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李綱 Kang Li
副教授 Associate Professor
Rm.506, Mechanical Engineering Building.
Intelligent Vehicle & Mechatronics Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering Building.417
Short Biography
學歷 Education

國立台灣大學, 機械工程學系, 2000 National Taiwan University, 2000

美國加州大學柏克萊分校, 機械工程碩士, 2005 M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of California-Berkeley, 2005

美國加州大學柏克萊分校, 機械工程博士, 2009 Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, University of California-Berkeley, 2009


國家運輸安全調查委員會 專任委員, 2019

Full-time Board Member, Taiwan Transportation Safety Board, 2019


行政院科技計畫首席評議專家室 領域專家, 2018.

Field Expert, Executive Review Committee for Technology Research Programs, Executive Yuan, 2018


Intelligent Vehicles, Mechatronics, Electric Powertrain Systems, Solar Energy Systems, Hydraulic Servo Control

Teaching Courses

1. 系統動態學 (System Dynamics)

2. 訊號與系統 (Signals and Systems)

3. 自動控制 (Automatic Control)

4. 車輛動力學與控制 (Vehicle Dynamics and Control)

Research Projects
研究計畫 (Research Projects) :
  1. 李綱(共同主持),以AI探索複雜系統的動態運動生成與控制機制(1/4),科技部,執行日期2018/01/01~2018/12/31。
  2. 李綱(共同主持),自用型冷熱電共生太陽能系統開發,科技部國家型科技計畫(產學合作),執行日期2017/01/01~2018/12/31。
  3. 李綱(主持), 使用圖資與感測器/資料融合技術之自動輔助駕駛系統性能提升研究,經濟部A+企業創新研發淬鍊計畫-車聯網協同自動輔助駕駛系統開發研究計畫委託研究,華創車電技術中心股份有限公司,執行日期106/01/01~107/12/31。
  4. 李綱(共同主持),智慧節能iPHEV動力系統暨XiL平台發展與驗證(2/3),科技部國家型科技計畫,105/01/01~106/01/31。
  5. 李綱(共同主持),利用太陽能之空調節能技術研發、示範與推廣(2/3),科技部國家型科技計畫, 105-3113-E-002-005, 執行日期105/1/1~105/12/31。
  6. 李綱(主持), 結合導航圖資於自動輔助駕駛發展, 嚴慶齡工業發展基金會, 105/01/01~105/12/31。
  7. 李綱(主持), 電動車用系統之CAN控制器失效預兆HIL/DIL模擬及驗證技術發展,工業技術研究院,105/03/01~105/11/30。
  8. 李綱(共同主持),大功率動力系統與電動車輛效率提升及可靠度基礎技術研究(2/4), 科技部國家型科技計畫, 104-2218-E-002 -004,執行日期 104/11/1~104/10/31。
  9. 李綱(共同主持),自動轉向系統之雙輪差速轉彎越障技術研發,財團法人工業技術研究院,執行日期:104/12/15~105/11/30。
  10. 李綱(主持),電動巴士自動駕駛系統研發(1/3)-電子地圖引導之自動輔助轉向控制系統,財團法人工業技術研究院,執行日期104/12/01~105/12/31。
  11. 李綱(主持),電動動力控制器HIL系統節能調校發展技術,財團法人工業技術研究院104年度節能電動化車輛關鍵模組技術暨產業發展計畫,經濟部,執行日期104/3/1~104/11/30。
  12. 李綱(共同主持),利用太陽能之空調節能技術研發、示範與推廣(2/3),科技部國家型科技計畫, 104-3113-E-002-005, 執行日期104/1/1~104/12/31。
  13. 李綱(主持),台灣大學暨工業技術研究院資通訊技術主題研究-無車速下限之協同式適應性巡航控制技術學研合作研究,工業技術研究院,執行日期104/01/01~104/12/31。
  14. 李綱(共同主持),智慧節能iPHEV動力系統暨XiL平台發展與驗證(1/3),科技部國家型科技計畫, 104-3113-E-002 -015, 執行日期 104/2/1~105/1/31。
  15. 李綱(主持),以電子地圖為基礎之自主駕駛系統研製,宗倬章先生教育基金會,執行日期104/01/01-104/12/31。
  16. 李綱(協同主持人),個人載具自動循跡避障暨穩定控制技術研發,工研院機械領域創新前瞻學研聯合研發計畫,執行日期 103/12/15~104/11/30。
  17. 李綱(共同主持),大功率動力系統與電動車輛效率提升及可靠度基礎技術研究(2/4), 科技部國家型科技計畫, 103-2218-E-002 -008,執行日期 103/11/1~104/10/31。
  18. 李綱(共同主持),利用太陽能之空調節能技術研發、示範與推廣(1/3),科技部國家型科技計畫, 103-3113-E-002-006,執行日期 103/4/1~103/12/31。
  19. 李綱(共同主持),太陽能空調系統最佳設計研究,103-2221-E-002-231-MY2,科技部,103/8/1~105/7/31。
  20. 李綱(總主持),智慧電動車之虛擬化設計、測試與驗證技術研發,工研院,執行日期103/1/1~103/11/30。
  21. 李綱(主持),自動車道跟隨系統研發,華創車電,執行日期103/2/1~104/1/31。
  22. 李綱(共同主持),大功率動力系統與電動車輛效率提升及可靠度基礎技術研究(1/4)科技部,編號102-2218-E-002-022-,執行日期102/11/1~103/10/31。
  23. 李綱(主持),利用車載資通訊之電動車智慧化節能控制技術研究(II),國科會,編號102-2221-E-002-152-,執行日期102/8/1~103/7/31。
  24. 李綱(主持),利用車載資通訊之電動車智慧化節能控制技術研究,國科會,編號101-2221-E-002-135,執行日期101/8/1~102/7/31。
  25. 李綱(共同主持),綠色節能技術於能源服務產業之應用研究-綠色技術應用於能源服務產業之節能績效模式建立與驗證(II),國科會,編號102-2621-M-002-019-,執行日期101/8/1~102/7/31。
  26. 李綱(主持),綠色節能技術於能源服務產業之應用研究-綠色節能技術之智慧能源管理系統建構研究(I),國科會,編號101-2621-M-002-014,執行日期101/8/1~102/7/31。
  27. 李綱(總主持),智慧電動車動力及傳動系統之虛擬化設計、測試與驗證技術研究,工研院,編號101H33009D,執行日期101/12/1~102/11/30。
  28. 李綱(共同主持),應用於電動車之太陽能空調機及其控制技術研發,台灣大學, 101/8/1~102/7/31。
  29. 李綱(主持),電動車ABS與Regenerative Brake之整合控制策略與模擬,華創車電,執行日期101/1/1~101/12/31。
  30. 李綱(主持),資通訊系統整合應用於開發智慧車輛中控系統之研究,工研院,編號 52-1012U-3, 執行日期101/1/1~101/12/31。
  31. 李綱(主持),藉由傳感器與資訊融合技術達成城市峽谷中之車輛高精準度即時定位,宗倬章先生教育基金會,編號100-S-A08,執行日期100/01/01-100/12/31。
  32. High-Precision Real-Time Vehicle Positioning in Urban Canyons through Sensor and Information Fusion Techniques
  33. 李綱(分項一共同主持),經濟部100年度科技研究發展專案計畫[前瞻駕駛道路環境偵測與智慧車控研究]分項計畫一:立體感知技術與車輛模型分析研究,經濟部,編號100-EC-17-A-04-02-0803,執行日期100/01/01~100/11/30。
  34. A Study on Stereo Vision Sensing Techniques and Analysis of Vehicle Dynamics Models
  35. 李綱(主持),100年度工研院資通所環境建構計畫-國內學研合作計畫[Mobile-enabled Cloud Service主題]子計畫:即時道路資訊服務,工研院,編號100-EC-17-A-05-01-0626,執行日期100/01/01~100/12/31。
  36. Mobile-enabled Cloud Service - Roadway Information Service
  37. 李綱(主持),100年度財團法人聯合船舶設計發展中心科技研究發展專案計畫,分包研究計畫:「智能型船舶避碰技術開發」,聯合船舶設計發展中心,編號USDDC-1012-T151(100),執行日期 100/04/01~100/11/30。
  38. Development of Intelligent Collision Avoidance Technology for Vessels
  39. 李綱(共同主持),Solar Building Technology–Solar Battery Management System,沙烏地國王科技大學(KAUST) GRP Award,執行日期:2011/06/01~2012/05/31。
  40. 李綱(主持),嚴慶齡基金會2012年度補助研究計畫:電動車ABS與Regenerative Brake之整合控制策略與模擬,華創車電技術中心股份有限公司,執行日期101/01/01~101/12/31。
  41. The Study on the Control Strategy for ABS/Regenerative Brake System Integration for Electric Vehicles
期刊論文 (Journal Papers):
  1. K.-Y. Lee, C.-Y. Chung, B.-J. Huang, T.-J. Kuo, H.-W. Yang, H.-Y. Cheng, P.-C. Hsu, K. Li. A Novel Algorithm for Single-Axis Maximum Power Generation Sun Trackers, Energy Conversion and Management, 149, pp. 543-552, 2017.
  2. T.Y. Yang, D.P. Tung, Y. Li, J.-Y. Lin, K. Li, W. Guo, Theory and Implementation of Switch-based Hybrid Simulation Technology for Earthquake Engineering. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, DOI 10.1002/eqe.2920, 2017. (IF: 2.525, Ranking: 21/126)
  3. G.-R. Chen, S.-C. Yang, Y.-L. Hsu and K. Li. Position and Speed Estimation of Permanent Magnet Machine Sensorless Drive at High Speed Using an Improved Phase-Locked Loop, Energies, 10(10), 1571; doi:10.3390/en10101571, 2017.
  4. K. Li, F.-C. Chou, and J.-Y. Yen. Real-Time Energy-Efficient Traction Allocation Strategy for the Compound Electric Propulsion System, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, DOI 10.1109/TMECH.2017.2667725, 22 (3), pp. 1371-1380, 2017.
  5. P.-C. Hsu, B.-J. Huang, Y.-H. Wang, T.-C. Tang, J.-W. Wang, X.-H. Dong, K. Li, and K.-Yen Lee. Solar Power Sharing between Two PV Systems in a Solar Pyramid Micro-Grid, International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy (2017).
  6. K. Li, E. Wang, J.-Y. Yen, K.-Y. Lee. Enhanced Lane Following Control of the Multi-Traction Electric Vehicle using MPC-based Integrated Chassis Control Strategy, 2017. (in revision)
  7. P.-C. Hsu, B.-J. Huang, W.-C. Lin, Y.-J. Chang, C.-J. Chang, K. Li, and K.-Y. Lee. Effect of Switching Scheme on the Performance of a Hybrid Solar PV System. Renewable Energy, vol. 96, pp.520-530, 2016. (IF: 4.357)
  8. B.-C. Luan, I.-H. Lee, H.-S. Tan, K. Li, D. Yuan, and F.-C. Chou, Design and Field Testing of a Lane Following Control System with a Camera Based on T&C Driver Model, SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-0117, 2016. (DOI: 10.4271/2016-01-0117) (SJR Ranking: 35/147)
  9. B.-J. Huang, T.-F. Hou, P.-C. Hsu, T.-H. Lin, Y.-T. Chen, C.-W. Chen, K. Li, and K. Y. Lee. Design of Direct Solar PV Driven Air Conditioner. Renewable Energy, 88, 95-101, 2016. (IF: 4.357)
  10. K. Li, T.-S. Hsu, Y.-S. Tsai, K.-H. Liu, and A.-K. Jeng, Data Fusion of GNSS/INS/Map for Real-Time Precision Positioning of Self-Driving Cars, C.I.E.E. Magazine, DOI: 10.6328/CIEE.2016.3.05, pp. 39-47, 2016. (in Chinese)
  11. T. Y. Yang, K. Li*, J. Y. Lin, Y. Li, and D. P. Tung, Development of High-Performance Shake Tables using the Hierarchical Control Strategy and Nonlinear Control Techniques, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 44: 1717-1728, 2015. (SCI)
  12. W.-L. Chiu, Y.S. Liao, K. Y. Lee, H.-J. Lin, and K. Li, Modified Empirical Fitting of the Discharge Behavior of LiFePO4 Batteries under Various Conditions, ANZIAM Journal, vol. 55, pp. C368-383, 2014. (SCI)
  13. 李綱,周芳杰,陽毅平,電動車輛動力系統HIL測試技術與應用,機械工業雜誌, 376期, pp. 1-14, 2014.
  14. B.-J. Huang, Y.-C. Huang, G.-Y. Chen, P.-C. Hsu, and K. Li, Improving Solar PV System Efficiency Using One-Axis 3-Position Sun Tracking, Energy Procedia, 33, pp. 280-287, 2013. (SCI)
  15. K. Li, H.-S. Tan, J. A. Misener, and J. K. Hedrick, Digital Map as a Virtual Sensor ─ Dynamic Road Curve Reconstruction for a Curve Speed Assistant, Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 46, No. 12, pp. 1141-1158, 2008. (SCI/EI)
  16. K. Li, J. A. Misener, and J. K. Hedrick, On-Board Road Condition Monitoring System Using Slip-Based Tyre-Road Friction Estimation and Wheel Speed Signal Analysis, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, Vol. 221, No. 1, pp. 129-146, 2007. (SCI/EI) 

國際會議論文 (International Conference Papers):

  1. S.-C. Yang, Y.-L. Hsu, P.-H. Chou, C.-X. Liu, G.-R. Chen and K. Li. Fault Detection and Tolerant Capability of Permanent Magnet Machines with Two Neutral Points, 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2017.
  2. G.-R. Chen, S.-C. Yang, K. Li. Position Sensing of Permanent Magnet Machine Position Sensorless Drive at High Speed with Low Sample Over Rotor Operating Frequency Ratio, 2017 IEEE 3rd International Future Energy Electronics Conference and ECCE Asia (IFEEC 2017 - ECCE Asia), pp. 1205-1209, 2017
  3. T. Y. Yang, K. Li, J.-Y. Lin, Y. Li, D. P. Tung, and J. Fawcett, Advanced Shake Table Controller Design using Model Predictive Control Strategy, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago Chile, Jan. 9-13, 2017.
  4. M. X. Wu, L.-W. Jeng, K. Li, and S. Y. Lin, Design of Active Tire Anti-Skid Control Strategy Integrating Lane-Keeping Control System for Autonomous Vehicle, 25th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD 2017), Rockhampton, Queensland, Aug. 14-18, 2017. (submitted)
  5. B.-J. Huang, P.-C. Hsu, Y.-H. Wang, J.-H. Tsai, K. Li, K.-Y. Lee. Design and Test of a Near Zero-Energy Office. 2016 Annual Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (ACEAT 2016),Kyoto, Japan, November 22-24, 2016.
  6. C. Fan, C.-Y. Lin, and K. Li, HIL Safety Function Validation of the Multi-Power Sources Electric Vehicle, IPEMC 2016-ECCE Asia, Hefei, China in May 22-25, 2016.
  7. B.-C. Luan, I.-H. Lee, H.-S. Tan, K. Li, D. Yuan, and F.-C. Chou, Design and Field Testing of a Lane Following Control System with a Camera Based on T&C Driver Model, SAE 2016 World Congress and Exhibition, Detroit, Michigan, USA, April 12-14, 2016.
  8. B.-C. Hsu, L.-H. Yen, K. Li, J.-Y. Yen, and J.-H. Cheng, Energy Economy Torque Distribution Strategy for an Intelligent Plug-in Hybrid Propulsion System, EVTeC 2016 & APE Japan 2016, Yokohama, Japan, May 25-27, 2016.
  9. E. Wang, L.-W. Jeng, and K. Li, Target & Control Based Lane Keeping Assistance System with Center Error Correction Algorithm, AVEC’16, Munich, Germany, Sept. 13-17, 2016.
  10. K.-H. Liu, P.-F. Wu, Y.-S. Tsai, T.-Y. Ma, A.-K. Jeng and K. Li, Improving Automatic Braking Control Performance Using Inter-Vehicle Communication, 2015 IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference, Boston, USA, Sept 6-9, 2015.
  11. T. W. Cho, C. W. Lin, R. C. Gong, and K. Li, Design, Development and Evaluation of Energy-Harvesting Electromagnetic Shock Absorber, IFToMM World Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, 2015.
  12. B.-J. Huang, J.-J. Wang, P.-C. Hsu, W.-C. Lin, Y.-J. Chang, K. Li, and K. Y. Lee. Solar Home System for Air Conditioning with Heat Storage, 4th Symposium Small PV-Applications, Munich, Germany. June 9-10, 2015.
  13. B.-J. Huang, J.K. Guan, D.F. Hou, Y.H. Chuang, Y.Y. Hsieh, K. Li, K.-Y. Lee, Design of a Novel Solar Air Conditioning System for Electric Vehicles, 14th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Taipei, Taiwan, 25-30 October, 2015.
  14. B.-J. Huang, P. C. Hsu , Y. H. Wang, J. H. Tsai, L. Chen, K. Li, and K. Y. Lee. Use of Solar PV Energy to Replace Nuclear Power in Taiwan, European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany, Sept. 14-18, 2015.
  15. B.-J. Huang , P.-C. Hsu, Y. H. Wang , J. H. Tsai , L. Chen , K. Li , K. Y. Lee. Demonstration of an Office Powered by Solar PV System. Solar World Congress 2015, Daegu, Korea, Nov. 9-13, 2015.
  16. M.-X. Wu, W.-T. Chen, K. Li, and L.-W. Jeng, Vision/Laser Sensor Fusion for Target Tracking and Car Following Control in Complex Environment and Driving Conditions, IFToMM World Congress,Taipei, Taiwan, 2015.
  17. E. Wang, K. Li, H.-Y. Chang, and L.-W. Jeng, Advanced Vehicle Stability Control for a Multi-Traction Electric Vehicle through Active Steering and Differential Traction/Braking, Proc. of the 12th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control (AVEC’14), Tokyo, Japan, 2014.
  18. C. Fan, C.-Y. Lin, K. Li, and L.-W. Jeng, Real-Time Fault Detection and Failure Management of the Electric Propulsion Systems, European Electric Vehicle Congress, Brussels, 2nd-5th December, 2014.
  19. P.-H. Liao, K. Li, C.-J. Chang, and H.-T. Yong, Real-Time Lithium-ion Battery Internal Condition Estimation and Fault Detection, presented at the IEEE CASE 2014, New Taipei City, Taiwan, August, 2014.
  20. B.-J. Huang, P.-C. Hsu, T.-C. Wang, G.-Y. Chen, H.-Y. Chang, Y.-M. Lin, K. Li, K. Y. Lee. “Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic System for Self-Consumption”. 7th International Conference on PV-Hybrid and Mini-Grids, BAD Hersfeld, Germany. April 10-11, 2014.
  21. B.-J. Huang, T.-H. Lin, Y.-T. Chen, P.-C. Hsu, K. Li. “Solar PV-Driven Air Conditioner”. EuroSun 2014, International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, Aix-les-Bains, France, September 16-19, 2014.
  22. B.-J. Huang, Y.-C. Huang, G.-Y. Chen, T.-C. Wang, K. Li, K. Y. Lee. Shading effect on solar photovoltaic power generation with 1 axis-3 position tracking. International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference 2013 (PVSEC-23), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2013.
  23. B.-J. Huang, J.-H. Lin, C.-W. Chen, Y.-T. Chen, K. Li. Solar air conditioner driven directly by solar PV panels. International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference 2013 (PVSEC-23), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2013.
  24. B.-J. Huang, P.-C. Hsu, T.-C. Wang, G.-Y. Chen, H.-Y. Chang, Y.-M. Lin, K. Li, K. Y. Lee. Hybrid solar photovoltaic system for decentralized power supply. International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference 2013 (PVSEC-23), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 28-Nov. 1., 2013.
  25. C.-H. Lin, J.-H. Cheng, and C.-Y. Lin, T. Y. Yang, K. Li, J. Y. Lin, and Y. Li, Development of Nonlinear Control Algorithms for Shaking Table Tests, Proceedings of the ASME 6th Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, U.S.A, 2013.
  26. F.-C. Chou, K. Li, and L.-W. Jeng, The Development of a Green Control Unit for Eco-Driving of Electric Vehicles, 20th ITS World Congress, Tokyo, Japan, 2013.
  27. K. Li, K.-C. Chao, B.-J. Huang, and W.-C. Lin, Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Solar Powered Spot Cooling System for Electric Vehicles, presented at the 23rd Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013.
  28. B.-J. Huang, P.-C. Hsu, T.-C. Wang, G.-Y. Chen, H.-Y. Chang, Y.-M. Lin, K. Li, and K. Y. Lee, Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic System for Decentralized Power Supply, presented at the 23rd Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013.
  29. B.-J. Huang, Y.-C. Huang, G.-Y. Chen, T.-C. Wang, K. Li, and K. Y. Lee, Shading Effect on Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation with 1 Axis 3 Position Tracking, presented at the 23rd Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013.
  30. B.-J. Huang, J.-H. Lin, C.-W. Chen, Y.-T. Chen, and K. Li, Solar Air Conditioner Driven Directly by Solar PV Panels, presented at the 23rd Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013.
  31. F.-C. Chou, K. Li, L.-W. Jeng, and C.-H. Li, Distribution Strategy for a Compound Electric Vehicle, Proceedings of the 2013 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Sun Moon Lake, Nantou, Taiwan, 2013.
  32. K. Li, H.-Y. Chang, and Y.-P. Yang, A Study on the Integrated Control of Regenerative and Frictional Braking for an Electric Vehicle with Multi-Electric Propulsion Systems, Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD2013), Qingdao, Shandong, China, 2013.
  33. T. Y. Yang, K. Li, J. Y. Lin, Y. Li, and Y. F. Zhang, Implementation of Nonlinear Control Algorithm for Shaking Table Tests, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering (5AESE), Taipei, Taiwan, 2013.
  34. K. Li, T.-S. Hsu, Y. Luo, and C.-L. Wu, Fusion of Laser/Map Data with GNSS/DR for Precision Ground Vehicle Navigation in GNSS-denied Environments, Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Positioning Technology, Taiwan, p.p. 141-146, 2012.
  35. B.-J. Huang, Y.-C. Huang, G.-Y. Chen, P.-C. Hsu, and K. Li, Improving Solar PV System Efficiency Using One-Axis 3-Position Sun Tracking, PV Asia Pacific Conference, Singapore, 2012.

國內會議論文 (Domestic Conference Papers):

  1. 吳明軒,李綱,彭毓瑩,張友鵬,車輛輔助轉向之協同式雙輪差動力矩控制, SAE Taipei Section第二十一屆車輛工程學術研討會,Tainan, Taiwan, 2016.
  2. 方啟原,李綱, 複式電力驅動EV之自動路徑追隨與節能行車動力分配整合控制, 中國機械工程學會第三十三屆全國學術研討會, 2016.
  3. C. Fan, C.Y. Lin, K. Li, and L.-W. Jeng, Virtual Validation and Failure Mode Analysis of the EV Motor Drive, 19th SAE National Conference on Vehicle Engineering, Taiwan, 2014. (in Chinese).
  4. L.-W. Jeng, K. Li, Performance Estimation of Electric Vehicles through Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation, SAE Taipei Section 18th National Conference on Vehicle Engineering, Pingtung, Taiwan, 2013.
  5. 吳棖立,李綱,城市峽谷中之車輛高精度即時定位 : 一個藉由融合全球定位系統、運動感測器與電子地圖之方法(一),(E5-007),中國民國第十六屆車輛工程學術研討會,台北市,2011.
  6. 張旭沅,李綱,戴碧如,鍾至衡,龍徽猷,結合車載資通訊與雲端運算技術開發協同式路面狀態監控系統之研究,(I9-009),中國民國第十六屆車輛工程學術研討會,台北市,2011.
  7. 李綱,陳子強,張旭沅,游超智,車輛防翻覆系統之車身動態與輪胎力估測器開發研究,(B2-015),中國民國第十六屆車輛工程學術研討會,台北市,2011.
  8. 吳棖立,李綱,城市峽谷中之車輛高精度即時定位 : 一個藉由融合全球定位系統、運動感測器與電子地圖之方法(二),B08-021,中國機械工程學會第二十八屆全國學術研討會,台中市,2011.

專書/技術報告 (Books/Technical Reports):

  1. 李綱,鄭榮和,劉霆,鍾添東,吳文方,詹魁元,智慧電動車之虛擬化設計、測試與驗證技術研發, 工研院學研聯合研發計畫期末報告,2014.
  2. 李綱,鄭榮和,劉霆,鍾添東,吳文方,智慧電動車動力及傳動系統之虛擬化設計、測試與驗證技術研究,工研院學研聯合研發計畫期末報告,2013.
  3. 李綱,周芳杰,資通訊系統整合應用於開發智慧車輛中控系統之研究,工研院101年度學界分包/學研合作研究報告,2012.
  4. 李綱,張旭沅,電動車ABS與Regenerative Brake之整合控制策略與模擬,嚴慶齡基金會2012年度補助研究計畫,2012.
  5. 李綱,吳棖立,藉由傳感器與資訊融合技術達成城市峽谷中之車輛高精準度即時定位,宗倬章先生教育基金會2011年補助研究計畫期末報告,2011.
  6. 李綱,陳子強,張旭沅,游超智,車輛模型分析研究整合技術學界轉委託期末報告, 車輛測試中心,DB-100-0014, 2011.
  7. 李綱,張旭沅,整合行動通訊/雲端運算之道路信息服務,工研院100年度學研合作研究計畫期末執行報告,2011.
  8. 李綱,智能型船舶避碰技術開發, 財團法人聯合船舶設計發展中心100年度科技發展專案計畫期末報告,2011.
  9. 李綱,周芳杰,充電站與電池資料擷取開發手冊,工研院資通所,2011.
  10. 李綱,吳棖立,IWCU高精準定位系統開發手冊,工研院資通所,2011.

得獎紀錄 (Honors):

  1. 105年SAE Taipei Section自動駕駛車觀摩賽完賽獎
  2. 105年SAE Taipei Section 第二十一屆車輛工程學術研討會優秀論文獎
  3. 104年科技部工程司控制學門成果發表會海報成果發表特優獎
  4. 指導碩士生王俊凱獲得2014年中技社研究創新獎與15萬元獎金
  5. 經濟部提名代表爭取2014 APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education
  6. 2013 教育部顧問室「能源國家型科技人才培育計畫」工業節能科技創意實作競賽綠色科技組第二名 (2013)
  7. 2012 European Galileo Satellite Navigation Competition Third Prize (2012)
  8. 2012 European Galileo Satellite Navigation Competition Honorable Mention (2012)
  9. 2011 European Galileo Satellite Navigation Competition Finalist (2011)

專利 (Patents) :

  1. 李綱:基於電子地圖、全球導航衛星系統及車輛動態偵測技術之車道辨識方法,中華民國發明專利(I522258)。
  2. 黃秉鈞、李綱、李坤彥、官振康、許伯堅、王譯鴻、葉忠福:區域互助型電力系統,中華民國發明專利(I517517)。
  3. 李綱、王俊凱:多輪驅動電動車輛之主動轉向、差動驅動及差動煞車之系統整合與控制方法,中華民國發明專利(I560086)。
  4. 中華民國發明專利(I605967): 李綱、許博鈞、顏家鈺:車輛之行車節能系統
  5. 歐盟專利(申請中): Tele-operated vehicle and vehicle control device and control method thereof (16207253.2-1762)
  6. 美國專利(申請中): Li, Kang, Jeng, Lih-Wei, Jhan, You-Peng, Chen, Yuan-Chun, Wu, Po-Fu: Lane keeping and following system.