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覺文郁 Wen-Yuh Jywe
終身特聘教授 Distinguished Professor
Rm. 712, College of Engineering Bldg.


+886-2-33664482 (實驗室)
Short Biography

  • 英國曼徹斯特大學機械製造博士,1992
  • Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK, 1992.

  • 英國曼徹斯特大學機械製造碩士,1988
  • M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK, 1988.

  • 台北工專機械工程科,1983
  • B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering, National Taipei Institute of Technology, Taiwan, 1983.

    經歷(Professional Experiences)

  • 國立台灣大學機械工程系 終身特聘教授 2021/08迄今
  • Lifetime Distinguished Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (2021.08~)

  • 國立虎尾科技大學自動化工程系 講座教授 2018/08 至 2021/07
  • Chair Professor, Department of Automation Engineering, National Formosa University, Taiwan (2018.08~2021.07)

  • 國立虎尾科技大學 校長 2013/08 至 2021/07
  • President, National Formosa University, Taiwan (2013.08~2021.07)

  • 國立虎尾科技大學工程學院 院長(共兩任) 2007/08 至 2013/07
  • Dean, College of Engineering, National Formosa University, Taiwan (2007.08~2013.07)

  • 國立虎尾科技大學精密機械技術研發中心 主任 2006/10 至 2007/07
  • Director, Precision Mechanical Device Developing Center, National Formosa University, Taiwan (2006.10~2007.07)

  • 國立虎尾科技大學自動化工程系 特聘教授 2006/08 至 2018/07
  • Distinguished Professor, Department of Automation Engineering, National Formosa University, Taiwan (2006.08~2018.07)

  • 國立虎尾科技大學研究發展處 研發長 2002/09 至 2005/10
  • Dean, Research and Development Office, National Formosa University, Taiwan (2002.09~2005.10)

  • 國立虎尾科技大學自動化工程系 教授 2000/08 至 2004/01
  • Professor, Department of Automation Engineering, National Formosa University, Taiwan (2000.08~2004.01)

  • 國立虎尾技術學院秘書處 主任秘書 1999/08 至 2002/07
  • Secretary General, Secretariat Office, National Huwei Institute of Technology, Taiwan (1999.10~2002.07)

  • 國立虎尾技術學院自動化工程系 系主任 1997/08 至 1998/07
  • Chairperson, Department of Automation Engineering, National Huwei Institute of Technology, Taiwan (1997.08~1998.07)

  • 國立虎尾技術學院自動化工程系 副教授 1997/07 至 2000/07
  • Associate Professor, Department of Automation Engineering, National Huwei Institute of Technology, Taiwan (1997.07~2000.07)

  • 國立雲林工專自動化工程科 科主任 1995/08 至 1998/07
  • Chairperson, Department of Automation Engineering, National Yunlin Institute of Technology, Taiwan (1995.08~1997.07)

  • 國立雲林工專自動化工程科 副教授 1992/08 至 1997/06
  • Associate Professor, Department of Automation Engineering, National Yunlin Institute of Technology, Taiwan (1992.08~1997.06)

  • 明碁電腦工程部 工程師 1985/11 至 1986/11
  • Computer Engineer, Acer Peripherals, Inc., Taiwan (1985.11~1986.11)


  • 第28屆財團法人東元科技文教基金會東元獎
  • 28th TECO Award from TECO Technology Foundation, Taiwan, 2021

  • 教育部國家產業大師獎
  • National Award for Distinguished Contribution to Industry-Academia Cooperation from Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2020

  • 中華民國自動化學會會士
  • Fellow of Chinese Institute of Automation Engineers, Taiwan, 2020

  • 科技部傑出研究獎
  • Outstanding Research Award from Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2017 and 2014

  • 日本公益財團法人工作機械技術振興財團工作機械技術振興財團-論文賞
  • The Best Paper Award from Machine Tool Engineering Foundation, Japan, 2016

  • 台灣機械工業同業公會機械工業產學貢獻獎
  • The Industry-Academia Contributions Award for Machinery Industry from Association of Machinery Industry, Taiwan, 2016

  • 經濟部國家發明獎金牌獎
  • National Invention Gold Award from Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, 2013 and 2004

  • 科技部傑出技術移轉貢獻獎
  • Award for Excellent Contributions in Technology Transfer from Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2013

  • 經濟部第2屆處國家產業創新獎團體類-工業基礎技術深耕獎
  • 2nd National Industrial Innovation Award from Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, 2012

  • 經濟部大學產業經濟貢獻獎-產業深耕獎
  • The Academia contribution Award for industry economy from Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, 2009

  • 科技部傑出產學合作獎
  • Distinguished Academia-industry Collaboration Award from Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2007

  • 經濟部第三屆奈米產業技術菁英獎-學術類
  • 3rd Elite in Nanotechnology Industry Award for Academia from Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, 2007

  • 中國工程師學會傑出工程教授獎
  • Distinguished Engineering Professor Award from Chinese Institute of Engineers, Taiwan, 2006

  • 中國工程師學會工程論文獎
  • Best Engineering Paper Award from Chinese Institute of Engineers, Taiwan, 2005

  • 中華民國計量工程學會傑出計量工程師獎
  • Distinguished Metrology Engineer Award from Chinese Metrology Society, Taiwan, 2004


    Research Interests
    研究專長:工具機量測技術、精密量測、智慧製造技術、 光機電整合
    Specialty: Machine tool measurement technology, Precision measurement, Intelligent manufacturing technology, Opto-Mechatronics Integration


    Future Research Direction: multi-axis CNC automatic precision detection and calibration technology, Heterogeneous device communication and AI edge computing technology development, CNC precision assembly lines' digital management application technology development, CNC machining equipment protection technology, AI abnormal detection for machining quality, CNC tool life management technology.
    Teaching Courses

    Precision measurement, Sensor and its intelligent applications, Intelligent manufacturing
    Research Projects
    Total fund of Research Projects in the past five years (2016~): >NTD 600,000,000

  • 經濟部產學研旗艦團隊計畫(四年期、2021~2025)-應用5G工業物聯網推動CNC工具機產業數位轉型與雲端加值服務計畫
  • MOEA Industry-Academia Flag-Ship Team Project (4 years, 2021~2025)-Application of 5G Industrial Internet of Things to Promote Digital Transformation of CNC Machine Tool Industry and Cloud Value-added Service Plan

  • 科技部特約研究計畫(三年期、2020/08/01~2023/07/31)-六自由度光學式自動校正系統與線上狀態評估研究應用於多關節機械手臂
  • MOST Contract Research Project (3 years, 2020/08/01~2023/07/31)- 6-DOF optical automatic calibration system and online status evaluation research applied to multi-joint robot

  • 科技部虛實整合專案計畫(四年期、2021/06/01~2025/05/31)-開發動態數位雙生系統建立航太虛實工廠聚落
  • MOST Cyber-Physical Integration Project (4 years, 2021/06/01~2025/05/31)-The development of a dynamic Digital Twin system using in aerospace virtual and real factory settlements

  • 科技部發展智慧製造及半導體先進製程資安實測場域專案計畫(四年期、2020/12/01~2024/11/30)-金屬加工產業智慧製造場域資安演練升級計畫
  • MOST Information Security Project (4 years, 2020/12/01~2024/11/30)-Metal processing smart manufacturing field information security drill upgrade project

  • 科技部先進製造專案計畫(三年期、2019/11/01~2021/08/31)-運用IIOT智能感測技術建構金屬加工產業生態系
  • MOST Advanced Manufacturing Project (3 years, 2019/11/01~2021/08/31)-Constructing the Industrial Ecology of Metal Processing Industry with IIOT Intelligent Sensing Technology

  • 科技部國際產學聯盟計畫(三年期、2017/09/01~2020/08/31)- 航太加工供應鏈&前瞻製造聯盟
  • MOST Global Liaison Project (3 years, 2017/09/01~2020/08/31)-The alliance of advanced manufacturing for the aerospace processing supply chain

  • 科技部新型態產學研鏈結計畫(單年期、2017/05/01~2018/04/30)-價創計畫:嶄新航太智慧製造系統與TurnKey解決方案-應用於鋁合金機翼結構
  • MOST Value Creation Project (1 year, 2017/05/01~2018/04/30)-A novel aerospace intelligent manufacturing system and turnkey solution for aluminum alloy wing components

  • 經濟部產學研旗艦團隊計畫(四年期、2016/06/01~2020/05/31)-工具機產學研智慧製造技術價值創造與落實應用計畫
  • MOEA Industry-Academia Flag-Ship Team Project (4 years, 2016/06/01~2020/05/31)-Industry-Academia cooperative research Project for intelligent manufacturing of machine tool based on value creating and application implementation
