏡堂,2012, "小型鳥類懸停飛行之氣動合力探討," 中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術研討會,國立中山大學,高雄市,中華民國一百零一年十二月七日、八日.

5.     陳傳昇莫尚軒陳靖瑋楊鏡堂2012, "特徵流場結構與擴散火焰交互作用研究," 中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術研討會,國立中山大學,高雄市,中華民國一百零一年十二月七日、八日.

6.    徐靖雯,方偉峰,楊鏡堂,2012, "DNA濃縮暨分離之液珠式微型全分析系統," 中華民國力學學會第三十六屆全國力學會議,國立中央大學,中壢,中華民國一百零一年十一月十六、十七日(學生論文競賽熱流與能源組第一名)

7.     陳靖瑋,林泓瑋,楊鏡堂,2012, "貧油預混火焰之注入空氣共伴流穩焰效益研究," 中華民國力學學會第三十六屆全國力學會議,國立中央大學,中壢,中華民國一百零一年十一月十六、十七日. (學生論文競賽熱流與能源組第三名)

8.      葉思沂,沈弘俊,楊鏡堂,2012, "不同表面張力微液珠於可自發性傳輸表面上之碰撞及融合行為研究," 中華民國力學學會第三十六屆全國力學會議,國立中央大學,中壢,中華民國一百零一年十一月十六、十七日.

9.     楊鏡堂, 2012, "能源工程之國際與台灣發展趨勢," 11屆中華民國結構工程研討會暨第一屆地震工程研討會, 台中長榮桂冠酒店, 10195-7 (Keynote Speech).

10.  唐振翰、蘇健元、丁上杰、楊鏡堂,* 2011, "小型鳥類近地飛行之翼地效應分析 (An investigation on the ground effect in a gliding bird)," 中華民國機械工程學會第28屆全國學術研討會, 國立中興大學, 100 12 10-11 .

11. 余政倫徐瑜韓、楊鏡堂"魚類胸鰭渦漩與身軀擺動之流場交互作用的三維數值模擬," 2011國家高速網路與計算中心高性能計算研討會, 新竹市, 1001124 (研究海報競賽 優等獎)

12. 楊森先、楊鏡堂,* 2011, "魟魚的游動策略對推力與三維流場結構之影響 (Hydrodynamic effects of body-undulation kinematics on thrust production and wake-structure formation in a batoid fish (cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus)," 中華民國力學學會第三十五屆全國力學會議, 國立成功大學, 1001118-19.

13.  章聿珩、丁上杰、楊鏡堂,* 2011, "兩種鳥類懸停撲翼升力機制之比較與應用 (A comparison and application of lift production among four passerine species executing hovering flight)," 中華民國力學學會第三十五屆全國力學會議, 國立成功大學, 100 1118-19.

14.  蘇健元、丁上杰、章聿珩、楊鏡堂,* 2011, "週期性尾羽開合於鳥類懸停飛行姿態之穩定機制(A passerine exploits tail spreading to facilitate a rapid recovery of its body posture during hovering)," 中華民國力學學會第三十五屆全國力學會議, 國立成功大學, 1001118-19.

15.   J. W. Chen, C. C. Li, and J. T. Yang,* 2011, "Investigation of Interactions between Transient Intensity and Turbulence Intensity of Propane-Flame in a Three-ring Burner (三環丙烷火焰暫態反應強度與流場之交互作用研究)," The 21st National Symposium on Combustion, The Chinese Combustion Institute, Formosa University, Yunlin, Taiwan, March 26. (學生論文競賽第)

16.   C. S. Chen, J. W. Chen, C. C. Li, and J. T. Yang,* 2011, "Simultaneous Measurement of Non-premixed Bluff-body Flames with Particle Image Velocimetry and CH* Chemiluminescence (應用同步高速粒子影像測速儀及化學螢光法量測於鈍體非預混火焰)," The 21st National Symposium on Combustion, The Chinese Combustion Institute, Formosa University, Yunlin, Taiwan, March 26. (圖片競賽第)

17.   Y. H. Chng and J. T. Yang,* 2010, "Experimental Study of Asymmetric-Hovering in Small Birds with a Biomimetic Mechanical Flapper (小型鳥類懸停飛行機理與仿生撲翼機構分析)," the 34th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Yunlin Univesity of Science and Technology, Taiwan, November 19-20. (學生論文競賽熱流與能源組第一名)

18.   J. Y. Su and J. T. Yang,* 2010, "Locomotive strategy of low-speed turns and vision-stabilization mechanism in a bird (Zosterops japonicus) (小型鳥類低速轉彎之力學策略與視覺穩定機理)," the 34th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Yunlin Univesity of Science and Technology, Taiwan, November 19-20. (學生論文競賽固力與材料組第一名) 

19.   C. L. Yu and J. T. Yang,* 2010, "Hydrodynamic Effects of Pectoral-Fin Vortices on Locomotive Performance of a Swimming Fish (魚類胸鰭渦漩與身軀擺動之流場交互作用的三維數值模擬)," The 2010 AASRC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan, December 4. (學生論文競賽第三名)

20.   M. C. Chang and J. T. Yang,* 2010, "Effects of Slit Modulation on Solid-Fuel Combustion within A Sudden-Expansion Chamber," The 20th National Symposium on Combustion, The Chinese Combustion Institute, Tainan, Taiwan, March 20. (學生論文競賽第二名)

21.   C. W. Chen, C. C. Li, and J. T. Yang,* 2010, "Combustion Characteristics and Flow Structure of Triple Flames Interacting with Wake Flows in a Three-ring Burner," The 20th National Symposium on Combustion, The Chinese Combustion Institute, Tainan, Taiwan, March 20.

22.   H. W. Lin, C. C. Li, and J. T. Yang,* 2010, “Characteristics of Annular Lean Flame and Effect of the Existence of Air Co-flow,” the 20th National Symposium on Combustion, The Chinese Combustion Institute, Tainan, Taiwan, March 20.


E. Books (Nanotechnology for K-12 Education, in Chinese):

1.    許慶文、傅慧鳳、郭智琳、楊鏡堂、饒達仁,N世代寶典:進入奈米世界武功秘笈【生物篇】楊鏡堂與葉孟考主編,中北區奈米科技K-12教育發展中心出版,9712月發行於新竹,ISBN 978-986-01-6788-7

2.    紀興旺、林慧潔、吳思鋒、葉婉如、葉哲良,N世代寶典:進入奈米世界武功秘笈【物理篇】楊鏡堂與葉孟考主編,中北區奈米科技K-12教育發展中心出版,9712月發行於新竹。

3.    林建志、陳坤田、鍾裕霖、黃國柱,N世代寶典:進入奈米世界武功秘笈【化學篇】楊鏡堂與葉孟考主編,中北區奈米科技K-12教育發展中心出版,9712月發行。

4.    奈米線上辭典:建置於清大圖書館網站 (與圖書館小組合作完成)

5.    奈米科技實驗手冊:共十一項實驗, 分段適用於大學、高中、國中教學, 預計9612月出版 (ISBN 986-01-3225-9) 發行人: 楊鏡堂、楊鏡堂與葉孟考教授共同主編兼作者, 國外學者極力推薦發行國際版

6.    奈米主題詞表:清大先建立初版公佈於圖書館網站,紙本已出版。

7.    楊鏡堂, 楊宗翰, 方偉峰, “Design and Fabrication of Bio-Fluidic Microchip,” Chapter 9 in Experimental Nanobiotechnology, National Cheng Kung University, June, 2007.


Editorial Committee:

微機電系統技術與應用 (1284), 行政院國家科學委員會精密儀器發展中心出版, 927.

能源科技白皮書, 行政院經濟部能源局出版, 9411; 9611

能源產業科技白皮書, 行政院經濟部能源局出版, 994.

基礎奈米科技電子書, 新竹市光武國中, 9611.


師生得獎記錄 (Honor) :

  1. 刊登於Physics of Fluids論文被選為featured article (2022/06)且被Scilight of AIP專訪及報導
  2. Y. H. Lai, S. K. Chang, B. Lan, K. L. Hsu, and J. T. Yang,* 2022, "Optimal thrust efficiency for a tandem wing in forward flight using varied hindwing kinematics of a damselfly."
  3. 博士生林有駿 力學學會(CTAM2021) 學生論文競賽熱流與能源組第二名 (2021/11/18) 林有駿、楊鏡堂 "仿蝴蝶拍撲微飛行器之翅膀旋轉與翅膀撓性效應"
  4. 楊鏡堂教授 教育部109年服務屆滿40年資深優良教師 (2020/9/28)
  5. 博士生賴渝翔 力學學會(CTAM2020)熱流能源組學生論文競賽佳作
  6. 賴渝翔、楊鏡堂 "豆娘飛行機制研析—結合身體形態、翅膀運動及流場特色"
  7. 郭哲明- 建國高中專題生 旺宏科學獎優等獎"蝴蝶的獨特飛行"
  8. 王子明博士 科技部109年度博士後研究人員學術著作奬 "結合重組酶聚合酶擴增與奈米金探針進行可視化DNA診斷"
  9. 邱筠雅、楊東穎、張勝凱、林有駿 (楊鏡堂教授 徐冠倫教授共同指導) 2020全球仿生設計競賽台灣海選第二名 (2020/5/18)
    "微機就是轉飢-- 應用於花粉轉播之仿生蝴蝶微飛行器"
  10. 楊鏡堂教授*、王子明博士 第十六屆國家新創獎 (學研新創組) (2019/12/03) "可供快速分子診斷的整合型紙基底晶片–以蘭花病毒病為例"
  11. 博士生張勝凱 力學學會(CTAM2019)學生論文競賽熱流與能源組第二名 (第43屆)
  12. 馬睿甫、邱筠雅、楊東穎 2019年東元科技創意競賽佳作
  13. 楊鏡堂教授*、王子明博士 第十五屆國家新創獎 (學研新創組) (2018/11/30) "植物病害之可視化分子診斷– 以番茄黃化捲葉病毒病為例"
  14. 楊鏡堂教授 107年度宗倬章先生榮譽講座
  15. 戴源甫、林歆庭、蔡子珩 (楊鏡堂、王子明指導),中國技術服務社科技創意組獎學金15萬元 (2018/12/22) "番茄病害之即時可視化分子診斷平台"
  16. 楊鏡堂、王子明、王子嘉、戴源甫、林歆庭、蔡子珩, Green Tech東元科技創意競賽亞軍 20萬元 (2018/08/22) "疾刻救援 - 植物病害之可視化分子診斷"
  17. 葉思沂、賴皓偉、楊鏡堂* 第41屆全國力學會議海報論文獎特優" "三維交疊流道設計於微液珠濃度調配系統之應用"
  18. 博士生蔡禹擎 中華民國能源經濟學會(CAFÉ) 106年優秀博士論文獎
  19. 博士生蔡禹擎 台灣環境與資源經濟學會2017年TAERE優秀博士論文獎 "再生能源及水資源之聯合運用模型與離岸風力技術發展分析"
  20. 楊鏡堂 孫方鐸教授力學獎章 (2016/11/25頒獎).
  21. 楊鏡堂 第二十三屆東元獎, 機械/能源/環境領域 (2016/11/05頒獎).
  22. 參與第二期能源國家型科技計畫團隊,執行成果榮獲行政院所屬各機關104年度行政院管制計畫唯一優等獎 (主持人: 沈榮津次長, 執行長: 李世光教授, 執行秘書: 楊鏡堂教授…)
  23. 2016年慶恩教育基金會綠色科技論文獎 (2016/11/28)陳奕綸, 楊鏡堂, "毫米級液珠式生質柴油連續產製系統之創新設計與系統開發."
  24. 碩士班馬聖倫 力學學會學生論文競賽熱流與能源組第三名 (第40屆, 2016/11/25) 馬聖倫、葉思沂、楊鏡堂, "不同扇葉形狀之壓電風扇對加熱平板散熱之機制與研究."
  25. 2016中華民國航太學會學術研討會 最佳論文獎. (2016/11/06頒獎) 葉思沂 黃珮儀 費約翰 楊鏡堂, 2016, "小型鳥類仿生拍撲機構設計—以綠繡眼飛行模式分析為例 (Design of Biomimetic Flapping-Wing Mechanism: Flight Model Analysis for Japanese White-eye)."
  26. 博士生費約翰, Best Poster Award of the 10th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ACEX-2016, Split, Croatia, July 3-5.
  27. Y. H. J. Fei and J. T. Yang,* "The effect of wing elevation to the aerodynamic torque generation and the flight manoeuver of butterfly flight."
  28. 研究生王彥傑、李哲安、侯詞軒、費約翰,2016全球仿生設計競賽~台灣校園海選第三名 作品: 仿蝴蝶微型拍撲飛行器 (2016/05/04)
  29. 博士生邱志斌,第二十六屆(2016)燃燒與能源學術研討會學生論文競賽第一名 (2016/04/29)
  30. 邱志斌、邱柏評、楊鏡堂*,添加中心空氣噴流於甲烷與合成氣混燒之斜衝火焰特性研究
  31. 刊登於Physical Review E (2016)論文之論述「蝴蝶最搖擺」,被Science記者專訪,以錄影帶方式on-line報導於News, Science Magazine (2016/03/19),四天點閱30萬次,被選在Science官網首頁精選影片(feature video),0321也被報導於加拿大電視台-- Discovery Channel Feature Today, Canada,還有西班牙Barcelona之Animalades節目、美國加州Wonder Science TV電視台、大愛台都正製作專題報導節目。(Y. H. Fei and J. T. Yang,* 2016 (MAR), "Importance of body rotation during the flight of a butterfly," Physical Review E, Vol. 93, 003100)
  32. 第12屆國家新創獎 能源與環保生技領域 學研新創獎 (2015/12/24) 楊鏡堂*、葉思沂、鄭景鴻,"永續綠色生物科技:液珠式高速率低耗能生質柴油產製系統"
  33. 博士生陳靖瑋,中華民國力學學會104年度熱流能源組「博士學位論文獎」 (2015/11/20)
  34. 陳靖瑋,2015,"層狀化燃燒流場之時空動態特性及穩焰機制研究 (Investigation on temporal-spatial dynamics and flame stabilization of stratified combustion)"
  35. 博士生陳靖瑋,中國機械工程學會104年度博士學位論文獎佳作 (2015/12/11)
  36. 博士生葉思沂 全國力學會議學生論文競賽熱流能源組第一名 (第39屆, 2015/11/20)
  37. 葉思沂,黃彥誠,鄭景鴻,楊鏡堂*,2015,"液珠式流體系統應用於生質柴油的創新製程 (A Novel Device for Biodiesel Transesterification by Using a Droplet-Based Fluidic System)"
  38. 碩士生侯志泉 「綠色科技於生醫製藥領域之應用—新世代個人化藥物檢測系統」榮獲中國技術服務社科技創意組獎學金 (2015/10/24)
  39. 國立台灣大學學術研究成果傑出教師獎 (2015/09/25)
  40. 第22屆計算流體力學研討會論文競賽佳作、最佳流體力學影片獎、流體之力與美-圖像競賽佳作 (2015/08/26)
  41. 費約翰,楊鏡堂,2015, "蝴蝶自由飛行時身體之暫態動作對飛行操控之影響 (Flight maneuver of butterflies in free flight with transient body dynamics)," 三峽,新北市.
  42. 楊鏡堂 104年度科技部傑出研究獎 (2015/03; 2014-2017, 2011-2014, 1997-1998).
  43. 楊鏡堂 103年度宗倬章先生講座 (2014/10).
  44. 第11屆國家新創獎 學研新創組 (傑出學研技術; 2014/12/09)
    楊鏡堂教授*、黃朝均博士、方偉峰博士、周涵怡助理教授、陳文鍾教授/醫師、蔡旼珊醫師,"個人醫檢新紀元:可視化液珠式基因快篩技術" *團隊代表人及計畫主持人
  45. 中華民國力學學會102年度力學期刊論文獎第一名 (2014/11/21)
  46. J. H. Tang, J. Y. Su, C. H. Wang, and J. T. Yang,* 2013 (SEP), "Numerical Investigation of the Ground Effect for a Small Bird," Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 29 (3), pp. 433-4412014.
  47. Green Tech東元科技創意競賽亞軍、人氣獎共兩項 (2014/08/26)
  48. IEEE NANOMED-2014 Best Paper Award Finalist (2014/11/10)
    C. J. Huang, K. Hau, H. C. Chang, C. H. Hsu, C. H. Wang, and J. T. Yang,* 2014 (NOV), "Integrated Microfluidic Reactor Array for Large-Scale Drug Screening," The Eighth International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (IEEE-NANOMED 2014), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 9-12.
  49. 刊登於Physical Review E (2011)論文被Nature Physics專文報導於News and Views, Vol. 7, 2011; 被American Physics SocietyScience記者越洋專訪且分別專題報導於PhysicsBuzz (June, 2011), 也被ScienceNews專題報導 (July, 2011).
  50. 2012年發表於Lab on a Chip論文被教科書(Köhler and Cahill, (Eds.), Micro-Segmented Flow- Applications in Chemistry and Biology, Springer, 2014) 引用圖文. 2011年發表於Experiments in Fluids論文被教科書(Wei Shyy et al., An Introduction to Flapping Wing Aerodynamics, Cambridge, pp. 170-171, 2013) 引用圖文.
  51. 2007年發表於J. Micromechanics & Microengineering論文被暢銷教科書(Albert Folch, Introduction to BioMEMS, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, pp. 198&200, 2013)引用圖文.
  52. 2007年發表於Sensors & Actuators B- Chemical論文被教科書(Bingcheng Lin et al. (Eds), Microfluidics: Technologies and Application之章節: Micromixing Within Microfluidic Devices, Springer, 2011) 引用圖文.
  53. 博士生蘇健元榮獲中華民國力學學會博士學位論文獎(2013) 綠繡眼高操控性飛行之生物力學研究
  54. 博士生蘇健元榮獲中國機械工程學會博士論文獎第一名(2013)
  55. 第十屆上銀科技機械碩士論文獎優等獎 (2013) 陳思詠、楊鏡堂,「群游策略對於魚類游動性能及節能之影響」
  56. 博士生費約翰榮獲國際仿生學術研討會 (ISABMEC-2014) Best Student Paper Award Y. H. Fei and J. T. Yang,* 2014, "Aerodynamics Analysis of a Forward-flying Butterfly (Kallima inachus) with Varying Body Motion," The Sixth International Symposium on Aero Aquo Bio-Mechanisms (ISABMEC-2014), Honolulu, Hawaii, November 13-16.
  57. 博士生費約翰榮獲全國力學會議學生論文競賽熱流能源組第二名 (第38屆, 2014)
  58. 費約翰、楊鏡堂, "蝴蝶飛行時身體俯仰與翅膀撓性對空氣動力學之探討"
  59. 博士生葉思沂榮獲全國力學會議學生論文競賽熱流能源組佳作 (第37屆, 2013)
  60. 葉思沂、沈弘俊、楊鏡堂, “微液珠融合過程之化學反應不穩定現象與液態膠囊之反應調控”
  61. 碩士生黃彥誠、朱旭剛 「液珠式生質柴油產製裝置」中國技術服務社2014年科技創意組獎學金
  62. 學士班專題生馬聖倫榮獲102年度大專學生研究計畫研究創作獎 (2014/07/25) 壓電風扇對散熱器熱流特性之實驗與理論分析