姓名Name |
潘國隆 Kuo-Long Pan |
職稱Title |
教授 Professor |
辦公室Office |
Rm.505, Mechanical Engineering Building. |
電話Phone |
(02)33665569 |
傳真Fax |
(02)23631755 |
電子郵件E-mail |
個人網頁Homepage |
http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~panpeter |
實驗室Lab |
流體物理實驗室 機械館511室 Fluid Physics Lab
Mechanical Engineering Building. Room 511
TEL: +886-2-33664503 |
Short Biography |
Ph.D. in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University (2004).
M.S. in Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University (1996).
B.S. in Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University (1994).
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University (08/2013-).
Associate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University (08/2009-07/2013).
Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University (08/2005-07/2009).
Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Central University (08/2004-07/2005). |
Research Interests |
流體物理 Fluid physics
燃燒與能源 Combustion and energy
計算流體力學 Computational fluid dynamics
噴射推進 Propulsion
Teaching Courses |
流體力學 Fluid Mechanics
計算流體力學 / 特論 Computational Fluid Dynamics / Selected Topics in CFD
高等熱力學 Advanced Thermodynamics
氣體物理 Physics of Gases
火箭推進導論 / 噴射推進Introduction to Rocket Propulsion / Propulsion
Research Projects |
研究計畫 (Research Projects) :
- “Experimental and computational studies of heterogeneous droplet collisions異質液滴碰撞之實驗與計算研究,” MOST 106-2911-I-002-541-, 科技部臺英RS雙邊科技合作人員交流計畫(雙邊研究計畫):科技部與英國皇家科學院國際合作人員交流計畫案(MOST-RS International Exchange Scheme),主持人(106/03/01 – 108/2/28).
- “Experimental and computational studies of heterogeneous droplet collisions異質液滴碰撞之實驗與計算研究,” 國立臺灣大學邁向頂尖大學-學術研究生涯發展研究計畫(深耕型) ,主持人 (106/08/01 – 106/07/31).
- “Combustion of a multi-component droplet of diesel/biofuels doped with nanoparticles in microgravity and free-falling conditions奈米粒子與柴油/生質油的混和油料於微重力場與自由下落之液滴燃燒研究,” MOST 106-2221-E-002-143-, 科技部研究計畫,主持人 (106/08/01 – 107/07/31).
- 先進大氣電漿輔助化學氣相鍍膜系統的研發–子計畫二:AP-PECVD系統之關鍵流場模擬分析Numerical simulation of key flow field in an AP-PECVD system, MOST 104-2221-E-002-022-MY2, 科技部研究計畫(整合型),主持人,104/08/01 – 106/07/31.
- 電漿流道分析與改善研究,主持人,工研院分包計畫104/02/01 – 104/11/30。
- Integration of geo-thermal systems and development of 1 MW geo-thermal power system地熱發電機相關設備系統整合及開發1 MW 地熱發電系統(1/3 & 2/3 & 3/3), 科技部能源國家型科技計畫(整合型),共同主持人,子計畫二:蒸氣渦輪發電技術Integration of turbines and generators in a geo-thermal system, 103/04/01 – 105/12/31.
- 應用界面活性劑操控雙液滴碰撞與微尺度二相流體的作動行為,主持人,計畫期間:13/08/01 – 16/12/31,委任單位:國科會(102年度『優秀年輕學者計畫』)。
Manipulation of binary droplet collision and two-phase microfluidics using surfactant, PI; period: 13/08/01 – 16/12/31, NSC. 並獲得台灣大學邁頂桂冠型研究計畫配合補助.
- 常壓PECVD 系統鍍膜均勻度之改善-子計畫二:前驅物液滴與電漿的混合研究,協同主持人,計畫期間:12/01/01 – 12/11/30(第一期)& 13/01/01 – 13/11/30(第二期),委任單位:工研院-台大學研聯合研發計畫。
Film Uniformity improvement for AP PECVD System-Task 2: Mixing of Precursor Droplets and Plasma, associate PI; period: 12/01/01 – 12/11/30(1st year)& 13/01/01 – 13/11/30(2nd year), ITRI & NTU.
- 生質合成氣體燃料於創造貧油燃燒系統之引燃機制及穩焰效益研究,主持人,計畫期間:12/10/01 – 12/12/31,委任單位:國科會。
The influence of co-flow with biosyngas fuel on ignition mechanism and flame-stabilization in the novel lean-combustion system, PI; period: 12/10/01 – 12/12/31, NSC.
- 氣態燃料燃燒的基礎研究與有效應用:1.球形預混火焰傳播之研究; 2.高效能燃燒器之研發,主持人,計畫期間:11/08/01 – 13/07/31,委任單位:國科會。
On the elementary aspects and efficient utilization of premixed combustion: 1. Propagation of spherically expanding flames; 2. Development of high-performance burners, PI; period: 11/08/01 – 13/07/31, NSC.
- 生質柴油與不同碳氫油料的混合物於微重力場之燃燒研究,主持人,計畫期間:10/08/01~11/07/31,委任單位:國科會。
Droplet combustion of biodiesel fuel mixed with diesel/alkanes/alcohols in microgravity condition, PI; period: 10/08/01~11/07/31, NSC.
- 添加界面活性劑與不同液體之液滴與液面的碰撞研究,主持人,計畫期間:09/08/01~11/07/31,委任單位:國科會。
Collision dynamics of droplets with surfactants and variety of liquids, PI; period: 09/08/01~11/07/31, NSC.
Publications |
期刊論文 (Journal Papers):
Journal paper
- H. Y. Wu and K. L. Pan*, “Optimum design and simulation of a radial-inflow turbine for geothermal power generation,” Applied Thermal Engineering 130 (SCI, EI), 5 February, p. 1299-1309 (2018). Available online 26 November 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.11.103.
- K. L. Pan*, Y. H. Tseng, J. C. Chen, K. L. Huang, C. H. Wang, and M. C. Lai, “Controlling droplet bouncing and coalescence with surfactant,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 799 (SCI, EI), p. 603-636 (2016). http://doi:10.1017/jfm.2016.381.
- S. Sivasankaran and K. L. Pan*, “Lattice Boltzmann simulation for nanofluids in a lid-driven cavity with discrete heating/cooling sources,” Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 30 (SCI, EI), Issue 3, p. 573-586 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.2514/1.T4777.
- Tung-Sheng Chou, Hsin-Tien Lin, Yu-Yi Chen, Kuo-Long Pan, and Jia-Yang Juang*, “Effect of main gas and carrier gas on ZnO thin films deposited by atmospheric pressure plasma jet,” Thin Solid Films 594 (SCI, EI), p. 282-286 (2015). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2015.05.050.
- C. K. Kuan, K. L. Pan, and W. Shyy, “Study on high Weber Number droplet collision by a parallel, adaptive interface-tracking method,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 759 (SCI, EI), p. 104-133 (2014).
- S. Sivasankaran and K. L. Pan*, “Natural Convection of nanofluids in a cavity with non-uniform temperature distributions on side walls,” Numerical Heat Transfer A: Applications 65 (SCI, EI), Issue 3, p. 247-268 (2014).
- K. L. Pan* and Z. J. Chen, “Simulation of bubble dynamics in a microchannel using a front-tracking method,” Computers & Mathematics with Applications 67 (SCI, EI), Issue 2 (February), p. 290–306 (2014); DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2013.05.001.
- K. L. Pan* and M. C. Chiu, “Droplet combustion of blended fuels with alcohol and biodiesel/diesel in microgravity condition,” Fuel 113(SCI, EI), p. 757-765 (2013); DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2013.03.029.
- C. H. Wang, K. L. Pan, K. J. Weng, L. J. Kung, and J. Y. Yang, “Burning behaviors of collision-merged water/diesel, methanol/diesel, and water+methanol/diesel droplets,” Fuel 106 (SCI, EI), p. 204-211 (2013); DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2012.12.022.
- K. L. Pan* and G. C. Yin, “Parallel strategies of front-tracking method for simulation of multiphase flows,” Computers and Fluids 67 (SCI, EI), p. 123-129 (2012); DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.07.010.
- S. Sivasankaran and K. L. Pan*, “Numerical simulation on mixed convection in a porous lid-driven cavity with non-uniform heating on both side walls,” Numerical Heat Transfer A: Applications 61 (SCI, EI), Issue 2, p. 101-121 (2012).
- S. Sivasankaran, M. Bhuvaneswari, Y. J. Kim, C. J. Ho, and K. L. Pan, “Numerical study on magneto-convection of cold water in an open cavity with variable fluid properties,” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 32 (SCI, EI), Issue 5, October, p. 932-942 (2011).
- K. L. Pan*, “On the outward propagation of ascending cylindrical flame,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (SCI, EI), p. 1235-1243 (2011); DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2010.06.098. (online: September, 2010).
國際會議論文 (International Conference Papers):
- H. W. Tsai and K. L. Pan*, “Combustion characteristics of an isopropanol droplet doped with Al2O3 and SiO2 nanoparticles,” The 19th Asian Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS-Asia 2017), Jeju, Korea (October 18-21, 2017).
- H. W. Tsai, P. H. Chou, K. L. Pan*, and P. R. Li, “Simulation and analysis of a plasma enhanced chemical-vapor-deposition System,” TACT2017 International Thin Films Conference, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan, Paper No. G-O-0587 (October 15-18, 2017).
- L. Reitter, M. Liu, J. Breitenbach, K.L. Huang, D. Bothe, G. Brenn, K.L. Pan, I. Roisman, and C. Tropea, “Experimental and Computational Investigation of binary drop collisions under elevated pressure,” The 28th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS 2017), Valencia, Spain (6th – 8th September, 2017).
- K. L. Pan*, M. Andrew, K. L. Huang, J. Yeomans, “Experiments and lattice Boltzmann simulations for off-centered droplet collisions,” APS March Meeting 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana (3/13-17, 2017). Abstract # L12.00007.
- H. W. Tsai, C. Y. Chao, and K. L. Pan*, “On combustion of isopropanol droplets in normal-gravity and microgravity conditions with additive nanoparticles of aluminum oxide,” The 13th International Conference on Combustion & Energy Utilization (ICCEU), Taipei, Taiwan, Paper No. 260130 (October 2-5, 2016).
- K. L. Huang, C. R. Lu, and K. L. Pan*, “Rotational separation in binary droplet collision,” The 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2016), Montreal, Canada (August 21-26, 2016).
- K. L. Pan* and C. G. Guo, “PIV Measurement for Diffusion Flame in A Porous Cylindrical Burner,” The 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (EI), San Diego, USA, Paper Number: AIAA 2016-0186 (January 4 – 8, 2016).
- H. W. Tsai, K. H. Yang, and K. L. Pan*, “Analysis and design of flow field for precursor feeding in a PECVD system,” The 14th International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science World Congress (IFToMM World Congress), Taipei, Taiwan, ROC (October 25-30, 2015).
- H. Y. Wu, K. L. Pan*, and J. H. Tsai, “Radial-inflow Turbine’s design for 1MW Geothermal Power Plant in Taiwan,” 2015 International Conference on Geothermal Energy in Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC (October 1-2, 2015).
- C. W. Hsieh, H. W. Tsai, and K. L. Pan*, “Experimental study of combustion and microexplosion of a biodiesel/alcohol droplet in microgravity,” The 13th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), Tainan, Taiwan, ROC (August 23-27, 2015).
- K. L. Huang and K. L. Pan*, “Size effect on the transition from coalescence to bouncing regime in binary droplet collision,” The 13th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), Tainan, Taiwan, ROC (August 23-27, 2015).
- P. H. Tsai, T. Khabakhpasheva, A. Korobkin, R. Purvis, C. H. Wang, A. B. Wang, and K. L. Pan, “Dynamics of large droplet on a vibrating elastic substrate,” The 6th International Symposium on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics (BIFD), Paris, France (July 15–17, 2015).
- Y. H. Tseng, K. L. Pan*, and M. C. Lai, “On the simulation of binary droplet collision with surfactant,” An Invited Lecture at The 18th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF2015), Taipei, Taiwan (March 16 – 18, 2015).
- K. L. Pan* and S. S. Chen, “Oxygen-rich combustion of a porous cylindrical Burner,” The 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (EI), Kissimmee, USA, Paper Number: AIAA 2015-0160 (January 5 – 9, 2015).
- J. J. Yao and K. L. Pan*, “Burning characteristics of biodiesel mixed with alcohol in microgravity condition,” work-in-progress poster, The 35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, USA (August 3-8, 2014).
- K. L. Pan*, E. K. Fang, and S. K. Zhang, “Preliminary study of reacting flow field in a burner with cap-induced premixing combustion,” AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum –50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference (EI), Cleveland, OH, USA, Paper Number: AIAA 2014-3919 (July 28 – 30, 2014).
- K. L. Pan, “Effect of surfactant on bubble/liquid transport in a T-junction microchannel with sudden contraction,” APS March Meeting, Denver, USA, 3/3 – 7, 2014, abstract #D20.10.
- H. Y. Chen, K. L. Pan*, and H. H. Wang, “Surfactant Effect on Bubble Transport in a Small Channel with Sudden Contraction,” The 37th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (37th-NCTAM) and The 1st International Conference on Mechanics (1st-ICM), National Tsing Hua University, Paper No. 122 (Nov. 8 – 9, Hsinchu, 2013). Invited paper.
- K. L. Pan, “Simulation for the merging of heterogeneous droplets upon collision,” The 10th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES 2013), Oxford, UK (July 22 – 26, 2013).
- S. Sivasankaran and K. L. Pan, “Lattice Boltzmann simulation on mixed convection of nanofluids in a lid-driven cavity with discrete thermal sources,” The 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (EI), Grapevine, USA, Paper Number: AIAA 2013-0601 (January 7 – 10, 2013).
- K. L. Pan and C. R. Lu, “On the off-center separation for binary droplet collision,” The 9th International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD 2012), Sendai, Japan, (September 19 – 21, 2012).
- K. L. Pan and Z. J. Chen, “Simulation of bubble dynamics in a microchannel using a front-tracking method,” The 9th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES 2012), Taipei, Taiwan, Paper Number: 196 (July 23 – 27, 2012).
- K. L. Pan and J. C. Chen, “Manipulation of droplet rebounding and separation using surfactant,” The 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit (EI), Nashville, USA, Paper Number: AIAA-2012-093 (January 9 – 12, 2012).
- K. L. Pan and M. C. Chiu, “Burning behaviors of blended fuels with alcohol and biodiesel/diesel in microgravity,” The 15th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - Asia (ILASS-Asia 2011), Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan (October 20 – 21, 2011).
- K. L. Pan and M. C. Chiu, “Microgravity combustion of blended fuels with alcohol and biodiesel/diesel,” work-in-progress poster, The 23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS), Irvine, California, USA (July 24 – 29, 2011).
- K. L. Pan, J. W. Li, C. P. Chen, and C. H. Wang, “On droplet combustion of biodiesel fuel mixed with diesel/alkanes in microgravity condition,” an invited speech at The First International Conference on Group Combustion of Droplets and Sprays第一屆國際液滴及噴霧群集燃燒研討會, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan (January 19 – 21, 2011).
國內會議論文 (Domestic Conference Papers):
- 周品涵、蔡玄緯、潘國隆*、李佩蓉,『大氣電漿輔助化學氣相鍍膜系統的關鍵流場模擬與分析』,中華民國力學學會第四十一屆全國力學會議, 國立成功大學,台南,論文編號:Z1200 (Nov. 24-25, 2017)。
- H. W. Tsai, C. Y. Chao, and K. L. Pan*, “Combustion characteristic of fuel droplet with addition of Al2O3 and SiO2 nanoparticles,” The 27th National Symposium on Combustion, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung (April 21-22, 2017). 氧化鋁與氧化矽奈米顆粒在異丙醇液滴中的燃燒現象,蔡玄緯、趙啟堯、潘國隆,中華民國燃燒學會第二十七屆燃燒與能源學術研討會, 國立中興大學,論文編號:4-083。
- 吳泓毅、潘國隆*,『地熱發電用向心式渦輪機之最佳化設計與模擬分析』,中國機械工程學會第三十三屆全國學術研討會, 國立臺灣大學、工業技術研究院,新竹,論文編號:1595 (Dec. 3-4, 2016)。
- 李佩蓉、潘國隆*、徐振哲、蔡玄緯,『AP-PECVD 系統之關鍵流場模擬分析』,中華民國力學學會第四十屆全國力學會議, 國立台灣交通大學,新竹,論文編號:Y1307 (Nov. 25-26, 2016)。
- Yu-Chun Cheng and K. L. Pan*, 鄭伃均、潘國隆,“超音速燃燒衝壓引擎燃燒室加入多孔性圓柱燃燒器之模擬與分析,” 2016 AASRC Conference, Paper No. 04-12 (Nov. 5, Kaohsiung, 2016). 空軍航空技術學院,高雄,2016中華民國航太學會學術研討會.
- H. Y. Wu and K. L. Pan*, “Size effect on bouncing regime of binary droplet collision,” CSME 2015, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC (December 11-12, 2015).『向心式渦輪機之初步設計與模擬分析』,吳泓毅、潘國隆,中國機械工程學會第三十二屆全國學術研討會, 國立高雄應用科技大學,高雄,論文編號:2150。
- C. L. Hung, K. L. Pan*, and C. P. Huang, 洪誌隆、潘國隆、黃居柏,“On the viscous effect in binary droplet collision using glycerol solutions and nanofluids液體黏滯性對雙液滴碰撞之影響:以甘油與奈米水溶液為例,” 2015 AASRC Conference, Paper No. 02-04 (Dec. 5, Yulin, 2015). 雲林縣虎尾科技大學,2015中華民國航太學會學術研討會.
- W. D. Hong, K. L. Pan*, and Y. H. Liu, “Formation of bubbles in a microfluidic flow-focusing device,” The 39th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC (November 20-21, 2015).『液氣二相流體於十字聚焦型流道之氣泡成形分析』,洪瑋玓、潘國隆、劉耀軒,中華民國力學學會第三十九屆全國力學會議, 國立台灣科技大學,論文編號:1114。
- P. H. Huang, K. L. Pan*, and C. S. Li, “PIV Measurement and Numerical Simulation of Flow Structure in a Cap and a Bluff-body Combustor,” The 25th National Symposium on Combustion, China Steel, Kaohsiung (April 24-25, 2015). 應用粒子影像測速儀與數值模擬分析帽頂機構及圓盤鈍體之流場,黃培勳、潘國隆、李家希,中華民國燃燒學會第二十五屆燃燒與能源學術研討會, 高雄中鋼公司,論文編號:072。
- C. W. Hsieh, H. W. Tsai, and K. L. Pan*, “Experimental study of combustion and microexplosion of biodiesel/alcohol droplet in microgravity,” The 25th National Symposium on Combustion, China Steel, Kaohsiung (April 24-25, 2015). 生質柴油預混醇類於微重力下燃燒與微爆現象研究,謝志偉、蔡玄緯、潘國隆,中華民國燃燒學會第二十五屆燃燒與能源學術研討會, 高雄中鋼公司,論文編號:021。
- K. L. Huang and K. L. Pan*, “Size effect on bouncing regime of binary droplet collision,” CSME 2014, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC (December 6-7, 2014).『雙液滴碰撞中尺度效應於彈開現象之研究』,黃冠嶺、潘國隆,中國機械工程學會第三十一屆全國學術研討會, 逢甲大學,台中,論文編號:3674。
- T. Y. Lin, K. L. Pan*, and W. D. Hong, “Drainage efficiency and bubble transport and surfactant effect in a multi-U-shape micro channel,” The 38th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Keelung, Taiwan, ROC (November 21-22, 2014).『多層U形微流道內排水效率與氣泡傳輸與添加界面活性劑之研究』,林廷諭、潘國隆、洪瑋玓,中華民國力學學會第三十八屆全國力學會議, 國立台灣海洋大學,論文編號:X-03-467。
- Y. S. Kuo, K. L. Pan*, C. C. Hsu, H. W. Tsai, K. H. Yang, and C. D. Tsai, “Numerical simulation of plasma reaction in a PECVD system,” 21st National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (August 5 – 7, Nantou, 2014) 常壓PECVD系統內電漿反應之研究,郭延昇、潘國隆*、徐振哲、蔡玄緯、楊國輝、蔡陳德,第二十一屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會,南投,論文編號:13-02。
- J. J. Yao, H. W. Tsai1, C. W. Hsieh, and K. L. Pan*, “Burning characteristics of biodiesel mixed with alcohol in microgravity condition,” The 24th National Symposium on Combustion, NCKU, Tainan (April 19th, 2014). 生質柴油預混醇類於微重力下燃燒研究,姚嘉駿、蔡玄緯、謝志偉、潘國隆,中華民國燃燒學會第二十四屆學術研討會, 台南成功大學,論文編號:088。
- P. H. Kuo, P. H. Huang, and K. L. Pan*, 郭柏賢,黃培勳,潘國隆 “PIV Measurement and Flow Field Analysis for a Cap Burner應用粒子影像測速儀分析帽頂燃燒器之流場,” 2013 AASRC Conference, Paper No. 03-13 (Nov. 30, Tamsui, 2013). 2013中華民國航太學會學術研討會.
- Y. S. Kuo, H. W. Tsai, K. L. Pan*, and K. H. Yang, “Mixing of precursor droplets in PECVD system,” 20th National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (Aug. 21 – 23, Nantou, 2013) 常壓PECVD系統內前驅物液滴混合之研究與設計,郭延昇、蔡玄緯、潘國隆*、楊國輝,第二十屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會,中興大學惠蓀林場,南投。
- S. S. Chen, C. G. Guo, and K. L. Pan, “Oxygen - rich combustion of a porous cylindrical burner,” The 23rd National Symposium on Combustion, NCTU, Hsinchu (April 20th, 2013). 多孔性圓柱預混燃燒器之富氧燃燒特性分析,陳劭軒、郭承剛、潘國隆,中華民國燃燒學會第二十三屆學術研討會, 新竹交通大學,論文編號:c1_20130311172425。
- 氣液二相流體於突縮T型微流道使用不同界面活性劑增進傳輸之研究,陳淮駐、馮啟棠、潘國隆,中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術研討會2012,高雄市中山大學,論文編號:1730.
- T. H. Ho, P. H. Kuo, and K. L. Pan, “Thermal flow structure in a concentric-flows burner enhanced with a cap,” The 36th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taoyuan, November 16-17, 2012. 雙噴流燃燒器結合帽頂機構之熱流場分析,何蔡興、潘國隆、郭柏賢,中華民國第36屆全國力學會議2012,桃園中壢,中央大學,論文編號:A-104.
- E. K. Fang, T. H. Ho, S. I. Yang, and K. L. Pan, “Experimental study of thermal flow structure in an innovative burner with cap-induced premixing combustion,” 2011 AASRC Conference, Taichung, November 5, 2010 鈍體燃燒器結合帽頂機構之反應流場的實驗研究 方爾凱,何蔡興,楊授印,潘國隆,2011中華民國航太學會學術研討會,台中,論文編號:03-08
專利 (Patens):
- 潘國隆、方爾凱,中華民國專利 『環保高效能穩焰裝置』,證書號數:M392926 公告日:99年11月21日
K. L. Pan and E. K. Fang, “Premixing-assisted combustion device,” Taiwan Utility Patent No. M392926 (Filed on May 31, 2010; Issued on Nov. 21, 2010; Expired on May 30, 2020).
- 潘國隆、林廷諭,中華民國專利 『多重U型排水裝置』,證書號數:M505068 公告日:104年7月11日
Kuo-Long Pan and Ting-Yu Lin, “Drainage effect in a multi-U-shaped channel design,” Taiwan Utility Patent No. M505068 (Filed on Nov. 3, 2014; Issued on July 11, 2015; Expired on Nov. 2, 2024).
- 潘國隆、吳泓毅,中華民國專利 『向心式渦輪機之轉子葉形結構』,證書號數:M549267 公告日:106年9月21日
Kuo-Long Pan and Hong-Yi Wu, “Design of blade shape of rotor in radial-inflow turbine,” Taiwan Utility Patent No. M549267 (Filed on Dec. 16, 2016; Issued on Sep. 21, 2017; Expired on Dec. 15, 2026).
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