姓名Name |
顏家鈺 Jia-Yush Yen |
職稱Title |
終身特聘教授 Distinguished Professor |
辦公室Office |
Rm.718/721,College of Engineering Bldg |
電話Phone |
+886-2-33662688 |
傳真Fax |
+886-2-33662688 |
電子郵件E-mail |
個人網頁Homepage |
實驗室Lab |
精密系統控制實驗室(工綜133)Precision System Control Lab Engineering Building Room 133
TEL:+886-2-33664942 |
Short Biography |
- 科技部傑出獎,(2016, 2004)(附件一)
- Robotics Society of Taiwan, Fellow,(附件二)
- Team Leader, Washington Accord Review Team for Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC)
Board of Engineers Malaysia, (2015)
- 國立臺灣大學終身特聘教授,(2013 ~ present) (附件三)
- 交通部機場捷運監督調查委員,(2016/7~8) (感謝狀,附件四)
- 中國機械工程學會Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering,會士,(2012),(附件五)
- 國科會製造自動化學門召集人,(2010 ~ 2012,附件六)
- 台灣自動化科技學會,會士,(2010 ~ ,附件七)
- ASME Fellow,(2009 ~ ,附件八)
- Chairman, Network Of Accreditation Bodies For Engineering Education In Asia (NABEEA)
, (2009 ~ 2013)
- 臺北捷運土城線延伸段初勘委員,(2015/6/5)
- 機械工程學會機械專業人才認證特別貢獻獎 (2013/12)
- 臺北捷運信義線初勘委員,(2013/10/13)
- IFAC Technical Committee 4.2 - Mechatronics Committee Member,(2006 ~)
- Editorial Board - Open Journal of Mechanical Engineering,(2007 ~)
- Outstanding Paper Award, International Automatic Control Conference 2009,
Chinese Automatic Control Society (2009/11)
- 國立臺灣大學特聘教授,(2007 ~ 2013)
- 台北捷運新莊線初勘委員,(2011/11/26),台北捷運蘆洲線初勘委員,
- 生物醫學工程科技研討會,學生壁報競賽特優獎,(2008)
- 礦冶論文獎,中國礦冶工程學會,(2008)
- 台北木柵貓空纜車履勘委員,(2007/6/14)
- 交通部台灣高速鐵路履勘委員,(2006/8)
- Outstanding Contest Award, 2005 CACS Automatic Control Conference. (2005)
- 教育部產業機台伺服定位專題實作競賽特優獎,(2005)
- 勝華科技獎,(2005)
- 國立台灣大學研究貢獻獎,(2004)
- 國立台灣大學教學優良獎,(2004)
- 國科會固力學門複審委員,(2004)
- 捷運貢獻獎牌,(2002)
- 台北市政府獎牌,(2001)
- 中國機械工程學會傑出工程教授,(2000)
- The Outstanding Paper Award, The Chinese Automatic Control Society. (1998)
- 國科會八十八年「自動控制學門複審委員」(1999)
- 國科會八十八、八十九年度「政府科技計劃」領域審查委員(1998, 1999)
- 台北捷運淡水線工程檢查委員,獲市長頒贈獎牌表揚(附件五)(1996)
- 台北捷運木柵線體檢委員,獲市長頒贈獎牌表揚(附件六)(1995)
國立台灣大學 |
機械工程學系 |
特聘教授 |
2013/8 ~ |
國立臺灣大學 |
工學院 |
院長 |
2011/08/01 ~2017/07/31 |
國立臺灣大學 |
醫療器材研發中心 |
主任 |
2015/04/01~ |
國立臺灣大學工學院 |
智能機械研究中心 |
主任 |
2019/08/01~2020/07/31 |
中華民國自動控制學會 |
理事長 |
2020/01/20~2020/01/19 |
財團法人車輛研究測試中心 |
董事 |
2018/07/26~2021/07/25 |
財團法人中國學園傳道會 |
董事 |
2018/12/04~2021/12/03 |
中華工程教育學會 |
工程教育認證執行委員會 |
召集人 |
2019/08/01~2021/07/31 |
Network of Accreditation Bodies for Engineering Education in Asia Chair 2010/1 ~
Washington Accord Engineers Australia Monitoring Review Team Committee 2009/8
Research Interests |
Nano-Manipulation, Embedded Systems, Precision Servo
Teaching Courses |
Research Projects |
研究計畫 (Research Projects) :
- 智慧節能iPHEV動力系統暨XiL平台發展與驗證(3/3)(106-3113-E-002-006),
科技部。 2017/2/1~2018/1/31
- 智慧節能iPHEV動力系統暨XiL平台發展與驗證(2/3)(105-3113-E-002-018),
科技部。 2016/1/1~2016/12/31
- 大功率動力系統與電動車輛效率提升及可靠度基礎技術研究(4/4)
( 105-2218-E-002 -001 ) ,科技部。2016/11/01~2017/10/31
- 大功率動力系統與電動車輛效率提升及可靠度基礎技術研究(3/4)
( 104-2218-E-002 -004 ) ,科技部。2015/11/01~2016/10/31
- 晶圓檢測精密量測平台與關鍵光學量測探頭之研發(2/4)
- 晶圓檢測精密量測平台與關鍵光學量測探頭之研發(1/4)
- 人工角膜之積層製造技術研發-總計畫暨子計畫六:積層製造開放式微射出
- 智慧型微創手術內視鏡機器人系統研發-子計畫一:微創手術多軸內視鏡
- 智慧節能iPHEV動力系統暨XiL平台發展與驗證(1/3)
(104-3113-E-002-015),科技部。 2015/2/1~2016/1/31
- 大功率動力系統與電動車輛效率提升及可靠度基礎技術研究(2/4)
( 103-2218-E-002 -008 ) ,國科會。2014/11/01~2015/10/31
- 即時眼壓監控系統(3/3)(103-2218-E-002-001),
- 智慧型微創手術擴增實境系統研發-子計畫三: 高剛性從動微創手術刀
- 微型複眼鏡頭陣列製作及其成像之應用,-總計畫暨子計畫一:
- 大功率動力系統與電動車輛效率提升及可靠度基礎技術研究(1/4)
( 102-2218-E-002 -022 ) ,國科會。2013/11/01~2015/02/28
- 即時眼壓監控系統(2/3)(102-2218-E-002-001)
- 微型複眼鏡頭陣列製作及其成像之應用-總計畫暨子計畫一:
- 智慧型微創手術擴增實境系統研發-子計畫三: 高剛性從動微創手術刀(2/3)
- 即時眼壓監控系統(1/3)(101-2218-E-002-008),國科會。
- 微型複眼鏡頭陣列製作及其成像之應用-總計畫暨子計畫一:
- 智慧型微創手術擴增實境系統研發-子計畫三: 高剛性從動微創手術刀(1/3)
- 相變式畫卡技術可行性研究,教育部。2012/01/01~2013/03/31
- 均温版與戴森機構設計應用於LED散熱之研製與測試。
- 紅外線變焦鏡組縮裝光路結構設計與調校法則,中山科學研究院。
- 無線充電理論研究與電路設計,財團法人富士康研究發展基金會。
- 自動化學門研究發展及推動小組規劃計畫(98-2217-E-002-010-MY3),
國科會。2009/12/01 ~ 2012/12/31
- 奈米定位平面運動平台之研製(3/3)(98-2622-E-002-029-CC2),國科會。
2011/12/01 ~ 2013/2/28
- 具自動對焦功能之次世代生物相容人工眼(3/3)(98-2218-E-002-013-)
,國科會。2010/11/01 ~ 2011/10/31
- 以波帶片陣列為基礎之極紫外光直寫微影系統之研發-子計畫三:
國科會。2009/08/01 ~ 2012/07/31
- 以波帶片陣列為基礎之極紫外光直寫微影系統之研發-總計畫:
國科會。2009/08/01 ~ 2012/07/31
- 由呼吸導致週期性位移肝腫瘤之超音波熱劑量控制方法研發-總計畫:
(98-2221-E-002-180-MY3),國科會。2009/08/01 ~ 2012/07/31
Publications |
期刊論文 (Journal Papers):
Refereed journal papers
- I. J. Wang, P. I. Kuo, J. Y. Yen, “Keratoconus screening based on deep learning approach of corneal topography,” Translational Vision Science & Technology (TVST), (accepted)
- J. Y. Chuang, Y. Z. Lin, Y. M. Hsiao, Y. C. Liu, D. Shu, C. K. Kuan, H. Wu, I. C. Sheng, Y. T. Cheng, C. Shueh, C. C. Chang, C. K. Chan, J. Y. Yen, “Discussion and improvement of a blade-type XBPM with coupling suppression by compensating calibration coefficients,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 953, No. 163174, Feb. 11, 2020. (SCI, 1.433, 69%)
- Wang, Fu-Cheng; Lu, Jun-Fu; Su, Wei-Jiun; Yen, Jia-Yush, “Precision positioning control of a long-stroke stage employing multiple switching control,” Microsystem Technologies-Micro and Nanosystems-Information Storage and Processing Systems, Early access, Jan., 2020. (SCI, 1.513, 43%)
- Su, Shu-Te; Ho, Ming-Chih; Yen, Jia-Yush; Chen, Yung-Yaw, “Featured Surface Matching Method for Liver Image Registration,” IEEE ACCESS, 8, pp. 59723-59731, 2020. (SCI, 4.098 85.48%)
- Yi-Liang Yeh , Jia-Yush Yen and Chi-Ju Wu, “Adaptation-enhanced model-based control with charge feedback for piezo-actuated stage,” Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 1–13, January 2020, DOI: 10.1002/asjc.1933, (SCI, 1.528, 38/61)
- Ship-Bin Chiou and Jia-Yush Yen, “A Survey of Suspension Component Specifications and Vehicle Vibration Measurements in an Operational Railway System,” (2019) Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies, 7 (4), pp. 415-431. DOI: 10.1007/s42417-019-00125-0 (SCI, 0.615, 9.77%)
- Ship-Bin Chiou, Jia-Yush Yen, “Precise railway alignment measurements of the horizontal circular curves and the vertical parabolic curves using the chord method,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 233(5), pp. 537-549., May, 2019. (SCI, 1.54, 44.32%)
- Yu-Ping Lee, Hsin-Yu Liu, Po-Chun Lin, Yi-Huan Lee, Leng-Rong Yu, Chih-Chen Hsieh, Po-Jen Shih, Wen-Pin Shih, I-Jong Wang, Jia-Yush Yen, Chi-An Dai, “Facile fabrication of superporous and biocompatible hydrogel scaffolds for artificial corneal periphery,” (2019) Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 175, pp. 26-35. DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2018.11.013, March 1, 2019. (SCI, 3.997, 13/72)
- Yen-Han Wang, Tzu-Wei Wang, Jia-Yush Yen, Fu-Cheng Wang, “Dynamic human object recognition by combining color and depth information with a clothing image histogram,” (2019) International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 16 (1), DOI: 10.1177/1729881419828105 (SCI, 1.002, 23/26)
- Wang, F.-C., Peng, Y.-K., Lu, J.-F., Chung, T.-T., Yen, J.-Y., “Micro-lens fabrication by a long-stroke precision stage with switching control based on model response prediction,” (2019) Microsystem Technologies, DOI: 10.1007/s00542-019-04374-7
- I-Haur Tsai, Kuan-Hsun Yu, Alexander Tseng, Jia-Yush Yen, Tseng-Ti Fu, Evan Huang, “Battery cell modeling and online estimation of the state of charge of a lithium-ion battery,” (2018) Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Series A, 41 (5), pp. 412-418. DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2018.1490203 (SCI, 0.471, 78/86)
- Chiou, S.-B., Yen, J.-Y., “Modeling of railway turnout geometry in the frog area with the vehicle wheel trajectory,” (2018) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 232 (6), pp. 1598-1614. DOI: 10.1177/0954409717739734. (SCI, 1.103, 86/128)
- Shih-Tang Liu, Jia-Yush Yen, Fu-Cheng Wang, “Compensation for the residual error of the voltage drive of the charge control of a piezoelectric actuator,” (2018) Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME, 140 (7), DOI: 10.1115/1.4038636. (SCI, 1.521, 34/61)
- Shih, Po-Jen; Wang, I-Jong; Cai, Wen-Feng; Yen, Jia-Yush, “Biomechanical Simulation of Stress Concentration and Intraocular Pressure in Corneas Subjected to Myopic Refractive Surgical Procedures,” (2017) Scientific Reports, 7 (1), DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-14293-0. (SCI, 4.12, 82.03%)
- Lee, Wei-Yu; Li, Chi-Ying; Yen, Jia-Yush, “Integrating wavelet transformation with Markov random field analysis for the depth estimation of light-field images,” (2017) IET Computer Vision, 11 (5), pp. 358-367. DOI: 10.1049/iet-cvi.2016.0151 (SCI, 0.878, 104/133, 205/262)
- Lin, Shih-Yu; Yen, Jia-Yush; Chen, Min-Shin; Chang, Shu-Hau; Kao, Chung-Yao, “An Adaptive Unknown Periodic Input Observer for Discrete-Time LTI SISO Systems,” (2017) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62 (8), pp. 4073-4079. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2016.2618540 (SCI, 4.27, 7/60, 28/262)
- Jia-Yush Yen, I-Jong Wang, Po-Jen Shih, and Hui-Jyun Tsao, “On the in Vivo Estimation of the Corneal Young’s Modulus,” JOJ Ophthalmology, 5(4), pp: 1-8, DOI: 10.19080/JOJO.2017.05.555670, November 22, 2017 (review paper)
- Li, Kang; Chou, Fang-Chieh; Yen, Jia-Yush, “Real-time, energy-efficient traction allocation strategy for the compound electric propulsion system,” (2017) IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 22 (3), pp. 1371-1380. DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2017.2667725 (SCI, 4.357, 1/44, 3/130, 25/262, 6/60)
- Wen, Sheng-Fan; Yen, Jia-Yush; Liu, Shih-Tang; Wang, Fu-Cheng; Chen, Min-Shin; Chen, Yung-Yaw; Hung, Chung-Wen; “Compensation of the residual error from the charge feedback control of a piezoelectric-actuated stage,” PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART I-JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND CONTROL ENGINEERING, 231(5), SI, pp: 414-424, MAY 2017 (SCI, 1.42, 40/60)
- Wang, Fu-Cheng; Wang, Kuo-An; Chung, Tien-Tung; Yen, Jia-Yush; “Fabrication of large-scale micro-structures by two-photon polymerization with a long-stroke precision stage,” ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 9(4), Article Number: 1687814017695757, DOI: 10.1177/1687814017695757, APR 4 2017 DOI: 10.1177/1687814017695757 (SCI, 0,827, 103/130)
- Huang, Wei-Lun; Kuo, Fu-Cun; Chou, Shang-Chin; Yen, Jia-Yush; Tsai, I-Haur; Chung, Tien-Tung; Hung, Chung-Wen; “High-performance and high-precision servo control of a single-deck dual-axis PMLSM stage,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 90(1-4), pp: 865-874, APR 2017 DOI: 10.1007/s00170-016-9355-0 (SCI, 2.209, 25/60, 20/44)
- Shih, Po-Jen; Huang, Chun-Ju; Huang, Tzu-Han; Lin, Hung-Chou; Yen, Jia-Yush; Wang, I-Jong; Cao, Hui-Jyun; Shih, Wen-Pin; Dai, Chi-An; “Estimation of the Corneal Young's Modulus In Vivo Based on a Fluid-Filled Spherical-Shell Model with Scheimpflug Imaging,” JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY, Article Number: 5410143, DOI: 10.1155/2017/5410143, 2017 (SCI, 1.712, 35/59, 84/128)
- Wang, Fu-Cheng; Wang, Kuo-An; Chen, Yi-Yi; Chen, Hsueh-Ju; Yen, Jia-Yush; “Impacts of sensor layouts on the performance of a long-stroke nano-positioning stage,” ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 8(11), Article Number: 1687814016680192, DOI: 10.1177/1687814016680192, NOV 2016 (SCI, 0.827, 103/130)
- Chen, Min-Shin; Lin, Shih-Yu; Tseng, Ming-Lei; Yeh, Yi-Liang; Yen, Jia-Yush; “Robust State-and-Disturbance Observer Design for Linear Non-minimum-phase Systems,” ASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL, 18(3), Pages: 1135-1141, DOI: 10.1002/asjc.1174, MAY 2016 (SCI, 1.556, 25/58)
- Shih, Po-Jen, Cao, Huei-Jyun, Huang, Chun-Ju, Wang, I-Jong, Shih, Wen-Pin, Yen, Jia-Yush, “A Corneal Elastic Dynamic Model Derived From Scheimpflug Imaging Technology,” Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 2015 Nov; 35(6):663-72. doi: 10.1111/opo.12240. Epub 2015 Sep 9. (SCI, 2.177, 20/57)
- Chao, Yu-Tin, Hsu, Che-Jung, Yu, Ya-Lin, Yen, Jia-Yush, Ho, Ming-Chih, Che, Yung-Yaw, Chang, Hung-Cheng, Lian, Feng-Li, “A Novel Sound-Blocking Structure Based on the Muffler Principle for Rib-Sparing Transcostal High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment,” International Journal of Hyperthermia, 31(5): 507-527, 13 May 2015 (cover story) http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/02656736.2015.1028483 (SCI, 2.769, 30/122)
- Chang, Hung-Cheng; Yen, Jia-Yush; Huang, Chun-Hao; Chen, Ga-Lane; Hsu, Che-Kang, “A Smart-Card E-paper Display System Based on RF Power Harvesting,” IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH, 61(3), pp: 201-212, DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2014.986226, MAY 4 2015 (SCI, 0.189, 235/248)
- Tsai, Hsin-Fang, Yen, Jia-Yush, Chen, Lien-Sheng, Chang, Hung-Cheng, Chen, Jack J.H., Wang, Fu-Chen, Wung, Wen-Bin, “Frequency Domain Effect of a Hysteresis Suppression System with Inverse Preisach Model Based Control,” International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, 5(4) 2015, pp. 265-273. (Inspec, DOAJ).
- Yu, Ya-Lin, Chao, Yu-Tin, Lee, Lai-Chung, Yen, Jia-Yush, Fan, Yun-Chiu, “A Novel Soundproof Ventilation Plant Design with High Performance and No Energy Consumption,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, Article ID 496748, 2015. (SCI, 1.082, 33/87)
- Kam, Michael and Yen, Jia-Yush, “Minimally invasive surgery instruments based on a four-bar linkage design,” International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, Published on line, 5(2), 2015, pp. 81-84. (Inspec, DOAJ)
- Chang, Hung-Cheng, Chao, Yu-Tin, Yen, Jia-Yush, Yu, Ya-Lin, Lee, Chun-Nan, Ho, Bing-Ching, Liu, Kou-Chen, Fang, Jiunn, Lin, Chii-Wann, Lee, Jiun-Haw, “A Turbidity-test Based Centrifugal Microfluidics Diagnostic System for Simultaneous HBV HCV and CMV Detection,” Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2015, Article ID 306708, 2015. (SCI, 0.897, 169/251)
- Wang, Fu-Cheng; Chen, Lien-Sheng; Tsai, Yan-Chen; Hsieh, Chin-Hui; Yen, Jia-Yush, “Robust loop-shaping control for a nano-positioning stage,” Journal of Vibration and Control, 20(6), pp: 885-900, APR, 2014 (SCI, ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL, 15/125)
- Chen, Min-Shin; Yeh, Yi-Liang; Yen, Jia-Yush, “Output Feedback Sliding Mode Control - A Robust Observer Approach for SISO Systems,” Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 35(4), pp.265-271, AUG 2014, (SCI, Engineering, Mechanical, 124/128)
- Cheng-Ju Wu, Shih-Yu Lin, Shang-Chin Chou, Chia-Yun Tsai and Jia-Yush Yen, “Temperature Effects on the Magnetic Properties of Silicon‐Steel Sheets using Standardized Toroidal Frame,” The Scientific World Journal, 2014, Article ID 975051, 2014, (SCI, 1.219, 16/55)
- Chen, Lien-Sheng; Yen, Jia-Yush; Chen, Jack J. H.; Kuo, Fu-Cun; Chen, Min-Shin; Chen, Yung-Yaw; Chung, Ben-I; “Precision tracking of a piezo-driven stage by charge feedback control,” Precision Engineering, 37(4), pp: 793-804, OCT 2013 (SCI, 1.393, ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 22/90)
- Lee, Yen-Min; Li, Jia-Han; Sheu, Tony Wen-Hann; Tsai, Kuen-Yu; Yen, Jia-Yush; “Solution-Refined Method for Electrostatic Potential Distribution of Large-Scale Electron Optics,” JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 52, No. 5, Article No.: UNSP 055202, Part: 1, MAY 2013 (SCI, 1.067, PHYSICS, APPLIED, 82/128)
- Kuo, Yi-Hung; Wu, Cheng-Ju; Kuo, Fu-Tsun; Yen, Jia-Yush; Chen, Yung-Yaw; “Image based in situ electron-beam drift detection by silicon photodiodes in scanning-electron microscopy and an electron-beam lithography system,” MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, Vol: 103, pp: 137-143, MAR 2013. (SCI, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC, 1.224, 109/243)
- Lin, Liu-Hsu; Yen, Jia-Yush; Wang, Fu-Cheng , “Robust control for a pneumatic muscle actuator system,” TRANSACTIONS OF THE CANADIAN SOCIETY FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 37(3), pp.581-590, 2013
- Chung-Wen Hung, Jia-Yush Yen, “A Robust Variable Sampling Time BLDC Motor Control Design Based Upon mu-Synthesis,” The Scientific World Journal, 2013 (2013), Article ID 236404, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/236404. (SCI 1.730, 13/56, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
- Jyun-Yan Chuang, Jia-Yush Yen, Bin-Yih Juang , Wen-Pin Weng, and Mon-Hsun Lin, “Construction of a High Frequency and High Reflectance Shutter for a Direct Write EUV Lithography System,” International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, 3(2), pp. 107-115, (2013), DOI: 10.5875 /ausmt.v3i2.189. (Inspec, DOAJ)
- Liu-Hsu Lin, Jia-Yush Yen, Fu-Cheng Wang, “System Identification and Robust Control of a Pneumatic Muscle Actuator System,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, 284-287 (2013) pp.1936-1940. (EI)
- Chang, Kai-Hsiang; Ho, Ming-Chih; Yeh, Chi-Chuan; Chen, Yu-Chien; Lian, Feng-Li; Lin, Win-Li; Yen, Jia-Yush; Chen, Yung-Yaw; “Effectiveness of external respiratory surrogates for in vivo liver motion estimation,” MEDICAL PHYSICS, 39(8), pp.5293-5301, Aug. (2012) DOI: 10.1118/1.4738966. (SCI, 2.830, 29/116)
- Lien-Sheng Chen, Jia-Yush Yen*, Yung-Pin Chen, Lon A. Wang, Tien-Tung Chung, Hung-I Lin, Ping-Hung Chen, Shu-Hung Chang, “Longitudinal Stitching of Sub-micron Periodic Fringes on a Roller,” Microelectronic Engineering, 88(11), Dec. 2011, pp. 3235-3243, DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2011.07.006, (MOEA98-EC-17-A-05-S2-0129, NSC98-2221-E-002-165-MY3) (SCI, 1.557, 72/244)
- Sheng-Yung Chen, Kuen-Yu Tsai, Philip C. W. Ng, Hoi-Tou Ng, Chun-Hung Liu, Yu-Tian Shen, Chieh-Hsiung Kuan, Yung-Yaw Chen, Yi-Hung Kuo, Cheng-Ju Wu, and Jia-Yush Yen, “In-situ beam drift detection using a two-dimensional electron beam position monitoring system for multiple-electron-beam-direct-write lithography,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 29(4), Jul. 2011 Article Number: 041607, DOI: 10.1116/1.3613697 (NSC98-2622-E-002-003-CC1) (SCI, 1.341, 96/244)
- Chun-Jie Chang, Yi-Lung Yang, Yu-Ping Lee, Chi-Ju Chiang, Chi-An Dai, Jyh-Chien Chen, Yao-Yi Cheng, Chien-Chun Chen, Ming-Wei Liu, Wen-Pin Shih, Jia-Yush Yen, “Bionic soft crystalline lens materials for MEMs applications based on self-assembling amphiphilic block copolymer/nanoparticle hybrids,” Microelectronic Engineering, 88(8), Aug., 2011, pp. 1737–1741, DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2010.12.024. (NSC98-2622-E-002-003-CC1) (SCI, 1.557, 72/244)
- Kuo, Yi-Hung; Wu, Cheng-Ju; Yen, Jia-Yush; Chen, Sheng-Yung; Tsai, Kuen-Yu; Chen, Yung-Yaw, “Silicon photodiodes for electron beam position and drift detection in scanning electron microscopy and electron beam lithography system,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 645(1), p 84-89, July 21, 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.12.227 (NSC98-2622-E-002-003-CC1) (SCI, 1.207, 12/35)
- Pei-Ying Yeh, Po-Ching Yen, Jia-Yush Yen, Tsung-Tsong Wu, Pei-Ling Liu, Chia-Ling Wu, Ching-Yu Peng, “Focal Point Tracking System for Concentration Solar Power Collection,” The Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(6), pp. 3029-3033, Aug. 2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2011.03.011. (NSC 97-2627-E-002 -001), (SCI, 6.018, 4/81)
- Kai-Chen Kuo, Pee-Yew Lee, Jai-Yush Yen, “Amorphization behavior of Ni57Zr20Ti22Ge1 powders by mechanical alloying,” Key Engineering Materials, 479, 2011, pp. 48-53. 2011 (EI)
- Chun-Ju Huang, Cheng-Shi Tsai, Bo-Ru Chen, Jia-Yush Yen, Jyh-Fa Lee, Liu-Hus Lin, and, Min-Shin Chen, “High Performance FOV Switching Mechanism Design for an Infrared Zoom Lens,” International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, 1(2), DOI: 10.5875/ausmt.v1i2.78, 2011. (Inspec, DOAJ)
- Wang Fu-Cheng; Hong Min-Feng; Yen Jia-Yush, “Robust Control Design for Vibration Isolation of an Electron Beam Projection Lithography System,” JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 49(6), No.: 06GE04, 2010. (NSC98-2622-E-002-003-CC1) (SCI, 1.058, 76/125)
- Liu Shu-Hung; Huang Tse-Shih; Yen Jia-Yush, “Comparison of sensor fusion methods for an SMA-based hexapod biomimetic robot,” ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, 58(5), pp. 737-744, 2010. (NSC 94-2213-E-002-021) (SCI, 1.056, 26/58)
- Ching-En Tseng, Jia-Yush Yen*, Ming-Wei Chang, Wei-Chien Chang, Chih-Kung Lee, “Modified Frequency-Partitioned Spectrum Estimation for a Wireless Health Advanced Monitoring Bio-Diagnosis System,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART A-SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, 40(3), pp.611-622, 2010. (NSC92-2218-E-002-048) (SCI, 2.123, 2/20, 7/99)
- Ching-En Tseng, Ching-Yu Peng, Ming-Wei Chang, Jia-Yush Yen*, Chih-Kung Lee, Tse-Shih Huang, “Novel Approach to Fuzzy-Wavelet ECG Signal Analysis for a Mobile Device,” JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS, 34(1), pp. 71-81, 2010. (NSC92-2218-E-002-048) (SCI, 1.132, 17/23)
- Shu-Hung Liu, Tse-Shih Huang, Jia-Yush Yen*, “Tracking Control of Shape-Memory-Alloy Actuators Based on Self-Sensing Feedback and Inverse Hysteresis Compensation,” SENSORS, 10(1), pp. 112-127, 2010. (NSC 95-2221-E-002-302-MY3) (SCI, 1.739, 14/58)
- Su, Ming-Shing, Tsai, Kuen-Yu, Lu, Yi-Chang, Kuo, Yu-Hsuan, Pei, Ting-Hang, Yen, Jia-Yush, “Architecture for next generation massively parallel maskless lithography system (MPML2),” Editor(s): Herr, DJC, ALTERNATIVE LITHOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGIES II Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE, 7637, Article Number: 76371Q, DOI: 10.1117/12.846444, Published: 2010
- Wang, Fu-Cheng; Tsao, Yu-Chia; Yen, Jia-Yush, “The application of disturbance response decoupling to the vibration control of an electron beam lithography system,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v 48, n 6 PART 2, p 06FB041-06FB045, June 2009, Special Issue: Microprocesses and Nanotechnology (NSC 97-2622-E-002-012-CC1) (SCI, 1.058, 76/125)
- Chen, Yung-Pin, Chen, Cheng-Hung, Chang, Jer-Haur, Chiu, Hsin-Chieh, Chen, Guan-Yu, Chiang, Chieh-Hsiu, Chen, Lien-Sheng, Tseng, Ching-Tung, Lee, Chih-Hsien, Yen, Jia-Yush, Wang, Lon A., “Stitching periodic submicron fringes by utilizing step-and-align interference lithography,” JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 27(6), Pages: 2951-2957, 2009 (MOEA 98-EC-17-A-05-S2-0129) (SCI, 1.341, 96/244)
- Yao-Ting Mao, Kai-Chen Kuo, Ching-En Tseng, Jian-Yin Huang, Yi-Chih Lai, Jia-Yush Yen*, Chih-Kung Lee, and Wei-Li Chuang, “Research on three dimensional machining effects using atomic force microscope,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 80, 065105, 2009. (NSC97-2622-E-002-012-CC1) (SCI, 1.367, 20/58)
- Wei-Li Chuang, Cheng-Hung Chen, Jia-Yush Yen*, Yuan-Liang Hsu, “Using MPCA of spectra model for fault detection in a hot strip mill,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209(8), 21 April 2009, pp.4162-4168 (NSC95-2221-E-002-435-MY3) (SCI, 1.783, 4/42)
- Jia-Yush Yen*, Yea-Chin Yeh, Yung-Hao Peng, Jyh-Fa Lee, “Application of the continuous no-reset switching iterative learning control on a novel optical scanning system,” Mechatronics, 19(1), February 2009, Pages 65-75 (NSC93-2623-7-002-006) (SCI, 1.255, 28/121)
- Sheng-Yung Chen, Kuen-Yu Tsai, Hoi-Tou Ng, Chi-Hsiang Fan, Ting-Hang Pei, Chieh-Hsiung Kuan, Yung-Yaw Chen, and Jia-Yush Yen, “Preliminary Design of a Two-Dimensional Electron Beam Position Monitor System for Multiple-Electron-Beam–Direct-Write Lithography”, Proc. of SPIE. 7520, 2009, 75202K, CCC code: 0277-786X/09/$18, doi: 10.1117/12.837048
- Wu, Chih-Ching, Chen, Wen-Shiang, Ho, Ming-Chih, Huang, Kai-Wen, Chen, Chiung-Nien, Yen, Jia-Yush, Lee, Po-Huang, “Minimizing abdominal wall damage during high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation by inducing artificial ascites,” JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 124(1), 674-679, 2008 (SCI, 1.550, 9/30) (NSC92-2218-E-002-048)
- Liu, Shu-Hung, Lai, Yi-Chih, Yen, Jia-Yush*, “Parameter identification when designing a solid-modeling-based grinding-machine controller,” International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 48(7-8), June 2008, pp.851-857. (SCI, 2.169, 7/121) (NSC94-2213-E-002-017)
- Chuang, WL; Chen, CH; Yen, JY*, Hsu, YL, “Downcoiler surface fault prediction for a hot strip steel mill,” PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART I-JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND CONTROL ENGINEERING, 222(8), 771-786, 2008 (SCI, 0.477, 45/58) (NSC94-2213-E-002-017)
- Fu-Cheng Wang, Hsuan-Tsung Chen, Yee-Pien Yang, Jia-Yush Yen, “Multivariable robust control of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell system,” Journal of Power Sources, 177(2), March 2008, Pages 393-403 (SCI, 4.951, 2/27) (NSC95-2221-E-002-435-MY3)
- Mandy Liu, Pei-Fen Chang, Andrew M. Wo, Jia-Yush Yen, Yeong-Bin Yang and Che-Ho Wei, “Quality Assurance of Engineering Education through Accreditation of Programs in Taiwan” International Journal of Engineering Education, 24(5), pp. 854-863, 2008 (SCI, 0.418, 60/90)
- Yi-Chih Lai; Ye-Ling Lee; Jia-Yush Yen (Yen HY), “Design and Servo Control of a Single-Deck Planar Maglev Stage,” Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on, 43(6), June 2007 pp:2600-2602, (SCI, 1.363, 94/244) (NSC91-2213-E-002-022)
- Chung-Wen Hung; Cheng-Tsung Lin; Chih-Wen Liu; Jia-Yush Yen, “A Variable-Sampling Controller for Brushless DC Motor Drives With Low-Resolution Position Sensors,” Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, 54(5), Oct. 2007 Page(s):2846 – 2852, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2007.901303 (SCI, 5.468, 2/229) (NSC92-2213-E-002-052)
- Yea-Chin Yeh, Jia-Yush Yen, Jyh-Fa Lee, Wei-Chien Tu, “The Application of the No-reset Iterative Learning Control on a Novel Optical Scanning System,” Journal of CSME, 27(5), pp.593-598, 2006. (EI)
- Chih-Ching Wu, Yao-Shen Tung, Hao-Li Liu, Wen-Shiang Chen, Win-Li Lin, Jia-Yush Yen, “In-vitro and In-vivo Investigation of Contrast-agent Enhanced Ultrasound Thermal Ablation,” Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 32, no. 5, pp. 110, (May, 2006) (SCI) (2.395, 3/26) (NSC92-2218-E-002-048)
- Yi-Chih Lai, Jia-Yush Yen, “Design of a novel 6-DOF planar maglev system,” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 304, 2006, e386-e390. (SCI, 1.283, 83/191) (NSC91-2213-E-002-022)
- Ruey-Jeng Lee, Kuan-Chien Chou, Shu-Hung Liu, Jia-Yush Yen, “Solid modeling based servo system design for a high speed micro grinding machine,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 46(2), February 2006, pp. 208-217 (SCI, 1.576, 13/105) (NSC90-2213-E-002-055)
- Yen JY, Lin IM, Lee CK, “Effect of force control algorithms on the scanning probe microscope lithography system,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 76(3): Art. No. 036103 MAR 2005. (SCI, 1.783, 16/56) (NSC94-2213-E-002-017)
- Yen, JY; Lan, KJ; Kramar, J, “Active vibration isolation of a large stroke scanning probe microscope by using discrete sliding mode control,” Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 121(1): 243-250 May 31 2005 (SCI, 1.724, 64/229) (NSC94-2213-E-002-017)
- Lan, KJ; Yen, JY; Lee, CK; et al., “An AFM probe controller design based on mu-synthesis,” Asian Journal of Control, 7(1): 12-19 MAR 2005 (SCI, 0.562, 43/53) (NSC94-2213-E-002-017)
- Jao-Ming Huang and Jia-Yush Yen (Yen HY), “Radial fine seek control with fault protection in a digital versatile disc player,” Mechatronics, 15(2), March 2005, Pages 129-150. (SCI, 1.434, 19/105)
- Kuo-Jung Lan, Jia-Yush Yen, John A. Kramar, “Sliding mode control for active vibration isolation of a long range scanning tunneling microscope,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 75, 11, Nov., , 2004, pp. 4367-4373. (SCI, 1.783, 16/56)
- Hsiao-Yi Huang, Jia-Yush Yen, Sih-Li Chen, and Feng-Chu Ou, “Development of an Intelligent Energy Management Network for Building Automation,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 1(1), July, 2004, pp.14-25. (SCI, 1.929, 16/53) (NSC91-2622-E-002-022-CC3)
- Liu, H.L, Chen, Y.Y., Yen, J.Y., Lin, W.L., “Pilot point temperature regulation for thermal lesion control during ultrasound thermal therapy,” Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 42(2), March 2004, pp. 178-188. (EI)
- Kuo-Jung Lan, Jia-Yush Yen, John A. Kramar, “Active Vibration Isolation For A Long Range Scanning Tunneling Microscope,” Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 179-186, 2004. (EI, SCI expanded)
- Jia-Yush Yen and Hui-Man Chang, “Performance robustness and stiffness analysis on a machine tool servo design,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.44, No.5, pp 523-531, April, 2004, (SCI, 1.574, 13/105)
- Jia-Yush Yen Jia-Hua Lin, “A Mechatronics Approach to the Servo Design for A Meglev System,” Bulletin of the College of Engineering, N.T.U., No. 90, Oct., 2004, pp. 119-126.
- Jao-Ming Huang, Jia-Yush Yen, “A Novel Fine Track-Seeking Scheme for Optical Storage Device,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol.49, No.2, May, pp. 382-387, 2003. (SCI, 1.871, 59/229)
- Hao-Li Liu, Yung-Yaw Chen, Jia-Yush Yen and Win-Li Lin, “Treatment time reduction for large thermal lesions by using a multiple 1D ultrasound phased array system,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 48, 1173-1190, 2003. (SCI, 2,128, 6/42, EI)
- Y.Y. Chen, P.Y.Huang and Yen JY, “Frequency-domain identification algorithms for servo systems with friction,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 10(5), 654-665, 2002. (SCI, 1.157, 55/205, EI) (NSC 91-2213-E-002-028)
- L-Y Kuo and J-Y Yen, 2002, “A genetic algorithm-based parameter-tuning algorithm for multi-dimensional motion control of a computer numerical control machine tool,” Proceedings of the IME Part B-Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol.216. pp. 429-438. (SCI, 0.280, 3/12, EI) (NSC 89-TPC-7-002-008)
- Lin, WL, Liang, TC, Yen, JY, Liu, HL, Chen, YY, 2001, Oct., “Optimization of power deposition and a heating strategy for external ultrasound thermal therapy,” Medical Physics, Vol.28, No.10, pp.2172-2181. (SCI, 3.81, 13/90)
- Lun-Yu Kuo and Jia-Yush Yen, “Servo parameter tuning for a 5-axis machine center based upon GA rules,” International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol.41, No.11, pp.1535-1550. Sep. 2001. (SCI, 1.576, 13/105). (NSC89-CS-D-082-005)
- Lin WL, Fan WC, Yen JY, Chen YY, Shieh MJ, “A theoretical study of cylindrical ultrasound transducers for intracavitary hyperthermia,” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 46 (5): 1329-1336, MAR 15 2000 (SCI, 4.297, 6/84, 26/123, EI) (1)
- Huang, Chao-Ming, Jia-Yush Yen, Min-Shin Chen, “Adaptive nonlinear control of repulsive maglev suspension systems,” Control Engineering Practice, 8, 1357-1367, Nov., 2000, (SCI, 1.871, 59/229) (NSC 87-2213-E-002-091)
- Lin, Win-Li, Chihng-Tsung Liauh, Jia-Yush Yen, Yung-Yaw Chen, Ming-Jium Shieh, 2000, “Treatable domain and optimal frequency for brain tumors during ultrasound hyperthermia,” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biological Physics, Vol.46, No.1, pp.239-247, (SCI, 0.624, 158/205, EI), (NSC 86-2213-E-002-033).
- Wu, Tzann-Dwo, Yih-Nan Chen, Jia-Yush Yen (Yan) and Shenq-Yuh Jaw, 2000, “Design optimization for an LPG automobile engine,” International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol.24, No.1, pp.100-120, (SCI, 0.238, 83/106, EI)
- Chen, S.L., J.Y. Yen and M.C. Huang, 2000, “Analysis design and testing of a prototype jet-refrigeration air conditioning system,” ASHRAE Transactions, (EI)
- Huang, C.M. and Yen, J.Y., 1999, “System modeling and feedback linearization control of a precision repulsive maglev stage,” Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.22, No.6, Dec. (EI) (NSC-86-2213-E-002-012)
- Lin, W.L., Chen, Y.Y., Lin, S.Y., Yen, J.Y., Shieh, M.J., Kuo, T.S., 1999, “Optimal configuration of multiple-focused ultrasound transducers for external hyperthermia,” Medical Physics, Vol.26, No.9, Sep., pp.2007-2016. (SCI, 3.81, 13/90)
- Yen, J.Y., Huang, C.J. and Lu, S.S., 1999, “A New Compensator For Servo Systems with Position Dependent Friction,” ASME Transactions on Dynamic Systems, Measurements and Control, Vol.121, Dec., pp. 612-618. (SCI, 0.325, 33/46, 36/48, EI).
- Chen, M.S. and Yen, J.Y., 1999, “An application of the least-squares algorithm to the observer design for linear time-varying systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.44, No.9, pp.1742-1745. (SCI, 1.896, 5/47, EI)
- Huang, Shih-Jung, Yen, J.Y., Lu, Shui-Shong, 1999, “Dual mode control of a system with friction,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol.7, No.3, May, pp.306-314. (SCI, 2.130, 11/53) (NSC 85-2212-E-002-060)
- Ho, Hsin-Chiang, Yen, Jia-Yush, and Lu, Shui-Shong, 1999, “A decoupled path-following control algorithm based upon the decomposed trajectory error”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 39(10), 1999, 1619-1630. (SCI, 1.576, 13/105) (NSC87-2212-E-002-007)
- Lin, W.L., Yen, J.Y., Chen, Y.Y. Jin, K.W. and Shieh, M.J., 1999 “Relationship between acoustic aperture size and tumor conditions for external ultrasound hyperthermia,” Medical Physics, Vol.26, No.5, May, pp.818-824. (SCI, 3.81, 13/90) (NSC 86-2213-E-002-033)
- Chen, Y.Y., Lin, W.L., Liou, H.L., Yen, J.Y., Shieh, M.J., 1999 “Self-tuning fuzzy logic control for ultrasound hyperthermia with reference temperature based on objective function,” Medical Physics, Vol.26, No.5, May, pp.825-833. (SCI, 3.81, 13/90)
- Fung, Rong-Fong, Chen, Ken-Wang, Yen, Jia-Yush, 1999, “Fuzzy sliding mode controlled slider-crank mechanism using a PM synchronous servo motor drive,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, No.41, pp.337-355. (SCI, 0.873, EI)
- Huang, Chao-Ming, Yen, Jia-Yush, 1999 “Servo design for a high precision magnetic levitation linear bearing based on approximate input-output feedback linearization,” Journal of Control System and Technology, Vol.6, No.3, pp. 1357- 1267. (EI) (Best Paper Award 1999).
- Wu, Gwo-Huei and Yen, Jia-Yush, 1998, “A novel track accessing servo design for a dual actuator system,” Bulletin of the College of Engineering, N.T.U., No.74, Oct., pp.155-165.
- Chen, Yung-Yaw, Shieh, Ming-Jium, Yen, Jia-Yush, Chen, Chi-Hung and Lin, Win-Li, 1998, “Estimation of ultrasound transducer and tissue parameters with artificial neural network,” Chinese Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, Vol.18, No.2, June, pp.129-137. (EI)
- Ho, S.C., Yen, J.Y., 1998, “A Path-Following Control Algorithm For Manufacturing Systems Based Upon The Decomposed Contour Error,” The Chinese Journal of Mechanics, Vol.14, No.1, March, pp.49-55. (SCI, 0.312, 89/106, EI)
- Chen, S.L., Yen, J.Y., and Huang, M.C., 1998, “An experimental investigation of ejector performance based upon different refrigerants,” ASHRAE Transactions, Vol.104, Pt.2., paper No. 4193, July. (EI)
- Lin, W.L., Yen, J.Y., Chen, Y.Y., Cheng, K.S. and Shieh, M.J., “Specific absorption rate ratio patterns of cylindrical ultrasound transducers for breast tumors,” Medical Physics, Vol.25, No.6, June, pp. 1041-8, 1998. (SCI, 3.81, 13/90), (NSC 86-2213-E-002-033).
- Yen, J.Y. and Tsai, S.Z., 1997, “A Trajectory Feedback Control for the Computer Disk File Track Accessing/Following Servo,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.44, No.5, Oct., pp. 739-741, (SCI, 0.816, 17/47, EI)
- Yen, J.Y., Li, C.H., 1997, “A Multi-Variable Fuzzy Controller Design For An Optical Disk File Compound Actuator Servo,” Journal of Chinese Fuzzy Systems Association, Vol.4, No.1, 1997. (Inspec)
- Yen, J.Y., Chen, P.H. and Chen, J.L., 1997, “An artificial neural network for double exposure PIV image analysis,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol.24, pp.373-374 (SCI, 0.757, 26/106, EI).
- Yen, J.Y., Huang, C.J. and Lu, S.S., 1997, “Stability of PDF Controller with a Stick-Slip Friction Drive Device,” ASMS Transactions on Dynamic Systems, Measurements and Control, Vol.119, Sep., pp. 486-490. (SCI, 0.485, 28/47, EI)
- Yen, J.Y., Tsai, S.Z., 1997, “The practical implementation of a trajectory feedback control algorithm for a low cost computer disk drive servo,” Journal of Control Systems and Technology, Vol.5, No.2, pp. 117-120. (EI)
- Chen, Y.Y., Shieh, M.J., Yen, J.Y., Chen, C.H., Lin, W.L., “Modeling of ultrasound temperature distribution with artificial neural network,” Chinese Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, Vol.17, No.4, Dec., pp.249-255, 1997. (EI, Inspec), (NSC 86-2213-E-002-033).
- Yen, J.Y., Jin, K.W., Chen, Y.Y. and Lin, W.L., 1997, “Control of intensity field for ultrasound hyperthermia,” Chinese Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, Vol.17, No.3, Sep., (EI, Inspec), (NSC 86-2213-E-002-033).
- Chen, Y.Y., Lin, W.L., Lu, D.C., Yen, J.Y., 1997, “Inverse estimation of transducer parameters with artificial neural network for ultrasound hyperthermia,” Biomedical Engineering- Applications, Basis & Communications, Vol.9, pp. 198-208, (EI, Inspec, ISI), (NSC 86-2213-E-002-033).
- Lin, W.L., Chen, Y.Y., Yen, J.Y., Shieh, M.J. and Chang, C.J., 1997, “Power intensity patterns of an annular array ultrasound transducer used in intracavitary hyperthermia,” Biomedical Engineering- Applications, Basis & Communications, Vol.9, pp. 252-260, (EI, Inspec, ISI), (NSC 86-2213-E-002-033).
- Chen, S.L., Jwo, C.S., Yang, B.S. and Yen, J.Y., 1997, “Theoretical and experimental investigations of a packaged ice-storage air-conditioning system,” Journal of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.18, No.5, pp. 445-457, (EI, Inspec)
- Huang, C.H. Yen, J.Y. Ouhyoung M., 1996, "The Design of a Low Cost Motion Chair for Video Games And MPEG Video Playback," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol.42, No.4, Nov., pp.991-997, (SCI, 0.428, 137/205, EI)
- Lin, W.L., Yen, J.Y., Chen, Y.Y., Wang, C.Y., and Kuo, T.S., 1996, “The development of ultrasound hyperthermia in Taiwan,” Japan Journal of Hyperthermic Oncology, Vol.12, No.3, pp.224. (NSC 84-0420-E-002-004), (NSC 85-2213-E-002-033).
- Yen, J.Y., Jang, C.S., Fan, K.C., 1996, "Servo design for a 3D laser tracking measurement system," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol.118, No.3, Sep., pp.476-481, (SCI, 0.485, 28/47, EI)
- Lin, W.L., Yen, J.Y., Jin, K.W., Lin, S.Y. and Kuo, T.S., 1996, “Development of an Ultrasound Heating System for Localized Hyperthermia Treatments,” Journal of Medical Ultrasound, Vol.4, No.3, Sep., pp.39.
- Lin, W.L., Yen, J.Y., Chang, C.J., Lin, S.Y. and Shieh, M.J., 1996, "Effects of Amplitude on the Power Intensity Distribution of an Annular Array Ultrasound Transducer Used in Intracavitary Hyperthermia," Biomedical Engineering- Applications, Basis & Communications, Vol.8, No.2, April, pp.63-72. (EI, Inspec, ISI)
- Huang, C.J., Yen, J.Y., Ou, C.C., and Lu, S.S., 1996, "Combination of TTDD and PDF control for backlashless operation," Bulletin of the College of Engineering, N.T.U., No.66, Feb., pp.1-11.
- Lin, W.L., Lin, S.Y., Shieh, M.J., Yen, J.Y., and Wang, C.Y., 1995, "Heating patterns for ultrasonic endoscopic hemostasis," Biomedical Engineering- Applications, Basis & Communications, Vol.7, No.6, Dec. pp.603-610. (EI, Inspec, ISI), (NSC 83-0420-E-002-011), (NSC 84-0420-E-002-004).
- Yen Jia-Yush, Chang Jeng-Yeh, Wang Whei-Li, and Jeng Wen-Hong, 1995, "An analysis of the Fly-height characteristics in a magnetic tape drive," Bulletin of the College of Engineering, N.T.U., No.65, Oct. pp.69-84.
- Hwang, T.Y., Yen, J.Y. and Lu, S.S., 1995, “Bang-bang based fuzzy controller for time optimal and minimum chattering servo systems,” Electric Machines and Power Systems, Vol.23, No.1, Jan., pp.25-35, (SCI, 0.130, EI)
- Yen, J.Y., Chao, W.C., and Lu, S.S., “A fuzzy cell mapping method for a time sub-optimal control implementation,” IFAC Journal of Control Engineering Practice, 2(2), 247-254, 1994 (SCI, 0.536, 27/47, EI) (NSC83-0422-E-002-007)
- Yen, J.Y., Wang, F.J. and Chen, Y.Y., 1993, "A fuzzy scheduling controller for a computer disk file track-following servo," IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Vol.40, No.2, April, pp.266-272, (SCI, 5.468, 2/229) (NSC 80-0401-E-002-14)
- Yen, J.-Y., Hallamasek, K. and Horowitz, R., “Track-following controller design for a compound disk drive actuator,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 112, Sep., 391-402, 1990, (SCI, 0.753, 36/53) (PhD Thesis)
國際會議論文 (International Conference Papers):
- Ching-Jen Chen; Weng, Wen-Pin; Jun-Ji Lin; Jia-Yush Yen, " Analysis and design of the additive manufacturing process for artificial cornea", The 4th Seoul International Conference on Applied Science and Engineering (SICASE 2016), Seoul, South Korea, July 5-7, 2016.
- Shih-Yu Lin, Shang-Chin Chou, Wei-Lun Huang, I-Haur Tsai, Chia-Yun Tsai, Jia-Yush Yen, "The Needle Method for Measuring Iron Loss of Motor Stator in Revolving-Field", The 5th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (ICEAS 2015), Hokkaido, Japen, July 20-22, 2015.
- Wei-Yu Lee, Chi-Ying Lee, Jia-Yush Yen, “A Novel Algorithm Using 4D Light Fields”, The 5th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (ICEAS 2015),Hokkaido, Japan. July 20-22, 2015.
- Huei-Jyun Cao, Chun-Ju Huang, Po-Jen Shih, I-Jong Wang, Jia-Yush Yen, “A method of measuring corneal Young’s modulus” 7th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering 2015, Singapore, 6 – 8 July, 2015. Volume 52 of the series IFMBE Proceedings pp 47-50.
- Wang, Fu-Cheng; Chen, Hsuan-Tsung; Chou, Ming-Cheng; Yen, Jia-Yush, “Multivariable fixed-order robust control for a PEMFC system,” 2009 European Control Conference, ECC 2009, 23-26 August 2009, Budapest, Hungary, p 4187-4192, March 26, 2015
- Yu, Ya Lin; Chao, Yu Tin; Yen, Jia-Yush; Hsu, Che Jung; Kam, Micheal; Ho, Ming Chih; Chen, Yung Yaw; Lian, Feng Li, “A novel application for enlarge focus area based on High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) probe with a high directivity structure design,” Innovation, Communication and Engineering - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering, ICICE 2013, Qingdao, Shandong, China, 26 October-1 November 2013,p 409-412, 2014.
- Chao, Yu Tin; Yu, Ya Lin; Yen, Jia Yush; Kam, Micheal; Hsu, Che Jung; Liu, Shih Tang; Ho, Ming Chih; Chen, Yung Yaw; Lian, Feng Li, “Dynamics stress analysis for a high rigidity bendable Minimal Invasive surgical (MIS) instrument design,” Innovation, Communication and Engineering - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering, ICICE 2013, Qingdao, Shandong, China, 26 October-1 November 2013,p 413-416, 2014.
- Kuo, Fu-Tsun; Western, Craig; Yen, Jia-Yush, “Development of a system for mapping of thrust ripple induced by PMLSM drives in a single-deck, dual-axis precision stage,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, OPTIM, Brasov, Romania,24 -26 May,2012. p 1113-1119.
- Chi-Ying, Pei-Jr Wu, Jia-Yush Yen,” Alignment and system integration of compound eye micro-lens array”, Automation2013(The 12th International Conference on Automation Technology), Tainan, Taiwan, Nov.1-3 ,2013.
- Yu Tin Chao,Ya LinYu, JiaYushYen, Micheal Kam,Shih Tang Liu,YungYaw Chen, Feng Li Lian,Ming Hih Ho,” Position matrix derive for a novel hight rigidity bendable minimal invasive surgical instrument design”, Automation2013(The 12th International Conference on Automation Technology), Tainan, Taiwan, Nov.1-3 ,2013.
- Yu Tin Chao,Ya LinYu, JiaYushYen, Micheal Kam, Che Jung Hsu ,Shih Tang Liu,Ming Chih Ho,YungYaw Chen, Feng Li Lian,” Dynamics stress analysis for a high rigidity bendable Minimal Invasive surgical (MIS) instrument design”, 2nd International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2013), Qingdao, Shandong, China, Oct 26-Nov 1,2013, pp.413-416.
- Ya LinYu,Yu Tin Chao, JiaYushYen, Che Jung Hsu, Micheal Kam,Ming Chih Ho,YungYaw Chen, Feng Li Lian,” A novel application for enlarge focus area based on High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) probe with a high directivity structure design”, 2nd International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2013), Qingdao, Shandong, China,Oct 26-Nov 1,2013, pp.409-412.
- Yu-Tin Chao,Ya-Lin Yu,Jia-Yush Yen,Che-Jung Hsu,Michael Kam, Shih Tang Liu,Ming-Chih Ho, Yung-Yaw Chen,Feng-Li Lian,” A novel design of hight intensity focus ultrasound(HIFU) for enlarged focus area application”, The 24thIASTED international conference on Modelling and Simulation , Banff Canada, July17-19,2013. pp.231-236.
- Yu-Tin Chao,Ya-Lin Yu,Jia-Yush Yen,Che-Jung Hsu,Michael Kam,Ming-Chih Ho,Yung-Yaw Chen, Jiunn Fang, Feng-Li Lian,” Dynamics stress analysis for a minimal invasive scalpel design” , The 24thIASTED international conference on Modelling and Simulation , Banff Canada, July17-19,2013. pp.34-38.
- Yu-Tin Chao,Ya-Lin Yu,Jia-Yush Yen,Che-Jung Hsu,Yung-Yaw Chen,Michael Kam,” A normal design for treating tumors behind ribs”, 2012 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Yunlin, Taiwan, Dec. Nov. 30, 2012-Dec. 2, 2012.
專利 (Patents):
類別 |
專利名稱 |
國別 |
專利號碼 |
發明人 |
專利權人 |
專利期間 |
計畫編號 |
A |
Corneal dynamic model algorithm and system using the same |
US10394928 B2 |
Jia-Yush Yen, Po-Jen Shih, Chun-Ju Huang, Hui-Jun Cao |
2019/08/27 |
106-2811-E-002-062 |
A |
Corneal Young’s modulus algorithm and system using the same |
US10332636 B2 |
Jia-Yush Yen, I-Jong Wang, Po-Jen Shih, Chun-Ju Huang, Tzu-Han Huang |
2019/06/25 |
107-2221-E-002 -186 -MY3 |
A |
Acoustic wave intraocular pressure detecting device and method thereof |
US10194886 B2 |
Wen-Pin Shih, Po-Jen Shih, Jia-Yush Yen, I-Jong Wang |
2019/02/05 |
105-2811-E-002 -063 - |
A |
Ultrasound energy barrier for avoiding energy accumulation in bone region during tumor treatment |
US9675423B2 |
Jia-Yush Yen, Yu-Tin Chao, Ya-Lin Yu, Che-Jung Hsu, Yung-Yaw Chen, Ming-Chih Ho |
2017/6/13 |
107-2221-E-002-186-MY3 |
A |
眼角膜楊氏模數演算方法及使用其之量測系統 |
中華民國 |
I569224 |
顏家鈺、王一中、施博仁、黃俊儒、黃紫涵 |
台灣大學 |
2035/12/14 |
106-2811-E-002 -062 |
A |
Electron Beam Drift Detection Device and Method for Detecting Electron Beam Drift |
US9165746B20 |
Jia-Yush Yen, Yung-Yaw Chen, Yi-Hung Kuo, Cheng-Ju Wu |
2015/10/20~ |
105-2218-E-002-016- |
A |
Thrust ripple mapping system in a precision stage and method thereof |
US9331624 B2 |
Jia-Yush Yen, Fu-Tsun Kuo, Craig Western |
2016/5/3 ~ 2033/4/3 |
104 - 2221 - E - 002 -
077 - MY3 |
A |
太陽能發電裝置用集電體及其製造方法 |
中華民國 |
I476941 |
顏家鈺、陳俊杉、謝宗霖、吳嘉苓、陳仁偉、陳惠萍、林念真、林詠彬 |
臺灣大學 |
2015/3 ~ 2029/11 |
99-2218-E-002-006 |
A |
晶圓傳送裝置 |
中華民國 |
I460810 |
鍾添東、顏家鈺、伍偉銘、陳藝丰、凃怡婷、盧治綱 |
臺灣大學 |
2032/8 |
NSC 98-2622-E-002-003-CC1 |
A |
粒子束狀態改變監測系統及其方法 |
中華民國 |
I452598 |
顏家鈺、蔡坤諭、陳勝勇、陳永耀、范期翔 |
台灣大學 |
2014/9/1~2031/11/30 |
A |
電子束微影方法、電子束微影伺服控制方法及系統 |
中華民國 |
I438818 |
顏家鈺、蔡坤諭、陳聯聖、邱陳龑、蔡幸芳 |
臺灣大學 |
2031/2 |
NSC 98-2622-E-002-003-CC1 |
A |
電子束飄移偵測裝置及偵測電子束飄移之方法 |
中華民國 |
I426359 |
顏家鈺、陳永耀、郭逸宏、吳政儒 |
臺灣大學 |
2031/4 |
NSC 98-2622-E-002-003-CC1 |
A |
光學微影曝光系統及其曝光方法 |
中華民國 |
I407269 |
顏家鈺、陳聯聖、陳永彬、鍾添東、陳炳宏、趙俞婷 |
臺灣大學 |
2030/12 |
98-EC-17-A-05-S2-0129 |
A |
步進排列式干涉微影方法 |
中華民國 |
I395071 |
顏家鈺、張所鋐、陳正宏、陳聯聖 |
工研院 |
2028/6 |
A |
具有奈米二氧化鈦粒子之光起始高分子水晶體材料及其備製方法 |
中華民國 |
I407980 |
戴子安、顏家鈺、施文彬、陳建鈞 |
臺灣大學 |
2029/10 |
NSC102-2218-E-002-001 |
A |
Health monitoring device and human electric signal processing method |
美國 |
US8498696B2 |
Jia-Yush Yen, Fan-Chen Yen, Chih-Kung lee, Chii-Wann Lin, Kuang-Chong Wu, Ching-En Teseng |
台灣大學 |
2013/7/30~2031/12/12 |
A |
System for testing electromagnetic characteristics of an electromagnetic steel sheet in response to a non-sinusoidal wave control signal |
美國 |
US8436581B2 |
Kai-Chen Kuo, Jia-Yush ,Yen, Ping-Kun, Lee,Yi-Chih Lai, Cheng-Ju Wu |
中鋼公司 |
2013/5/7~2031/12/12 |
A |
非正弦波電磁特性之量測裝置 |
中華民國 |
發明第I 383155號 |
李炳坤、顏家鈺、郭開誠、賴益志、吳政儒 |
中鋼公司 |
2013/1/21~2029/4/20 |
A |
電磁性測試治具 |
中華民國 |
I375046 |
李炳坤、顏家鈺、郭開誠、賴益志、吳政儒 |
中鋼公司 |
2012/10/21~2029/3/1 |
A |
電磁性測試夾具 |
中國 |
ZL200910135582.3 |
李炳坤、顏家鈺、郭開誠、賴益志、吳政儒 |
中鐡公司 |
2012/7/25~2032/6 |
A |
健康監控及人體電訊號處理方法 |
中華民國 |
I365062 |
顏家鈺、顏凡哲、李世光、林啟萬、吳光鐘、曾慶恩 |
台灣大學 |
2012/6/1~2029/6/14 |
NSC92-2218-E-002-048 |
A |
陣列式高效率聚焦型太陽能追蹤系統 |
中華民國 |
I367315 |
陳炫綜、林念真、汪彥瀚、顏家鈺 |
台灣大學 |
2012/7/1~2029/3/2 |
NSC 97-2627-E-002 -001 |
A |
Rail-type solar tracking system with focusing function |
美國 |
US7989746B2 |
Hsuan-Tsung Chen, Pei-Yen Yeh, Nien-Chen Lin, Jia-Yush Yen |
台灣大學 |
Aug. 2011 |
NSC 97-2627-E-002 -001 |
A |
Method and system for step-and-align interference lithography |
美國 |
US7969580B2 |
Jia-Yush Yen, Shuo-Hung Chang, Cheng-Hung Chen, Lien-Sheng Chen |
工研院 |
June 2011 |
NSC98-2221-E-002-165-MY3 |
A |
步進排列式干涉微影方法與系統 |
中國 |
200810130790 |
顏家鈺;張所鋐;陳正宏;陳聯聖 |
工研院 |
2011/6/1~2031/7/21 |
A |
具備聚焦功能的軌道型太陽能追蹤系統 |
中華民國 |
發明第I346762號 |
陳炫綜、葉沛盈、林念真、顏家鈺 |
台灣大學 |
2011/8/11~2028/7/17 |
NSC 97-2627-E-002 -001 |
A |
光學鏡面掃描裝置 |
中華民國 |
I316611 |
李志法、郭志暐、陳建銘、顏家鈺、葉雅琴 |
中科院 |
2009/11/1 |
A |
具鋼捲缺陷預測模型之盤捲設備控制系統及其方法 |
中華民國 |
I322046 |
許元良、顏家鈺、莊偉立、陳正宏 |
中鋼公司 |
2008/12/16 |
A |
數位式磁頭軌跡跳移控制技術 |
中華民國 |
專利發明第67775號 |
吳國瑞、陳復榮、顏家鈺 |
工研院 |
A |
System for testing electromagnetic characteristics of an electromagnetic steel sheet in response to a non-sinusoidal wave control signal |
美國 |
US8436581B2 |
Kai-Chen Kuo, Jia-Yush ,Yen, Ping-Kun, Lee,Yi-Chih Lai, Cheng-Ju Wu |
中鋼公司 |
2013/5/7~2031/12/12 |
A |
非正弦波電磁特性之量測裝置 |
中華民國 |
發明第I 383155號 |
李炳坤、顏家鈺、郭開誠、賴益志、吳政儒 |
中鋼公司 |
2013/1/21~2029/4/20 |
A |
電磁性測試治具 |
中華民國 |
I375046 |
李炳坤、顏家鈺、郭開誠、賴益志、吳政儒 |
中鋼公司 |
2012/10/21~2029/3/1 |
A |
電磁性測試夾具 |
中國 |
ZL200910135582.3 |
李炳坤、顏家鈺、郭開誠、賴益志、吳政儒 |
中鐡公司 |
2012/7/25~2032/6 |
A |
健康監控及人體電訊號處理方法 |
中華民國 |
I365062 |
顏家鈺、顏凡哲、李世光、林啟萬、吳光鐘、曾慶恩 |
台灣大學 |
2012/6/1~2029/6/14 |
NSC92-2218-E-002-048 |
A |
陣列式高效率聚焦型太陽能追蹤系統 |
中華民國 |
I367315 |
陳炫綜、林念真、汪彥瀚、顏家鈺 |
台灣大學 |
2012/7/1~2029/3/2 |
NSC 97-2627-E-002 -001 |
A |
Rail-type solar tracking system with focusing function |
美國 |
US7989746B2 |
Hsuan-Tsung Chen, Pei-Yen Yeh, Nien-Chen Lin, Jia-Yush Yen |
台灣大學 |
Aug. 2011 |
NSC 97-2627-E-002 -001 |
A |
Method and system for step-and-align interference lithography |
US7969580B2 |
Jia-Yush Yen, Shuo-Hung Chang, Cheng-Hung Chen, Lien-Sheng Chen |
工研院 |
June 2011 |
NSC98-2221-E-002-165-MY3 |
A |
步進排列式干涉微影方法與系統 |
中國 |
200810130790 |
顏家鈺;張所鋐;陳正宏;陳聯聖 |
工研院 |
2011/6/1~2031/7/21 |
A |
具備聚焦功能的軌道型太陽能追蹤系統 |
發明第I346762號 |
陳炫綜、葉沛盈、林念真、顏家鈺 |
台灣大學 |
2011/8/11~2028/7/17 |
NSC 97-2627-E-002 -001 |
A |
光學鏡面掃描裝置 |
中華民國 |
I316611 |
李志法、郭志暐、陳建銘、顏家鈺、葉雅琴 |
中科院 |
2009/11/1 |
A |
具鋼捲缺陷預測模型之盤捲設備控制系統及其方法 |
I322046 |
許元良、顏家鈺、莊偉立、陳正宏 |
中鋼公司 |
2008/12/16 |
A |
數位式磁頭軌跡跳移控制技術 |
中華民國 |
專利發明第67775號 |
吳國瑞、陳復榮、顏家鈺 |
工研院 |
得獎紀錄 (Honors):
- 科技部傑出研究獎,2017
- Team Leader, Washington Accord Review Team for Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) Board of Engineers Malaysia, (2015)
- 臺北捷運土城線延伸段初勘委員,(2015/6/5)
- 國立臺灣大學終身特聘教授,(2013 ~ present)
- 機械工程學會機械專業人才認證特別貢獻獎 (2013/12)
- 中國機械工程學會Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering,會士,(2012 ~)
- 國科會製造自動化學門召集人,(2010 ~ 2012)
- 中華民國自動化科技學會,會士,(2010 ~)
- ASME Fellow,(2009 ~ )
- Chairman, Network Of Accreditation Bodies For Engineering Education In Asia (NABEEA), (2009 ~ )
- IFAC Technical Committee 4.2 - Mechatronics Committee Member,(2006 ~)
- Editorial Board - Open Journal of Mechanical Engineering,(2007 ~)
- Outstanding Paper Award, International Automatic Control Conference 2009, Chinese Automatic Control Society (2009/11)
- 國立臺灣大學特聘教授,(2007 ~ 2013)
- 台北捷運新莊線初勘委員,(2011/11/26)
- 台北捷運蘆洲線初勘委員,(2010/9/4)
- 台北捷運南港延伸線履勘委員召集人,(2011/2)
- 台北捷運內湖線初勘委員,(2009/5/7)
| |